The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 39 On-site Teaching

Lynn's vomiting was shameful and real.

He didn't eat anything for breakfast today, only the sour and bitter juice in his stomach kept vomiting out with retching. What made Lin En feel sad the most was that his body was used to vomiting, and he was obviously feeling sick to death. But physically it's a torture to adapt faster.

Is this what is called speaking out against physical integrity?

Lin really wanted to cry.

"Not bad, I just vomited for a while."

Although Bill's face was a little solemn, he was still smiling when he focused on Linn and saw that he adapted quickly. The little gentleman is like a treasure waiting to be discovered, and he always gives people a little surprise from time to time.

"I still..." Lin En wiped the corner of his mouth and glanced over there, then looked away with pain on his face. "...Let me take it slow, otherwise I may not just lose my appetite for lunch today."

"All right."

Lynn put on a mask of pain, and Mr. Bill couldn't place too high demands on a minor clerk who faced such an exciting scene for the first time. If Lynn really had the nerve to come over and talk to him and take notes, then it would be Bill's turn to feel creepy.

Bill began to look at this corpse that was full of curiosity and profanity.

"This man is a prostitute."

"How can you tell?" After hearing the first information obtained from Mr. Narrow Eyes, Linn subconsciously turned around and asked. Well, his spirit has gradually begun to adapt. Although he can't look directly without any fluctuations, he can no longer frown and look at it.

"Her teeth are black and rotten. These are not the teeth that a lady of this age should have." Bill looked at the entire gum and reached out to fan it under his nose in disgust.

"So?" Lin En couldn't react for a while.

"This kind of teeth can only grow after consuming happy water or crow smoke for a long time. Generally, only rich people can have so much money to squander. In addition, this is Xiacheng District. The answer to why she can take so much happy water is already very It’s obvious.”

Linn remembered that Steam Daily had a detailed report on this place.

In this harsh urban area, there are a large number of female workers, prostitutes, children and gang members. In addition to those who have not served in the military, these gang members also have some refugees and deserters from other areas. They are both called the "Steam City" 】Providing cheap labor also greatly increased the instability of public security in Xiacheng District.

Because of the war, husbands or male relatives from disadvantaged groups were recruited to the front line, and the wages from the front line were too meager to make ends meet. In order to prevent themselves or the whole family they needed to take care of from starving to death, women entered factories in large numbers. and places where they are needed, including brothels, where many female workers actually work part-time as prostitutes.

The best luck for these people is to become the mistress of a wealthy businessman.

But unfortunately, unless female workers are naturally beautiful, it is difficult for them to compete with actors, singers, and dancers who have more advantages. There is no need to laugh at it, mistresses are considered a profession in this era, and there are even lecturers who specialize in training mistresses to teach girls in need how to dress themselves up to please their target.

In fact, prostitutes in downtown areas are often controlled by gangs.

The control method...

Everyone who understands understands.

"This is definitely not the scene of the [demon spirit] attack. There are two different styles of behavior. One is eating, and the other is working. The most important thing is that I didn't see any dust from the demon spirit. That kind of beast can Not a good habit of cleaning the dining area.”

"You said this was work, and the nausea that I had finally suppressed came back." After Linn finished vomiting, he took out a pen and a small notebook very professionally. He had to record it.

"Feel sorry."

Mr. Narrow Eyes apologized very insincerely, and waited until Lin En was ready to take notes before continuing to speak slowly.

"It's not [Demon Spirit], which is not very good news for you, otherwise you will get merit more smoothly. Using prey to catch hunters is a good thing for [Demon Spirit]... but it's not too bad, If you follow the investigation to the end of this kind of perverted and crazy case, you can successfully get the qualification for promotion."

Linn nodded, he would definitely not go back to sit in the office now. Not to mention anything else, just because of the amount of gastric juice he vomited, he had to make enough money from this incident.

Bill got around to the back of the skeleton angel, and the quality he showed was very impressive.

"This poor guy must have been targeted by some extreme guy. Could it be that the scene has such a sense of sacred ritual? Is it a secret ceremony? What kind of professional promotion ceremony or secret ceremony that requires materials?"

"Could it be a simple perverted lunatic who committed the crime?" Linn said while recording the scene.

"How can I see it?"

"You also said before that this is like work. I think you are right. This pervert most likely treats her as a work of art. Both masons and blacksmiths will work in a working environment that suits them. I don't care about the environment here. It feels like a perverted artist’s workplace.”

Linn paused and added, his spirit gradually adapting to the state.

"There is also too little blood. A person's whole body blood is about 4.5 to 4.8 liters. I can't see any blood continuing to flow. Even including the pool of blood underneath, it is too little."

"Your observations are very careful, and your angle is very novel." Bill's eyes lit up. He originally felt that this scene was a bit inconsistent, but Linn made him realize something from a work perspective.

This is definitely not the first scene!

"The flesh and blood showed signs of blackening and necrosis, and the method of committing the crime showed a sense of professionalism. What kind of external traces can these two types of sexual relations leave?" Bill deliberately reminded Lin En, turned around and asked Lin En En asked. He saw that the young gentleman had begun to look through the textbooks, so he asked this question.

"[Decay] and [Residence]." Lin En answered very quickly.

But Bill's smile startled him, and he realized that the grinning guy had dug a hole for himself when he asked the question.

"No, you misled me. Majors may also be inherent in professions. In this situation, in addition to [Registration], it may also be [Tower] or [Line]. The sense of dominance of [Tower] and the meaning of [Line] are both consistent."

"Excellent, I really want to applaud you, but I decided to stay behind for the sake of work." Bill saw that Lynn jumped out of the misleading trap he had set, and the satisfaction in his smile was given to the little gentleman without hesitation. . He is treating Lin En as his direct descendant. The better Lin En is, the happier he will be.

No one understands how important it is to have a comrade you can rely on in the extraordinary world.

"The scribes do judge the sexual appearance through the traces of the surface boundary, but this method is actually impossible. For us extraordinary people, there are actually more convenient ways to observe the sexual appearance. This is also what I think today. Live teaching, how to use your own sex to listen to the rhythm of other sex, Linn, listen up.”

Bill became much more serious. He stood next to the skull angel and crossed his chest and raised his index finger.

Here is the first update. I ask for votes and follow up every day. Readers, just move your hands and leave a message in the comment area.

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