The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 239 Discussion of Salary

Yuri became interested in Lin En. He had just seen this bright young man in the salon and thought he was a male favorite promoted by a female noble. The bald man who was dragged here by the students thought that if he continued to waste time discussing with these people inside, he might as well go out and bask in the moonlight and pet the cat.

As for these unfinished manuscripts, many of the parts he wrote are relatively obscure. Not to mention the students around him, even his friend Joseph who is far away in Roman may not be able to understand them.

Linn really didn't understand it completely.

Because Yuri used Albion characters for the entire opening, but after answering the questions, he changed them all to Romance characters. The change of letters made Linn scratch his head. He hasn't learned Romance languages ​​yet, and I want him to understand them unless I give him a big dictionary at this time.

"It seems that you are conducting social research, and you have been doing so for a long time."

Lin En handed the manuscript to the big bald man and then asked more questions.

"What topic are you researching?"

"There was indeed a time when I was initially attracted to Ron's labor movement, wondering how these people with wrenches and hammers could develop such power. Then came the rise of the Labor Party in Albion, and this time The movement has become more intense, and Albion's workers' treatment and political status have been improved." Yuri pondered and began to recall that he had traveled through mountains and valleys and seen the scenery of many places.

Linn couldn't help but be very interested, because it involved his old business.

Before his family went bankrupt, he studied history.

In addition to teaching him [Mulan language], the tutor from Livia would also discuss the history of the continent with him, especially the history of the first fifty years that is closely related to today's life. It has always been a hot topic of discussion. Of course, Lin En also stood on the stage of history. The grace of the Peace Council shot will be mentioned in future generations.

“The rise of the Labor Party, which I have studied, was originally a petition submitted by the workers’ association to Parliament. The content of the petition was to demand universal suffrage, secret voting, the abolition of electoral identity restrictions, equalization of constituencies, etc. The Labor Party In the first petition, more than 1 million people took the initiative, and my father also signed the petition. It can be said that the gentlemen of the Labor Party successfully prevented a disaster that might have gotten out of control.”

Lynn's political leanings, if implicit, are actually leaning towards the Labor Party. Basically, Labor has become the political choice of the young and the Laurel Party's influence is waning.

Especially after this continental war, the Laurel Party cabinet is destined to be disbanded after dealing with the mess. It is foreseeable that the Labor Party will usher in another surge in power, and there will be more bread on people's tables.

"Well, you are basically right. The first petition can be said to be the most simple, using peaceful means of strikes and demonstrations to obtain the corresponding rights."

Yuri's dark blue eyes flashed with approval. It was obvious that Linn had learned history well.

"The rise of the Labor Party at the beginning was indeed a broad, truly mass, political movement, and it set a good example for the entire continent. However, the two subsequent letters failed to maintain the original purity. Your history is good, can you tell me the difference between before and after?”

The big bald man stroked the kitten and hit the nail on the head, then asked Linn a question.

Lin En did not continue to stand, but sat down on the hay pile like Yuri, and the two of them talked for a long time under the moonlight. If Mr. Steward saw this scene, his heart and lungs would probably stop. He would then want to hold Linn in the bathroom and take care of him with a brush.

The cat lying on Yuri's lap yawned.

The patterns on this civet cat are quite beautiful, especially on the forehead. The patterns form a circle and look like a small crown on the head.

"My humble opinion, don't be ridiculous."

Lin En first humbly enlivened the atmosphere, and then spoke under the encouraging gaze of the bald head.

"While the second petition was being delivered, the Labor Party representatives in Manchester and Birmingham were bribed by certain people to slow down the movement at a critical moment, suspending the enthusiasm of the workers, thereby giving the Labor Party time to undergo a transformation. Here During this period, some representatives of the Labor Party were transferred to members of the House of Commons in order to establish a good communication channel with the upper levels. The third petition has been transformed into a pragmatic political demand, and it no longer uses the content of the first petition as the platform. It’s similar to a law that favors workers. That’s my opinion. The difference is that representatives are no longer representatives.”

Frowning, Lin unconsciously twisted the grass. His evaluation was that his peaceful movement had reached its limit, both the limit of tolerance and the limit of peace.

The fruits of victory were stolen.

If the Labor Party, which had just emerged at that time, continued to cause trouble, the military police on horseback would have rushed over. The retention of non-purity representatives, in the short term, gives the Labor Party an opportunity to avoid being directly forced to dissolve. As for whether it is good or bad, there is no way to say this kind of thing.

Judging from the current performance of the Labor Party, it is still acceptable, but I am not sure about the future.

"You are right. Representatives are no longer representatives, and the movement is no longer a movement. The Labor Party, which lost its purity, soon became pragmatic, and many of them lived a good life." Yuri The bald man smiled slightly, and two words were clearly written in his eyes as he petted the cat.


Lin En didn't dare to answer the question casually. This is the art of language. Compromise is always better than betrayal, and patience is better than betrayal.

"It turns out that it's been almost sixty years, and the real situation of workers' treatment in Stim today is not much better than before. Benefits and wages have indeed been increased, but prices have risen faster than wages."

Sometimes, people will have doubts in their minds.

How come a bowl of noodles that used to cost one yuan now costs more than ten yuan? Just like today's workers, they earn more and spend more. What is the problem? Why is money worthless?

This is related to rising raw material prices and human greed.

"Are you still interested in listening?" Yuri's voice was gentle and his attitude was very sincere. He was happy that Lin En was willing to discuss these issues with him.

"Of course, I always hope that someone can...well, I don't know how to describe it, but I am very willing to listen to your opinion."

Linn nodded immediately.

What he wanted to say was that he was not a real warrior. If he were to be the first one to rush forward, he would most likely remain silent. If you can't do the first one, you can at least do the second one. As long as you prove that your efforts are not in vain and you won't be laughed at for being stupid, that's enough.

Yuri's appearance was the first person Lin En saw.

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