Norius Yuri, the former factory owner of the Roman Kingdom.

Perhaps it would be better to add another identity, a deported prisoner.

He was expelled by the royal government of the Roman Kingdom. The official stated that the reason for his expulsion was to incite the people, violate the law, try to give serfs and serf owners equal status, and also try to let the untouchables govern themselves, ignoring the officials. authority.

After Yuri Baldhead was expelled, before the mainland war started, he wandered to Hopps and worked as a worker there. He seemed to have organized several strikes, forcing Hopps to improve workers' wages. Then before the war started, this guy was kicked out by Hopes again and thrown to the Ron Kingdom, leaving the Ron Kingdom to have a headache for this politician.

This time he was no longer a worker, but went to educate the military about nationalism and patriotism.

At first, Ron Kingdom felt that this guy was pretty good and could make the energetic young men in the army less troublesome, so they left him alone. But gradually, when some officers discovered that after corporally punishing soldiers, they would be beaten up by a group of people. After their control over their subordinates was greatly weakened, they finally felt something was wrong and asked the military police to start interrogations.

Then they found out about the National Salvation League, the Practical Association, the Soldiers' Integration Party, and the Soldiers Picket Team!

This is really a big surprise.

After receiving this surprise, the Ron government immediately put Yuri in jail. The Ron government, which was originally feeling numb, wanted to kill this politician, but it encountered varying degrees of opposition. In addition, the war was about to break out at that time, so after thinking about it, I decided to adopt a gentle policy towards Yuri.

During that time, Yuri lived in prison no differently than in his own home.

He could even walk out of the prison every day to buy a newspaper and come back, and by the way continue to talk about some topics to the prisoners and guards in the prison, predicting the future war and economy, and how Gao En should view the war. They dare not take coercive measures because the Goen people have always fought fiercely for rights. The glorious tradition of beheading nobles was spread from Goen, and Yuri has become the mentor and spiritual leader of many Goen people.

The warden at that time was numb. Looking at the eyes of the prisoners looking at him every day, he felt that if he dared to torture Yuri, he might have a bloody head the next day. Even the looks in the eyes of some prison guards Everything started to go wrong.

This peculiar trend even affects extraordinary people.

Goun's extraordinary people are very interested in Yuri's theories on topics such as [wages, prices and profits], [History of Goun's Civil War], and [On the Trend of International Alliances].

Because Gao En was in the midst of an explosion of ideological trends at that time, people attached great importance to the right of speech.

As the saying goes, the wind can enter my house, the rain can enter, but the king cannot enter. I plotted loudly in my house, and even the king could not come in and cover my mouth.

Seeing that the extraordinary people were influenced by Yuri's thoughts, they formed various strange organizations. Finally, before the mainland war broke out, Gao En, who couldn't bear it, kicked the bald man to the side of his allies. If he is allowed to stay any longer, I am afraid that a civil war will break out in Gao En before the war breaks out.

Yuri calmed down a lot in Albion, and began to concentrate on investigation and research, entering a period of precipitation.

The Albion government saw that the plague had subsided, and the war broke out and they ignored him. The big bald head took root just like this, due to occasional contact with students, workers or farmers, as well as being in poor health due to traveling all year round.

His experience is still somewhat legendary.

As for why such a powerful person did not kill Yuri and was even so gentle towards him, one of the reasons is the cost of rule.

The flow of information in this era is incredibly moving.

Even for the continental war, each country started the war after a month-long preparation of materials and mobilization of soldiers. Therefore, the term "cost of domination" appeared. Obviously, it is better to convince Yuri than to kill him. After all, he has become an ideological leader. If extraordinary people try to control this kind of person, extraordinary people who cannot understand Yuri's profound thoughts will let him go. Having been affected in the past, only by understanding what a person needs can we influence the control. Otherwise, if we force changes, we will get a useless puppet, and it will be difficult to speak normally.

In fact, the best example is the Republic of China period.

Why did the captain of the transportation brigade flatter so many literary masters, and then had a period of white terror? It was because of the difference in the cost of rule. When McCarthyism was prevalent in Beacon, the word revolution could not even appear in the book because the cost of rule was acceptable.

As for those public intellectuals who use this old-era government to promote pluralism and tolerance, lament that there are no more masters, and are selectively blind, they are stupid and bad. I never thought that any student who had received compulsory education would be able to become a master in one fell swoop, back in the era when so-called masters emerged in large numbers, but in fact, the overall education was backward and the strong were highlighted.

Lynn is the best example.

It's just that his ambition is not in academic or financial attainments, but in the extraordinary side. Even in a completely new field, the young gentleman still performs outstandingly.

The appearance of a middle-aged man?

The appearance of middle-aged people in different eras is different, just like you can't compare primary school students in the interstellar age with primary school students in the industrial age. The phrase "stepping on the shoulders of those who came before us" is not nonsense.

Regarding Noliès Yuri, Linn didn't know that he had so many glorious deeds, but it seemed that he had heard of this name before. Facing this bald man from the Roman Kingdom, Linn's first impression was that this man was very talented and insightful, and in some ways he was already ahead of the times.

Yuri, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, called out a cat from nowhere and was petting it happily.

"You can understand?"

The bald man's dark blue eyes glowed slightly under the moonlight, as if he had finally had enough rest.

"I don't understand some parts. You have to think about it... You are collecting the wages of different professions in Stim and analyzing the value of the goods... This word is very unfamiliar. What is left, the extra, is precious?" Lin En's tongue was tortured twice by one word.

"I call it residual value."

Yuri gave him a more appropriate title.

"Residual value, haha, residual value... It's really appropriate. Are you discussing how wages should be determined? It seems that you also discussed the role and growth of capital?" Lin En laughed dryly, and a feeling surged in his heart. A sense of absurdity, but more of a joy that I don’t know how to feel.

Under the moth moon, the civet cat stretched lazily.

The beautiful cat eyes reflected the image of Yuri and Lin in the same space, which seemed perfectly normal.

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