The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 38 The curious scene

The carriage stopped, and the sword and shield emblem on it made the people around him disperse in fear.

Long-term experience tells the poor ghosts that when the masters are unhappy or too happy, they will often take advantage of the poor ghosts for fun. At this time, it is best for the lower class to stay away. This ancient survival instinct has evolved to this day and can still be glimpsed in the poor.

The environment in Xiacheng District has obviously dropped a notch.

Dirty, no one cleans, and sewage flows across the room. Chaos, illegal construction, and random stacking. Bad, bad for everything, not bad for a poor man.

In comparison, ghost places like Squirrel Street seem pleasant to the eye, and Midtown and above are paradise. I have just experienced a scene where people and dogs casually lost their lives, and look at this dirty place that seems to have not changed. After messing around in the pig pen, Lin En suddenly became enlightened.

In this environment, everything is valuable.

The only thing worthless is human life.

A penny can cause people to be beaten to death, a silver sule can cause a murder, and a gold pound...

Lin En shivered and didn't dare to continue thinking.

Recalling the trajectory of the bureau's carriage, although Lin En has never been here, it seems that this place is not too far from Squirrel Street. What was unexpected was that when the two of them got out of the car, they saw a large group of reporters surrounding them with cameras and brochures from a distance.

Bill's smiling expression suddenly turned a bit ugly.

There is no doubt that these reporters who have heard of the news will add a lot of unnecessary trouble to the work of the [Lamp Holder]. Extraordinary events have always been an area that the government does not deny or publicize. Now there are so many reporters here, these guys Do you no longer care about anything just to get eye-catching news?

Soon, Bill took Linn to find the patrolman who blocked the scene.

This policeman had probably never been courted by so many people before. He stood at the door with his head raised high, enjoying the crowds and eager eagerness of the reporters. It seemed as if something was coming out of his lips, which was the key to their manuscript for tomorrow. Guaranteed, and to do this they had to squeeze forward as much as possible and ignore the dirty, smelly sewage at their feet.

Lynn and Bill looked at each other.

The way to die in this incident must be terrible!

Both of them saw the same thought in each other's eyes, otherwise the hounds raised by these newspaper offices wouldn't be so busy crowding around. Usually they are not so active when they come to Xiacheng District for interviews.

"Mr. Policeman! Mr. Policeman! Say something!"

"That's right, we won't let you talk in vain."

"I heard the deceased inside was a demon? Or an angel?"

"Sir, just say one thing!"

The sincerity of the reporters' words, the eagerness of their attitudes, and the intensity of their eyes were comparable to the brilliance of [Burning Sun], making a glass of cold water boil instantly. The patrolman enjoying their surroundings couldn't stop smacking his lips with pride. His professional ethics was obviously testing back and forth on the edge of crumbling.

Just when the patrolman was about to say something, he happened to catch a glimpse of two extraordinary gentlemen, Bill and Lynn, out of the corner of his eye, which stopped him from the brink.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Don't block me!" Waving his baton to intimidate the annoying reporters, the patrolman ran out in two or three steps. He and Bill were obviously acquaintances and he called out Bill's name.

"Mr. Bill, you are finally here." The patrolman's expression was mixed with a little nervousness and fear.

Seeing that these two gentlemen with smiling faces were easy to talk to, the unreasonable fear subsided a lot.

"Lead the way." Bill said nothing nonsense.

"plz follow me."

This time, there was no need for the patrolman to wave his baton to intimidate. After noticing that Bill was getting off the black and gold patterned carriage, these well-informed reporters immediately moved out of the way, without the same fanatical energy as before. Precisely because they are well-informed, they are aware of the extraordinary dangers. Of course, they have to avoid it when extraordinary people appear. They are here to get first-hand news, not to die.

The patrol officer successfully brought the two people into a standard second-floor small house in the lower city.

The lighting conditions inside are extremely poor, and everyone's face seems to look gloomier when walking into this house.

"Are all the reporters from the [Steam City] newspaper office outside the room?" Lin En chatted casually. It might have been the first time that a certain building in the Lower City had achieved such an achievement.

"Isn't that right? Look, even the Canary Newspaper has reporters waiting outside." It was the first time for Mr. Patrolman to see such a formation. He felt that he had just become more powerful than the Superintendent.

Linn couldn't help but laugh. The Canary newspaper, wasn't it the tabloid that particularly liked a certain countess? Do you have the time and opportunity to buy a copy? I don’t have any other bad thoughts, I just want to criticize how this newspaper can tarnish the innocence of Lord Amiste.

"Be careful, you have to go around a little bit ahead."

The poor lighting required careful steps as they bypassed a pool of blood, which was completely black. Lin frowned and subconsciously looked up, only to see a large pool of blood seeping down from the floor on the second floor.

The smell of rust was masked by a musty, rancid odor.

The patrolman took the two people to the stairs, and then said tremblingly.

"Gentlemen, the body is above. Several brothers in the bureau were frightened, so I brought it here. Outside, I still have to maintain a blockade with my brothers."

"Well, just don't let those reporters in."

Bill's words made the patrolman feel like he was being pardoned, and he quickly ran out holding on to his helmet.

"Come on, let's see if that cunning beast did anything good." Bill called to Linn to come up with him.

Lin En could only accept the fact that she had to face an exciting scene on her first day at work. There were people who saved the world even though they were late for work on their first day.

The squeaking wooden boards on the stairs made a sour moan, and it seemed like my heart was lifted as I stepped on the uneven stairs. Bill took the lead and Lynn followed closely. As soon as the two of them went up to the second floor, they felt the visual impact from hell and the strong spiritual blasphemy!

Bill was stunned, and Lynn gritted her teeth.

A woman knelt on the humble second-floor floor.

Her hands and feet were fixed with ropes, and her clothes were stripped off. But from behind, it was unbelievable that someone was peeling off the entire muscle fiber, dividing and stretching different muscle groups, and using fascia as a bridge. Combined to form curious wings. What's even more terrifying is that all her facial features were neatly cut off, and her abdomen was cut open and left completely empty.

This extremely curious and cruel statue stares straight ahead with its dark eyes, and its exposed gums are slightly open, as if it has not yet taken the last breath of life. The light that happened to come in from the small window on the second floor illuminated the flesh and blood wings of this skeleton angel in a disgusting and terrifying way!


Linn couldn't bear it any longer. He turned around and ran to the corner to vomit.

How could this be the scene of a [Demon Spirit] hunting? This is clearly the work of some perverted murderer!

Thanks to the book friend 20210609235654862 for the reward, here comes the second update ~ I ask for votes and follow up every day

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