The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 34 Clerical Office

The brass case is etched with half a complex gear decoration. With a snap, the slender fingers opened the cover, revealing the hollow surface on the inside. The shiny brass gear rotates to drive the hands to move time. [Steam City]'s love for brass and gears is fully reflected in this pocket watch.


With a flick of his slender fingers, he closed the pocket watch. Lin En felt a little high-spirited at this moment.

Her hair was kept extremely clean, and she even borrowed some hairspray from Mr. Boris to comb her platinum brushed short hair neatly and tightly to her scalp. There was a warm and warm smile on her handsome face, and there was no humbleness or domineering expression in her eyes, just a sense of indifference. It's so in line with the stability of a young man.

Today is his first day at work. He got up early and made himself look pleasing to the eye. With such an aristocratic young man standing on Squirrel Street, people seemed to see some microcosms of the city for a moment, and those symbols were well reflected in Lin En's body.

Lynn Moriarty.

He is a promising person! Street gangsters should be careful when eating, so don't stretch your dog's paws randomly!

This warning spread in Squirrel Street for some reason, causing the tenants in the rented apartment to take off their hats and bow their heads when meeting him, like an aristocratic gentleman, and the landlord's popularity skyrocketed.

At first, Lin En was puzzled as to why word spread that he was promising, but Sophia's character of not being able to hide her words from him soon spilled the beans. In her generous and plump embrace and intimate head-touching, Lin En could only let her pass vaguely.

That's how it is in this era.

Even though Linn hopes to treat others equally, the class nature of this society is too obvious.

Take Linn himself as an example. Even though he was in trouble, no one dared to bully him in Squirrel Street for so many years. This was not only because of Sophia. According to the normal process, Lin En has to settle down on Squirrel Street and raise his offspring. His next generation will really be reduced to the level of civilians and need to be promoted.

The education and knowledge he had received had already determined that Linn was not destined to belong to this street.

This is the game, these are the rules.

Lin En, who had thought about this more deeply, could only sigh in his heart. A sheep dressed in wolf skin got into the pack of wolves and hunted the lambs with the wolves. It might be okay for a while, but the sheep After all, it is a sheep, and one day the wolf may sniff out the flaw.

Lin En stood on the stairs and straightened her collar out of habit. She walked forward with her head held high, welcoming the misty morning light and her first day of work.

No. 404 Blue Street, [Lamp Holder] branch.

The purpose of having a pocket watch is not just for showing off. It is really painful for Linn not to have something to keep time. When you are involved in something, you may not know how much time has flown by. This pocket watch allows Linn to organize his time better.

Of course, it can also be used as a stepping stone to get to work, but that’s not the case on the first day.

"Good day, Mr. Bishop."

As soon as Lin En entered the branch, he saw a familiar figure sitting there reading the newspaper, and he started to invest with a smile out of habit.

"Good day, Mr. Lin En, you came really early. At this time, many people are still in bed." Bishop glanced at the big clock on the brass pillar. It was exactly 7:30, and it was still far from work. For a long time.

"Come early to familiarize yourself with the environment." Lin En glanced at the clothes hook out of habit.

Some of the coats were in formal attire, probably from other teams in the [Lamp Holder] branch. He didn't see Yevni's half-length cloak or Bill's top hat.

"Congratulations, little Mr. Lynn."

"Oh?" Lin En was lost in comparing memories. Hearing what Bishop said, he turned to look at him in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

"You have a good future, Eveni is pretty good." Bishop blinked, and the old man made a few remarks before seriously reading the newspaper he never tired of reading.

"...Thank you for the reminder." What does Yevni mean? It’s not like labor and management are here to act like ducks, so why are they talking so weirdly? Lin En didn't find out the answer for a while, so she could only politely nod goodbye.

Lin En knew that in the large room on the second floor, the entire [Lamp Holder] clerk worked together. In Bill's words, this job can be either leisurely or leisurely. It mainly depends on how many documents need to be sorted out every day and whether there are meetings or events filed.

Many times, the clerks were working to further confirm suspected extraordinary reports at Elba Field.

This requires careful paperwork and thorough extraordinary knowledge. For this reason, the [Suppression Bureau] has specially compiled a complete collection of extraordinary power traces as a training tutorial. The good thing about being backed by a large organization is that there are sufficient resources and information. As long as you have a reasonable reason, you can make the call.

The workspace is very large, a standard large multi-person office.

When Lin opened the door and came in, there were already a few people sitting scattered inside, all strangers he had never met before. Standing at the door, he was slightly cautious, and his eyes conveyed just the right amount of doubt.

"Lynn Moriarty?" A mature man stood up quickly and asked with some uncertainty.

When Lin En went there, he didn't look like he was here to work, but like a young master from some family was here to inspect. It seems that Lin En's high spirits today have wiped away the depression that he suffered from the heavy blows in the past two months. Lin En's energy can be said to be particularly strong without the life crisis.

"That's me." Seeing someone getting up, Lin En walked towards him.

"Bill told me yesterday that you would come over today, but I didn't expect it to be so early. I wanted to sort out the documents first before going down to pick you up." The man looked about thirty years old, with black hair and gray eyes, and a heavy look on his face. It's bookish, but has no other characteristics.

An extremely ordinary man with a good personality and enthusiasm.

"From today on, you will be the clerk of the third team like me. Your desk is over here... No, I will get these documents and leave them alone! Don't be embarrassed, the files I put are only mine. Know what's what, don't mix it up...don't touch the dust, I marked it."

This clerk named Clark was an eye-opener for Lynn.

He had heard before that some scholars' desks were untouchable, and that was just how they worked and lived. Now it seemed that it was not an exaggeration. Mr. Clark had almost evolved to that level.

There are three teams in the [Lamp Holder] branch.

In addition to the formal establishment, each team is responsible for providing information support documents and logistics that are unified and deployed by the [Suppression Bureau] headquarters. The formal establishment is usually a three-person team with one or two people prepared, and five clerks. All members adopt a rotation system to ensure that the [Lamp Holder] branch always has extraordinary people and clerks available to respond to emergencies.

The last emergency was ten years ago.

Clark was very happy about Lynn's joining. Looking at his overflowing joy, Lynn probably found the reason from the piles of documents.

‘The numbers of these three teams are not quite right. Why are they so small? ’

Lin En's first day at [Lamp Holder] started with thick paperwork and doubts.

Thanks to the past butterfly master_Xiya for the reward, the second update is here, please vote and follow up every day~

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