The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 448 Elimination

Because they had been in contact with each other's spirituality once, and were able to perceive the frequency deeply, Linn seemed to be very familiar with Atali the second time. After Aitali made the request, the little gentleman who wrote it all over, almost with scalpel-like precision, immediately fixed Aitali's spiritual fluctuations.

The movements of a moment show the precision of angel-level operations.

He can only show precision within the scope of Sequence 8. Beyond the precise control range of spirituality, the degree of decline is like riding a roller coaster. Metaphysics is incredible, and the upper and lower limits are far beyond his imagination.

It feels a bit like immobilizing the frog before dissecting it.

Lin En, the quack, twitched the corners of his mouth.

He quickly shook this strange sense of déjà vu out of his mind. It was said that people who study medicine and law gradually lose their humanity if they are exposed to too many things in related fields for a long time. This is not a lie.

One is facing the ugly human nature, and the other is facing the bloody human body. No matter which one is exposed to it for a long time, the beautiful understanding of people will be worn away. Unless someone can infect them with the vigor and enthusiasm of a furnace and make up for their spiritual wounds with more ambitious goals, this is why some people say that revolutionaries are always young and enthusiastic, like the sun at noon.

Atali was locked in a spiritual moment.

She was finally able to understand how those patients who were placed on the metal operating table looked like animals.

Panic, fear, panic, but when your destiny is in the hands of another person, even if you clearly know that the other person is here to help you, you still can't bear it when that unknown feeling fills every inch of your heart. Live in prayer to some being.

The first thing that Miss Wheelchair thought of was the most important person in her heart, Efeni. She had protected her and had been waiting by her side like a knight ever since. And the figure that appeared immediately was that Lin En who kept breaking into her again and again. The guy who fell into my heart, his smile was gentle but a little bit flattering.

There is really nothing we can do against him...

It's all Ye Fu's fault.

Atali was lamenting about life when the vague voice suddenly woke her up.


Lin En acted as lightly as cutting her nails or trimming her hair. Aitali didn't realize at all that her spirituality had already completed a series of processes of segmentation, elimination, correction, and birth. Lin En, the quack doctor, En's operation still cut corners. He indeed used extremely delicate means to remove the alien spirituality from her body almost without damage.

But Lin En was limited by her spiritual capacity after all, and had no energy to help her further complete her spirituality. It shouldn't be a big deal. After understanding some basic structures and adjusting the basic framework, Aitali will slowly cultivate her body and spirit. It will be a matter of time before she can stand up. She doesn't need to be so fixed by the sequence.

This alien species is still strangely alive, even extending its tentacles like a living creature.

The whole thing has an inky color, like a large sea urchin.

"Is this...that alien spirituality?"

When the root of the disease that had troubled her for more than ten years was suddenly removed, the girl in the wheelchair felt extremely unreal, as if she was in a dream, and actually had two emotions of great joy and great sadness brewing in her heart at the same time. If the Black Angel His Majesty hadn't still been here, she would have lost control of her emotions and cheered and cried.

"Do you want to keep it as a souvenir?" Although Lin En was very tired at the moment, a sense of accomplishment made him feel as if he was really an angel, and he proudly controlled the spirit and showed off.


Aitali felt an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in her heart due to the showy and joking words, but this sense of familiarity was forgotten by her. Familiarity with an angel?

If you dare to say this, I'm afraid you will be arrested and sent to a mental hospital the next day.

Oh, she is a law enforcer. She does not need to go to a mental hospital. Instead, she will be directly examined to see if she is suspected of losing control, and then someone will be sent to take turns monitoring her.

Seeing that Aitali said no, Linn pinched her.

The sea urchin dissolved into the air silently, and the so-called thorny struggle was completely melted away by the Black Holy Grail's precise and orderly blows, which were like hitting acupoints.

At the same time that Lin En wiped out this alien spirit.

In a military base in Goen, a handsome middle-aged man was admiring a technology demonstration called Magic Steam Armor. Suddenly his face turned pale, and he casually put down his wine glass and excused himself to the bathroom. Soon, a strong smell of blood wafted out of the bathroom, along with some kind of painful coughing, and you could vaguely see the bits of liver being coughed up.

After a long time, an incredible sound came from the toilet.

"How is this possible? Angel?"

"Under the angel's crown, my legs?"

Aitali is more respectful towards the Black Angel. Compared with the illusory awe, the benefits that can be obtained can make people more respectful.

"I just helped you eliminate spirituality, but if you want to restore many functions of your body, you still need spiritual support and your own exercise and recovery. Standing up will be a matter of time unless you give up on yourself." Lin En felt that she He can take off the title of quack doctor. He is indeed a little helpless when facing Aitali's legs later.

The body is not like the spiritual being of Sequence 8. If Linn accidentally causes growth and disability, he can't say: Just chop off your legs, and I will change your career for you.

Even so, it was extremely satisfying for Atali.

As long as you cultivate slowly and don't have to walk a tightrope to advance to the Beyonder sequence, you can stand up. What a happy thing it is! From having to be promoted to stand up, to being promoted faster and standing up faster, is this comparable?

"Thank you again for your tolerance and kindness. Your Majesty, on behalf of the Sifen family of Stim, I promise you that as long as you are in need, no matter what it is, your affairs will be the most important!"

"Well, if it's useful, I'll let you know."

Lin En snickered in her heart, a favor from the Sifen family? He guessed that there was really no need. In [Steam City], his support in the world was Amiste, pronounced Countess and Archduchess. On the extraordinary plane, there is a mother Mary who is taking care of her like Feng Aotian who soared to the middle position on a rocket.

Otherwise, the things he did like stabbing his head before would have been slapped down long ago. How could he be so cool and live a happy life in [Lamp Holder]?

"Well, let's continue talking about the bug. It's a bonus."

Lin En kept up his energy and finished explaining the last bit of personal matters. He felt that he might not be able to hold on for another ten minutes.

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