In Lynn's view, women are difficult to deal with because sometimes emotional women can easily do things that hurt both parties regardless of common interests.

Is it scary? Yes, it's scary.

Lin En, who returned to the [Lamp Holder] branch, quickly realized that the woman she had to face today was not only the charming countess, but also the heroic and awe-inspiring Steam Knight vice-captain. Although Yevni is unsmiling, she is still very easy to get along with despite her seemingly hard-to-get-together appearance.

Lynn's paperwork was done very well and there were no mistakes.

Suffering from hypermemory symptoms, he recorded all the details worth recording at the scene, and reorganized them on the carriage, deleting some subjective guesses.

In fact, while on the carriage, Lin En had a new subjective guess while thinking.

That is whether the murderer and the abandoned body were committed by the same person. The reason for thinking this is because there were too many stains from the garbage in the lower city on the legs of the corpse, and the soles of the feet were worn away.

Imagine that scene, under the secret and hazy moonlight of the moth moon, a skeleton angel that has been carved into shape by a fanatical pervert is crawling out of a garbage mountain somewhere. As an abandoned person, it is wrapped in decay. The aura of death, every step of the flesh-and-feather wings pulls the fragile strings of reason of the one who takes a glimpse, combining the breath of curiosity and art, the facial features cut off by this work are as hollow as an abyss.

Lin En even admired himself for having such a weird guess.

This is probably related to the absurd things he has encountered recently.

Eveni didn't find anything wrong with the paperwork report. She almost felt that it was recorded and analyzed by a veteran clerk on the spot. Despite her heroic and tough attitude, she was much softer towards Lin En.

If Vice-captain Yevni's expression was sunny when she listened to the clerical report, when she learned that Bill had arranged for Lynn to go to the countess's manor for information, her whole expression turned from sunny to gloomy. The neatly manicured nails were tapping lightly on the desk, and Yevni's gradually expressionless gaze made Linn feel helpless.

‘That guy Bill arranged this. Go find him, why are you staring at me? Labor and management are still a minor! ’

Linn was already roaring in his mind.

"I heard from Bishop that Amiste came again this morning." After a long time, Yevni, whose blue eyes were as quiet as a lake, felt a little disturbed.

"Yes, His Excellency the Earl gave me an invitation letter." Lin En knew that this could not be hidden from Eveni.

"Did she come to see you specially?"

"Yes..." Linn twisted around uncomfortably.

Yevni's tone was indescribably strange, and she scanned the handsome boy up and down with a scrutinizing gaze.

The rare and beautiful platinum hair, the lovely eyes like emeralds, the skeletal figure nourished by [Spring] are indeed pleasing to the eye, and the appearance is in line with mainstream aesthetics. With such a bunch of advantages listed, it is not difficult to understand why the mature woman who has been alone in the boudoir for many years fell in love with the young Lin En.

But Yevni found it difficult to accept it.

No one in the entire county knew that Amiste was famous for her beauty. She was so shrewd that she manipulated many men into her hands. Not only did she not suffer any losses but she gained a lot of advantages.

"Do you want to go?" Eveni stopped tapping her nails on the table, and the atmosphere in the room improved a lot.

"Mr. Bill is working so hard in downtown, how can I have the nerve to sit comfortably in the clerk's office."

Lin En, who had always been shrewd, suddenly became stupid at this time. He looked like a shy newbie in the office, and his enthusiasm for working purely for work could make capitalists ecstatic. Eveni is not a capitalist, nor is she a fool. Of course she knows why Lin En suddenly became stupid.

"you're right."

"It should be." Lin En breathed a sigh of relief. These words basically meant that he had dealt with the team leader.

"So I can't sit comfortably in the office either."


Lin En's eyes widened slightly after he had just relaxed. He didn't quite understand what Yevni's words meant. [Lamp Holder] The patrols are replaced every week. There is no need for the third team to patrol the streets today. Bill only took Linn out with the extraordinary report.

"It just so happens that the third team is responsible for that matter this month. I'll go to the manor with you by the way. Don't be stupid. Go and get the cloak for me. I'll put on my equipment and set off."

Yevni stood up and stretched her muscles. Her well-proportioned and strong body curves held up the equestrian uniform, and her serious and capable beauty suddenly spread out. Evene's beauty is a sharp beauty that people dare not get close to and can only admire from a distance.

Does this mean you don't trust him?

Lin En saw that Yevni had already made a choice. Of course, he chose to be an obedient and sensible subordinate. It would be better to say that with Yevni following him, he would be more confident in dealing with the countess, and he would not be run over by a big car on the spot in all senses. .

There is a saying that is good.

Widow, you can't sleep, there will be a big disaster.



"Ride up." Yevni put on her cloak, revealing her small and round chin, and her whole person returned to the mysterious and taciturn tone she had when they first met.

"...I can't." Linn was a little embarrassed.

"So I let you ride behind me."

"This is not good."

"Stop wasting time, grab me and get on!" With an unquestionable command, Ye Feni clearly didn't like Grandma Lin En's mother-in-law very much, so she directly extended her hand to him.

Unable to refuse, Linn could only grab Yevni's hand, and she easily pulled her up and onto the horse.

Before setting off, I discovered something very embarrassing. Lynn couldn't ride a horse.

This can't be blamed on him. His previous family education did not include equestrian. In the words of Lin En's father, the future is the age of automobiles, and there is a risk of breaking your neck while practicing equestrian skills. As a son, he does not want Lin En to die on a horse like other aristocratic children who died young, so Equestrian was almost eliminated from Lynn's family education.

Seeing that Lin En was very well-educated and good-tempered, Eveni thought that he had also received equestrian education.

The bureau's carriage has also returned to the lower city.

Lin En, who was riding a horse for the first time, was a little nervous. Riding a tall horse and charging into battle was every boy's inner dream. But before he could continue to enjoy this wonderful excitement, Yevni's clear drink that stopped his heart and lungs sounded. .

"Hurry up!"

Before he had time to think about where to grab, Lin En felt his body slump backwards and he was almost thrown away by the horse that started. Without thinking, he could only reach out and grab Yevni's waist. Amidst the shouts of passers-by and the neighing of horses, Lin seemed to hear Yevni's low and strange voice in his panic.

Linn, who felt the wildness of the female knight on horseback, just wanted to say one thing.

The suspension bridge effect really works! No wonder so many couples like to watch ghost movies, it’s the best choice to enhance their relationship.

Thanks to book friend 20210609235654862 for the tip. Well, you have been tipping me for several days. Thank you w. In addition, if I ask for votes and follow up on reading every day, I will post the second update.

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