The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 41 Greedy for my body

This is Xiacheng District.

It is a place where prostitutes, thieves, robbers, gangsters, and future criminals gather. No matter how depressed the economy is, businesses related to Happy Water are always prosperous. Smuggling from land and sea has even become more rampant because of the war. In war, there are always people who will eat their mouths full of oil from the dead bodies lying everywhere.

There is no worst, only worse. This is the scene outside the steam capital that claims to be civilized.

Look across the continent.

Such tragic situations abound on the northern front, or in rural areas where taxation is stronger, or even in countries where serfdom has not yet been abolished.

Although he already had a general understanding of this, when Lin En followed Mr. Bill to learn about the situation in the lower city from the patrol officers who blocked the scene, the information he got from their mouths still made Lin En really feel it. What does it mean that human life is as worthless as grass?

First of all, there is no public security in Xiacheng District.

Patrol officers generally would not lower their profile to come to this gathering place for poor people. If a patrol officer had to patrol downtown in Elba Field, then he must have seriously offended his boss.

It's not that the daring untouchables dare to attack the patrol police, but in an environment where social status is extremely important, being dragged to patrol the lower town is almost the same as punishing you by cleaning the toilets for a week.

It's not very harmful, it's very insulting.

This led to a phenomenon, and it was consistent with the idea that Linn had had before. The order in the lower city was actually maintained by gangs. By controlling water sources and venues, these gangs formed a barbaric complex similar to the primitive chamber of commerce to bargain and set rules on behalf of the people in the lower city and above.

The dead in Xiacheng District are not called dead, but missing.

The dead have to pay a death tax, buy a cemetery, and ask a pastor to purify it to prevent extraordinary harm. All of this requires golden pounds to pay for it. If you can't afford to die, you can only disappear. Gangs will make another fortune from the disappearance problem, but they just pity those who can't mourn their loved ones.

The victim was a prostitute, and this perverted killer had probably done this kind of thing more than once. Bill must have used the patrolmen to investigate. These guys usually didn't pay enough tribute to the gang, so it was time for them to do some human work.

Linn agreed with Bill's approach. If the two of them were allowed to go to the huge downtown area to investigate on their own, the investigation might not yield results for a whole year. If the investigation does not choose the right direction and method, it is basically in vain. And the longer this kind of incident is delayed, the bigger the problem will be. The perverted desire to provoke and stimulate will become more and more swollen, which also means that there will be a steady stream of victims. Appear.

The work of corpses and the work of prostitutes.

The relevant information must be communicated between Bill and Elba Field.

Lynn also has a job.

"...Huh?" The puzzled syllables showed Linn's confusion. He didn't quite understand why Mr. Bill would give him such a task arrangement. He seriously doubted whether this guy was using his power for profit.

The smiling Mr. Bill arranged for Lynn to go to Lord Amiste's manor to inquire about some information.

"Although Your Excellency the Earl is not an Extraordinary, she loves Extraordinary-related objects and information, and financial support often yields amazing results. Regarding the determination of Extraordinary professions about [Death] and [Residence], as well as the potion materials on the market All the information can be checked through her.”

Bill really wasn't using power for personal gain this time. He was now thinking about how to catch this pervert. Throwing the finished corpse into the lower city area might lead to it being thrown into the middle city area. The [Suppression Bureau] will never tolerate such provocative behavior. This extraordinary incident is of a very bad nature.

Lin En understood that the beautiful mature woman in his relationship was not only a financial sponsor, but also an intelligence source.

"no problem."

It was the first day of work and the first mission. In fact, Bill would not refute Linn's arrangements no matter what. The reason was not only the coveted weekly salary, but more importantly, it was related to the issue of running-in. Of course, the rationality of the arrangement also determines Lynn's level of commitment. Whether he is a cheater and a maniac, or whether he is conscientious and conscientious all depends on whether Bill regards him as one of his own.

So far, Linn is still very satisfied.

Bill did not treat Lin En as a worker and exploit her to death, but really treated Lin En as a preliminary member to train him. Bill's care can be seen in the tests and reminders.

"Let me check the time..."

Mr. Squinted Eyes took out a pocket watch with a silver case and rose pattern. It looked much more exquisite and beautiful than Lynn's brass pocket watch. The surface showed that the time was almost noon.

"It's a pity that I can't reimburse you for this lunch. Just remember it for now. You can go back directly in the bureau's carriage and report the incident and our follow-up arrangements to the captain."

This is also a kind of insurance to prevent the incident from advancing too fast during the investigation process and not having time to tell the bureau that it is in trouble and no one knows yet.

Although the [Forger] profession has a mechanical bird that can report information, to be honest, that thing is not 100% effective. In [Lamp Holder], the mechanical bird occasionally gets lost or damaged, especially in big cities with complex environments. .

"Is it okay for you to be alone?"

Linn realized that Bill planned to stay here to obtain relevant information as soon as possible.

"It's not your turn to worry about me, little sir. Do you know? Before the gentleman in front of you joined the [Suppression Bureau], he spent all year round and twelve months of the year in the downtown area, intimately dealing with gang members. Woolen cloth."

Patting Lin's shoulder, Bill revealed a little about his past, and his smiling expression seemed to become cold and dangerous.

As a smart man, Bill was able to climb step by step from an ordinary person in the lower city to the position of Extraordinary [Lamp Holder]. Bill relied on more than just his words. Devil Bill, the title given to him by the downtown area, contains a deep fear of this object. If you want to make the gangs afraid, reasoning will not work. You have to be more ruthless than them to create a bone-deep fear. .

Bill hasn't told Lynn this side of him yet.

Any trust and trust requires time and events to be tempered. If Linn goes deep enough, one day Bill won't mind showing him the side of him that pulls the trigger vigorously and coldly against those poisonous gangsters.

Lin En has already boarded the carriage back to the [Lamp Holder] branch.

His combat power of half a Sequence 9 was almost equivalent to that of a goose. Bill's arrangement was reasonable, so he accepted it.

‘Even for the same god, there may still be multiple sects, and the doctrines may be different. Which sect and profession does this perverted guy belong to? [Lamp Holder] The database of the branch is still too small. If you want to check it, you probably have to go to the headquarters, which is not as convenient as Count Amiste. ’

The invitation you just received in the morning may come in handy in the afternoon.

Lin En couldn't help but have a headache. He was really not good at dealing with women, especially this woman who was not only very smart but also lusted after his body.

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