The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 33 Sweet Dreams

For Lynn, his childhood was lucky and happy compared to most children of this era.

His father was rich and kind-hearted, his mother was nagging but gentle towards others, and Sophia, who had been by his side since childhood and took the blame for more than one fight, filled Linn's void of warmth towards his peers. It can be said that when the family suffered a sudden change, Lin En, who faced the storm like a quail, did not have a drastic change in temperament. This was all due to his childhood healing.

Sophia played an important role in this.

When Lin En felt that his face had been washed by the upright softness and breathing was becoming a little difficult, Sophia sniffed fiercely and pushed Lin En away boldly, smiling and rubbing Lin En's head. .

"Promising, outstanding. Promising, outstanding! As expected of my good brother Lin En, the clerk of the [Suppression Bureau], so impressive. From now on on the streets, hey, good guy! Who dares to come here to trouble me?" , the eldest sister Sophia started to squeak again, humming.

What can Lynn say? Lynn couldn't say anything. There was a confidentiality agreement in the contract he signed.

I always feel that Sophia is a complete gang leader.

However, the traces of moisture on her shoulders and Sophia's vaguely red eyes made Linn know that her blessings were mixed with more worries. There is no doubt that Linn has chosen a path full of thorns. Even civilians know that there are many dangers on the extraordinary road.

Even so, after the initial surprise, Sophia chose to support Linn unreservedly.

Just like before.

In the [Good Luck Bar] soaked in dusk light, both Lin En and Sophia were coated with a layer of brilliance. Although Sophia, who was holding her face in her hands, was wearing baggy overalls, she was undoubtedly more beautiful in Linn's eyes than any noble lady he had ever seen at the banquet.

Like a church goddess mural.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and eat. I'll have to buy you some clothes later. Hurry up!" The tough street lady ruined the beauty in an instant as soon as she opened her mouth. She patted Lin lightly but not hard. En's head and the scar under his left eye also twitched.


Linn quickly lowered his head and responded, no longer staring at Sophia impolitely. Linn swallowed this ordinary worker's dinner without any distaste. Not wasting a little food was a sign of respect for the farmers' contribution. Besides, he also saw how many people worked hard for a meal on Squirrel Street. Work.

Compared to many people, he is lucky and happy enough.



As the foreman of the bar, Sophia asked the kind-hearted landlady for a day off and was approved without any difficulty. The lady boss, who was over fifty years old and had some gray hair, looked at the handsome Lin En who was with Sophia, and kindly asked if she wanted to advance some salary.

Sophia waved her hand and refused. How could she not have any savings if she could rent a room for herself in Midtown?


These two words are distant and unrealistic to 60% of people in this era. Sunshine people can be found everywhere, and debtors are everywhere in society. When Sophia said she had savings, Linn was a little surprised and curious about how much she earned while working hard on the streets.

Coat, shirt, waistcoat, trousers, leather boots, top hat, pocket watch and walking stick.

The cost of this set was enough to allow a middle-class family to live frugally for almost half a year. The nearly 10 pounds of expenses made Linn's heart skip a beat as he followed Sophia up and down the house. This was already a week's salary for an extraordinary person. Lin En shivered and persuaded Sophia, who was eager to shop.

After some heartfelt discussions, it was determined that Linn already had a shirt and trousers, and it was indeed not suitable for a minor to hold a cane as a symbol of a gentleman, but a pocket watch to increase one's worth in the workplace was indispensable. Finally, the figure of 10 pounds was reduced to 6 pounds that Lynn could accept, so that within the risk estimate, Lynn was confident that he could afford to pay back the money.

Sophia also used her street cred to demonstrate to Lynn what it means for a store to proactively offer a discount or give generous discounts.

The anti-human currency system of the quarterpenny has been criticized by people, and even curly baboons find it intolerable.

"It will take a few days to pick up the coat and hat. The vest, leather boots and pocket watch are already prepared. Although it may not match your handmade shirt, others can't tell." Sophia looked at Lin with satisfaction. En was holding the object in her hand, and she knew how terrible the inadvertent contempt and exclusion of the upper class was.

What kind of salary you get depends on what kind of life you have to live.

This is not only the pursuit of human instinct, but also the rules of the game in this society. Those who violate the rules often have to bear the naturally surprised looks of others.


Lin En looked at Sophia in silence, with a hint of confusion in his green eyes. At this moment, the moon was already hanging high in the sky, and everything in Stim seemed particularly peaceful, even the endless night market night. The workers also took a lot of rest.

"What's wrong?" Sophia looked a little unnaturally at Lin En's worried eyes.

"Sophia, you will definitely have a church orphanage of your own, I swear."

"Hehe, of course! I want to be the most powerful nanny!" The eldest sister, whose mind had not turned around for a moment, patted Lin En on the shoulder. She was now at the end of her shopping frenzy, and her IQ had dropped significantly. Five percentage points.

Looking at her silly smile, Linn couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The two looked at each other, and for some reason they both laughed, as if they were trying to laugh away all the bad luck they had been feeling for the past two months. Sophia grabbed Lin's hand and trotted forward.

Forget it, just let her be confused and remember it clearly. Under the hazy glow of the moth moon, the two people were trotting down the streets of Zhongcheng District. Their eyes reflected the light of the gas lamps, and they were both full of hope and yearning for the future.

Hope is a symbol of this era and the cheapest thing in this era.

That night, Linn had a dream after taking a shower and going to bed.

He dreamed that he was a clerk in the "Lamp Holder" and made a fortune in silence and reached the top of the extraordinary. With a wave of his hand, all his enemies were wiped out. He saved the world from some bullshit demon king and his relatives and friends also gained. With unimaginable wealth and power, and with the gratitude of people all over the world, he opened the door to return home, and a soft white light was projected from the door to welcome Linn.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I woke up from the dream and found that the white light coming home was actually the morning light of [Burning Sun].

Lin En, who was lying on the bed, seemed to hear the joyful laughter of the Black Holy Grail again, and it was faintly itching in her ears, which was unforgettable.

Thanks to Xiaolu Youran, Niwa Hitomi, book friend 20210609235654862, Klasfen, lifelong rewards and monthly tickets. Thank you for giving the doll more motivation to code. I wish all readers a happy new January. Here comes the first update~

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