The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 37 Everything will be fine

Help mom! This woman is so seductive!

Lin En was really numb. There seemed to be ants crawling on the periosteum of his body, causing indescribable numbness and itching. The instinctive desires of human beings since birth seemed to be hidden under the skin.

Lin En felt that there was a tendency for blood to flow downward, and subconsciously took a half step back in embarrassment.

The last time he was teased, he hid behind Yevni, but he couldn't hide this time.

The Countess, who moved very lightly and quietly, noticed the young gentleman's embarrassment. After sending the invitation, the charming smile on her delicate face showed from the lavender lip gloss. This mature and juicy beauty twisted her waist, put away the folding fan with a snap, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Goodbye, gentlemen."

She did not continue to disturb their next work, nor did she make Linn feel embarrassed. Amiste was just as she was when she arrived, like an enchanting and passionate purple butterfly fluttering its wings in the flower field, carrying an unforgettable fragrance. Disappeared into the corridor on the second floor.

Lin En still held an invitation letter in his hand, and the residual warmth and smoothness left behind made him think.

Just now, where did the countess get it from?

"This invitation is proof of access to Her Majesty the Countess' private estate. Every time one is sent to the estate, it will be recorded. The holder of the invitation can visit her private estate without prior notification." Bill, who was a little guilty, came over and smiled. The expression is very complicated.

"You betrayed my information."

Lin En did not forget this incident. She put the invitation away and stared at Mr. Bill with Cuibi's eyes.

"Ahem, how can this be considered a betrayal? Her Excellency Amiste is an investor in our bureau, and she also has a fictitious post in logistics. She is one of our own. It is normal for our own people to inquire about our own people. Even if I don't tell you, do you think she is? If you can't find out, why don't you let me choose to reveal it?" Bill tried to quibble, and he did not do it kindly.

But who can refuse the rich and beautiful Countess?

"You are responsible for reimbursing our lunch for the past two days." Linn changed his offensive.

"No problem." Bill nodded immediately. "In addition, the invitation letter in your hand was once offered by a new rich man with a high price of 5K gold pounds. Even if it loses its effect without the owner, it is still valuable and has no market. So, you know..."

Linn felt that her pocket became heavy in an instant. The reason why people were willing to spend 5,000 pounds to buy a piece of waste paper was because the waste paper was given by the countess.

This also reflects the charm of Amiste.

Whether it is her natural charm or the charm of the rich woman's business, men of this era can make men flock to her and swarm under her long black gauze skirt.

The most perfect natural face that Lin En has ever seen so far is the Black Holy Grail with a strong presence in his consciousness. Every bit of it can be said to be loving and beautiful in perfect compliance with the golden ratio. The charming face of Amiste is only slightly inferior to the fantastic beauty of the Black Holy Grail.

Bill and Lynn were silent for a second, both of them tacitly agreeing not to mention this matter again.

Work is important, work is important!



During this on-site survey, Elba Field was in front of the minefield, and it was basically certain that there was no danger at the site. Bill was not as fully armed as he was when he went out to arrest members of the [Gem Society] this time.

As the leader of the third team of [Lamp Holder], Yevney did not participate. Bill said that she still had to exchange information with the leaders of other branches about the members of the [Gem Club]. The [Gem Society] is an extreme and extraordinary organization officially recognized by the [Suppression Bureau]. It has caused terrible disasters in several cities on the mainland. Once traces of the [Gem Society] activities are discovered, the [Suppression Bureau] will be a formidable enemy. .

Inside the rickety carriage.

Linn and Bill sat opposite each other, and the hired coachman's driving skills could only be described as average.

"What is the usual purpose of their attacks?"

The "they" Lin En refers to here naturally refers to the [Gem Society]. Bill's popular science just now made him very interested in this extraordinary organization. What their demands are, there is no official record at all.

"Maybe the gods know." Bill shrugged helplessly. "Their large and small attacks have never been announced or announced. Some people speculate that they may hope to complete the sequence promotion, they may want to destroy something, or they may simply do it for fun. Maybe we should not speculate on a group of lunatics. the behavior of."

"I can survive from the hands of a madman, thanks to the mercy of fate." Lin En felt that such a group of madmen who didn't care about interests were simply unstable bombs that would explode at any time.

"You've been lucky."

Bill lamented the little boy's luck. After his family was in trouble and his parents disappeared, he ended up being favored by the Countess. It can be said that even if it is just a lover or bed partner relationship, the network resources are enough for Lin En to benefit from endlessly. Of course, Lynn may have to bear some jealousy.

why not?

Bill couldn't think of a reason for Lynn's refusal. How many people in this era have dreams of getting ahead, and those lucky few in the newspaper greatly stimulated everyone. People are always lucky enough to ignore those losers, thinking that they may be next, and then shout in their dreams:

This is the best of times!

Suddenly there was a noise outside the carriage, and both Linn and Bill turned their attention to the excitement. It was the owner of a mobile vendor who was waving a wooden stick to beat a young man lying on the ground. The young man was ragged and skinny. He was desperately stuffing a piece of bread into his mouth. His hungry eyes only showed the terrible and fierce desire to eat, and he didn't care at all. The stick that fell on oneself.

Lin En's eyelids twitched wildly twice, and he couldn't help clenching his hands.

Bang! Bang bang!

I don't know if it was because the vendor's stick was too heavy, or because the child swallowed too quickly and choked, but during the beating, his skinny, black and yellow face had an abnormal blush, and he stretched his long neck with a ferocious look in his eyes. Suddenly he twitched and lost his breath.

The people watching the excitement dispersed immediately. The dead boy was as unnoticed as a wild dog, and the bread in his hand was snatched away by no one. His emotion-filled eyes met Linn's, and it wasn't until the carriage passed completely that Linn resumed breathing.


Only then did Linn realize that they had already arrived in the lower city.

"Just now? Oh, that guy, the bread he grabbed must have been mixed with a lot of chalk, and he choked himself to death. There are too many fake breads sold in the Lower City." Bill said calmly. That guy seemed to be talking about that wild dog, with no emotional ups and downs.

That's a person, right?

Lin En's face returned to calmness, and she swallowed back the words she was about to say. He couldn't accuse Bill of being indifferent and cold-blooded, because this was the case in this era. The war had pushed the economy to the edge of danger. However, the situation above the Midtown area was very well disguised. The starving and cunning poor middle class thought that they must be lazy to be like this.

"As long as the war is over, everything will be fine." Bill said with a smile.


Thinking of the reasons and fundamental reasons for the war between the mainland countries, Lin En could only hum. He could never forget the look in the boy's eyes when he died just now. He was so happy that it made people shudder.

Thanks to book friend 20210609235654862 for the reward, and thanks to Yuanda and Klaas for their monthly votes. Here is the first update. I ask for votes and support every day~ Please believe in the story of the doll, it will definitely be wonderful w

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