The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 265 The truth is still missing

In this world, blood does not determine everything. The flesh of a person's heart grows. Only by being sincere and sincere can the relationship be strong and reliable.

Sincerity is by no means a cheap emotion.

It’s about knowing how to advance and retreat, knowing what to measure, knowing what the other person really wants and what they should want, how to make the other person better, and how to make yourself better and go on together. In fact, it is not difficult to see that the people who Lin En exchanged his sincerity for sincerity were all very satisfied with his performance and gradually exchanged sincerity. However, Mr. Xiao’s sincerity was not widespread, and he would not treat some people who were not close to him. Show your sincerity, but be a little smooth and lovable.

It is actually very complicated to describe things like feelings in words.

It is a great test of whether a person does the right thing when he says certain words, pays attention to certain details, and makes certain actions and choices. But this aspect must be viewed from the perspective of two people.

Living like this will be a bit tiring.

Therefore, the other party who needs recognition can also give feedback to warm each other and help each other, and move towards happiness together. In this case, even if it is tiring, it is worth it.

Pure, kind and beautiful.

After holding Amiste gently for a while, Linn was able to fool through the potentially dangerous scene. The countess did not continue to ask such useless nonsense as why Princess Goeun stood up for the young gentleman and what the relationship between them was.

She is not a little lady and would ask such useless and annoying questions.

Just like when Amiste saw Sophia for the first time, she did not harbor anger or jealousy. Instead, she found someone to find out Sophia's identity, her personality, and her relationship with Lin En. Finally, it was determined that the eldest sister was a very important life partner to the young man. She did not kill Sophia quietly, but gave Lin En's emotional respect and put down her body to make friends with Sophia.

In this case, it is natural for him to join forces with Princess Mary to vent his anger on Lin En.

The care of the two ladies made Lin En feel warm in his heart.

"Your captain will probably get you back in less than two days." After the clouds and rain passed, the Countess, whose face was rosy and radiant, hugged Lin En's head and let him lie between her tall breasts like a coquettish girl.

"I have to go back and work hard again."

Lin En rubbed his face with satisfaction, and then continued.

"Ziegler came to me and told me some news. I think I should have ruined the [Fate Weaver Bureau]'s good deeds. They wanted to get something from the Lower City."

[Shedding Tantra] This Linn did not tell the Countess.

One is that the [Shedding Tantra] is a little weird, and the whole thing reveals an invisible greed and desire. There is no benefit in giving it to Amiste, and the young gentleman is not at ease. The other one is that the [Shedding Tantra] has nothing to do with the current events on the surface. The [Desire] phase is not the source. Those weird extraordinary beings are [Spring] and [Decay], so Lin En, who is gradually thinking about it, feels that some people want to get it. The thing should be related to Ziegler, and [Spring] and [Decay].

He was close to catching the truth, but not quite yet.

There is only one puzzle missing, a puzzle that can connect the [Shedding Tantra] to the event.

"Do you really want to go back? If you don't want to get involved in this muddy water, I can let you go back later." Amiste's warm and fragrant breath blew into the ears of her beloved.

Obviously, as long as Linn doesn't want to go back, she can let him stay in the manor.

Unlimited suspension, and then taking the opportunity to change jobs, perfect.

"With you helping me vent my anger, I think the headquarters will no longer think about polishing me. This matter should be over here. I still want to... go back. At least the [Suppression Bureau] has a bright future, right?"

Lin En changed one word here when asking whether he should go back. The change of one word subtly expressed that he no longer had much feelings for the [Suppression Bureau] headquarters. I still have feelings for [Lamp Holder], at least the people I met in the branch are quite nice.

"The future is bright, indeed, you just have to work hard. You know a lot of people now, so you can go in any direction."

The Countess was a little tired. After all, the two of them had been tossing around on the chair for a long time, so she yawned and waved her hand.

"Are you going to stay tonight?"

"I'm going to accompany Sophia tonight." Lin En took advantage of the situation and clicked on the pretty face of this lazy beauty without makeup. This is a gentle land, a place where people can indulge themselves and forget about other worries. Although it is beautiful, it is It was impossible to stay here forever, unless Linn was willing to become a useless person.

Amiste squinted and adjusted her dress, slightly covering up the white spring light, and then waved Linn out. She had gone for a run today and had been worried about Lin En. It was time for her to take a good rest.

Linn got down from the chair and exited the library without making any noise.

"Merdis, Amiste is resting. Don't let her catch a cold. Take care of her carefully." When she came out, she saw the head maid. Linn pulled her two steps away from the door and whispered.


The head maid nodded quickly. She overheard that Lin En could not stay overnight tonight, and she couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

When Meldis looked down unhappy, the next moment she fell into Linn's arms. The young gentleman hugged her hard, and when the head maid was a little surprised, she heard his voice.

"You should also pay attention to your health. The weather is getting colder and it is easy to catch a cold and have a fever."


Merdis's response was more forceful, mixed with a bit of surprise, and her eyes looking at Linn became softer.



The eldest sister was still immersed in the novel experience of leading a maid to work this day, as if she had returned to her childhood, working in the good atmosphere of the Moriarty house with the maids and sisters, chatting and laughing. For Sophia, nothing is happier than when life is visibly getting better and changing in the direction she wants.

The two maids, one cool and the other fiery, initially wanted to get close to and please Sophia, but they were soon impressed by the eldest sister's leadership charm.

Sofia's warmth and approachability quickly melted their hearts.

If Sophia were a man, I'm afraid these two outstanding maids would be willing to throw themselves into her arms and recommend themselves to the pillow. It can be seen that the personality charm of the eldest sister who worked hard on the streets is really not something that can be overshadowed. This charm has received great blessings at the street self-government meeting.

Basically, all the streets around Zhongcheng District, large and small, are happy to listen to Sophia's arrangements. What's more, it is more convenient for her to deal with the healthy people in Xiacheng District.

For Sophia, the joy today is not just that there are two more maids in the house, it is a lot more lively and happy.

When Lin En came back at night, she pounced on her brother like a she-wolf in the moth moon.

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