The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 32 Be careful along the way

There will never be pie in the sky in this world.

It is an eternal truth that you get what you pay for, and more often than not, what you pay is not rewarded. The existence of extraordinary power in this world is a long-standing phenomenon, just like the sun setting in the west and the moon rising in the east. Just because it exists does not mean that it is a private pool where you can take off your pants and have sex for free.

On the contrary, the danger of human beings trying to get in touch with the supernatural is no less dangerous than that of ancient early humans trying to make fire from thunder!

Extraordinary origins are recognized as coming from the gods.

Their existence itself is the embodiment of all phenomena in this world, from the rotation of stars, the movement of tectonic plates, storms and tsunamis, to the burning of flames, the breeze blowing on the face, and the pain of human body, all are under their authority. The gods defined nature, summarized the nine foundations, opened up the star realm, and summarized all the extraordinary mysteries.

Thanks to God's grace, generations of wise men in mankind began to welcome this gift in blood and tears.

From the rough development in the Shuojin Age, to the delicate carvings in the Renaissance Era, to the Steam Age, the Extraordinary System has basically completed the arrangement of most Extraordinary professions. Naturally, it is also certain that the fragile body and mind of human beings can accommodate the Extraordinary. What kind of danger.

It was common for the earliest Extraordinaries to explode, deform, and transform into living terrors.

After generations of improvements, researchers have used the accumulated experience of their predecessors to conclude that when the human body begins to enter the transcendent world, it is best to match the two sexes as the basis, so that the human body can orderly adapt to the effects of the magic potion on the body. The transformation process will neither collapse too quickly nor become too slow and ineffective.

Although physical problems can be easily corrected intuitively, problems with the soul and spirit have always been an area that can make any wise scholar scratch his head and curse. How to calculate madness, the reasons for madness, and the manifestations of madness. A thousand people can have a thousand answers, and when magnified to the entire group, the numbers are even more despairing and leading to suicide.

Therefore, to this day, the dangers faced by becoming an extraordinary person are mainly spiritual and spiritual.

Extraordinaries can go crazy.

The reason for going crazy is that one's own spirituality cannot withstand external transformation, or it is gradually lost in the ravings of extraordinary materials. The better outcome is that the soul collapses and the body becomes a walking zombie. The worse outcome is that the person's personality changes drastically and he is affected by taking potions and develops into various extremes without realizing it. The worst outcome is that the person is half dead, with the body deformed and turning into a monster, and the mental state is the worst. Attack others in a frenzy.

Of course, according to the words of explorers in various professions, as long as the potions are digested step by step, there will be no risk of losing control. In theory, everyone can be promoted smoothly.

The expression on Yevni's face when she mentioned this couldn't tell whether it was sadness or irony.

"...Whether it is the rejection of spirituality accumulated in our bodies by taking magic potions, or the weirdness from the star realm that tries to influence us all the time, or even our own desires that we are not aware of, may become the inducement of madness. . It is also because of this that the [Suppression Bureau] strictly controls extraordinary-related information, just to avoid uncontrollable flooding and cause greater disasters.”

"That's it. Thank you for your patience and advice."

Lin En listened carefully to Ye Fenni's detailed story. To be honest, he was not that surprised. It should be said that he had made these wild assumptions based on his pre-travel cognition when he was alone. There were many things that were darker and more outrageous than this.

"If I don't tell you this, who has already made your choice, it would be irresponsible to you, and it would be my dereliction of duty as the vice-captain. That is unethical and disgusting, so there is no need to thank you."

Yevni's attitude is very serious, and it can be seen that she attaches far more importance to rules than ordinary people, and she is as cold and hard as a weapon in enforcing them.

"After handling your affairs, come to work in two days. The clerk will tell you what you will do in detail when the time comes, if you have no doubts."

With a neat ending, Yevni's voice was like a steel-cutting sword, cutting off Linn from his infinite reverie. What Lin En wanted to ask about here, including entering the dream star realm, magic potion-related matters, and extraordinary professions, have all been clarified in the narration.

This huge amount of information needs to be sorted out by Lin En in the memory palace. Eveni's words just gave Lin En the opportunity to leave the [Lamp Holder] branch and think carefully. This neat-style knight also understood that Lin En needed space and time to think, so she handed him the signed contract and signaled that she could leave.

Lin En was a little dazed and said goodbye politely.

When he left the [Lamp Holder] branch hall, Bishop and Bill happened to be chatting. Looking at Linn's somewhat confused back after saying goodbye, the janitor shook the newspaper out of habit.

"Then the child won't be frightened, right?"

"How could that be? You underestimate him too much." Bill smiled, not worried about Lynn at all.

Since he read Linn's file background and combined with his observations over the past two days, he has come to a conclusion. Lin En is a smart person who refuses to accept his fate. A smart person will never choose another path that cannot be controlled independently, especially under his intentional guidance and hints.

"In this case, I have to say congratulations to you three teams in advance. This is the first time I have seen Devil Bill looking forward to someone so much." The old janitor laughed and read the Stim Daily that he never gets tired of. .

"It's that title that people don't like again."

There was a hint of helplessness in Bill's smile.

"Oh, Bishop is old and has lost his brain. He forgot that you don't like your title very much. After all, it was given by those gangsters and pests. When do you plan to change it for yourself?"

"I feel pretty good so far."


Bishop just shook his head and sighed, without saying anything more. After all, he was just an ordinary old man who looked after the door, but he had seen a lot of things. The three teams of the [Lamp Holder] branch have had a bumpy road since its establishment. It seems that they will become a perfect iron triangle in the near future. I hope everything will get better.

Bill played with his top hat, his smile as unpredictable as ever.



"I successfully applied for a job as a clerk in the [Suppression Bureau]."

When Lin told Sophia the news, the usually carefree elder sister was very surprised, and the smile on her face froze. The blood-like sunset fell through the window of the bar on her face, and also fell on Lin's thin but upright back.

"So fast, just yesterday..."

Sophia unconsciously overturned an empty cup at her hand, but Lin En quickly took action and held her steady.

"By the way, you are already working as a clerk in an office, how can you not have a formal suit? Come on, take the money first, follow your sister later, and go find a tailor to customize two formal suits right away." Sophia was a little a little confused. He wiped his hands in a panic, took out a few gold pounds from his pocket and stuffed them into Linn's hand.

"No! No, how can I ask for this? I already have clothes and a coat." Linn refused quickly.

"Then the pocket watch, the hat, the cane, and the boots need to be replaced with new ones. When you work for someone else, you can't be frugal in dressing up, or they will laugh at you!" Sophia smiled happily.

"Wait... don't stop!"

"And you have to work hard in the future. If someone bullies you and takes advantage of you, come back and tell me, I will help you break his legs. You are a gentleman and you can't do it casually." Her smile became brighter.

"Sister Sophia!"

"Be sure to be safe." Sophia hugged Lin En and buried her in her chest. She was so strong that it was difficult for him to break away.

Linn could feel something wet falling on his shoulder, and strange emotions filled his chest. He hesitated a little, but still reached out and hugged Sophia.

"Well, don't worry."

Thanks to Klaas. Please don’t look for the monthly ticket of Escape One. Here is the second update. Please ask for votes and follow up every day. Readers are welcome to play in the comment area~

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