The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 266 Unexpected

Taking care of flowers and plants can cultivate people's sentiments, which is the same as drinking tea, arranging flowers, playing chess, and cooking. When you focus on one thing and can make up your mind to do it tirelessly, you are actually cultivating your quality. You are concentrating on growing vegetables. Oh no, it is Lin En who is concentrating on growing flowers who is cultivating his quality.

The sun is shining and the wind is gentle.

It's a good day, suitable for having guests.

After the marigold seeds were sown, Lin En devoted herself to being a gardener according to the professional title of "Flower Maker". Lin En could vaguely feel that under the thin layer of floating soil, there were many little ones being stimulated by the radiation of their spiritual field, and they couldn't wait to wake up from their long sleep.

As the blessing of the [Flower Maker] in his hand condenses, you can feel the joy of teasing the cat with a cat-stick. The marigolds under the floating soil that have not yet sprouted instinctively follow the rhythm of this hand's movements. Waves of simple joy. When Lin closed his eyes, he seemed to hear the music of life. The sexual rhythms of [Spring] and [Blazing] danced little by little with the spiritual radiation. In this small back garden world, he was the father of life.

The average gardener must consider soil, light, temperature, fertilization and water when cultivating flowers.

Lin En doesn't need to think so carefully.

With just the right amount of water, marigolds in the soil can grow as vigorously as cacti. Lin En felt that even in the winter of [Steam City], he could produce large tracts of greenery. Of course, as long as he didn't take care of it for a few hours, it would definitely freeze to death.

In just a few days, the square area specially arranged for marigolds sprouted a pleasant green color. It was so delicate and tender that at first glance, I thought it was the kind of grass that grows on the roadside.

It would also be good for Lynn.

He had already finished digesting the [Flower Maker] potion. After feeling the seeds sprouting from the ground and beginning to grow vigorously, he felt a sense of life that could only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. This feeling not only deepened his application rate of promoting activity, but also gave him a vague understanding of moving towards Sequence 8.

Squatting under the sun, Lin En took care of the green buds and the various flower fences that were originally in the small garden, presenting a simple picture with the charm of wilderness and nature.

But soon this natural charm was destroyed by Lin En.

"Damn cowweed! Damn dog's tail! Why do you like competing with Xiao Ju so much for spirituality!" Lin En, who rarely lost control of her emotions, cursed at several different weeds.

Plants can be very cunning even if they are instinctive.

Lin En, who is in Sequence 9, cannot distinguish the spirituality of plants at all. He only feels that they are all connected together. This resulted in that when he radiated his spirituality, in addition to marigolds, more grass seeds that he was instinctively eating spread out, forcing Linn to squat down and clean up these weeds every time.

Otherwise, all the nutrients of his flowers will be robbed. What is more helpless is that these weeds have very developed root systems and are very hidden. Linn can't just pull the weeds, so he has to use a small shovel to clean out all the roots. Otherwise, if you are lazy, maybe you can happily spread your spirituality next time, go to rest for a while and come back to see, the good weeds are rushing out of the soil again.

Often I squat like this for a long time, and my legs become sore and numb, which makes my whole body sublime.


If he could complete a complete life cycle of flowers and plants, Linn could extend his simple ability to promote activity and prepare for Sequence 8.

Linn had already vaguely touched it.

[Flower Maker]'s high-level Sequence 8, its strengthening ability may be transferred from average to certain parts, that is, targeted strengthening.

As for the [Nourturator], Lin En also tried using active proliferation to act on plants. The result was an instantaneous growth, as if in fast forward, the plants squirmed and twitched like animal muscles, and the result was that they suddenly became deformed and died. Linn speculated that the plant's nutrient absorption and conversion could not keep up with the burst of active proliferation, which led to such distorted and permeating results. In other words, if a person is weak, he will die suddenly if he shoots an active proliferation.

This also proves that neither the [Flower Maker] nor the [Nourisher] creates nutrients out of thin air, and spirituality is not transformation. It is more like opening certain limiters in the human body, but the Flower Maker opens a small limiter. mouth, and the Nourisher swung it directly with a big hammer.

Lowering his head to tend to the flowers and plants, beads of sweat dripped from his face into the soil, making a shallow pit. Facing the loess and facing the sun, the young man's hands radiated and radiated their spirituality while piling up.

While Lin was working hard, the doorbell rang loudly.

The guests are coming.



"I knew someone would come in these two days, but I didn't expect it would be you."

When he went out, he saw a familiar figure. Looking at the heroic female knight bathed in the sun, her cute integrity seemed to be transmitted through her flawless legs, Lin En couldn't help but smile knowingly.

His step-like smile made Yevni, who was originally a little embarrassed, look much more natural.


"Wait a minute, before you say anything, tell me who asked you to come? Mr. Achill? No. Mr. Alfred? Neither. Interesting, it can't be someone from the headquarters, um, this That's the answer." Linn directly observed the micro-expressions and got the answer as a human lie detector.

Eveni frowned slightly at Lin En's different directness from the past.

Lynn has always been gentle and considerate.

"I'd rather it was Bill or Clark." Linn wiped his face. His face was dark with mud marks that had not been wiped clean just now.

"I think I should come, because I am your boss." Yevni is also a typical person who takes the soft and not the hard. Being treated so psychologically and roughly by Lin En, her tone couldn't help but become much stiffer, like a trembling sword. .

"As long as you come over, I can't refuse."

Lin En couldn't help but murmur in a low voice, but she was already prepared in her heart. This silly girl was being taken advantage of. If she wanted to blame herself, she wouldn't blame her, but those guys who tried to tame her. Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities, let's wait and see, bitch.

Yevni didn't hear Lin En's muttering clearly, the sound was like a sword being unsheathed, and she said crisply.

"Lynn Moriarty, the investigation into you has proven that the evidence submitted is an unrealistic delusion. The headquarters has instructed Minister Achille to reinstate you as a full member of [Lamp Holder]. As your boss, I I’m here today to tell you that those bastards can no longer slander you. You don’t have to go back to work. You can continue to stay at home and wait until you are satisfied with your compensation before returning to the team. This is your boss and my order!”


Lin En thought she had heard wrong and looked up in shock, but saw Yevni's triumphant face.

I saw the female knight hammering her certificate and badge on Lin En's chest very domineeringly. Her confident and heroic face seemed to be saying to Lin En, you are mine, and you must get it back if you are bullied, and she is The person who helped him collect debts.

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