The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 449 It’s all up to us

Lin En's talkative skills aside from other things, he is full of truth and nonsense. Even if he is thrown into the slums to start, his deceitful mouth, which is naturally suitable for politicians, is enough to make others sell out. Counting money for him, from a certain point of view, Lin En is also a talented person who does evil, but he has never had the chance to be released due to his conscience and the law.

He gave Aitali some tips on how to shape the demon, very much in the style of a magician.

Lynn, who was not in a moral vacuum, asked Ms. Wheelchair if there was anything new in the house recently and who had brought something back.

Standard fortune teller ambiguity.

Aitali really did this.

She is also a fortune teller. Although her skills are excellent, in terms of speaking skills, she has never served anyone else except telling Evenie's fortune, and her communication is almost zero. In this way, faced with Lin En's character creation, his magical powers, and his pointed words, she did not have the slightest doubt about the option of being deceived, and followed the train of thought thoughtfully.

There are quite a few things that have been added to the house recently.

Every day the maids come in and out, there is always material exchange.

But considering the special nature of the plastic demon, could it be those two paintings? Aitali, who was a little unhappy about the couple painting, immediately considered that one. However, Linn, who couldn't hold it any longer, left without even having time to check the effect after giving the hint.

Watching the black angel go away.

After just a few meters apart, Atali lost track of the hidden and blurry figure. It was a strange feeling that was clearly within the field of vision, but would conflict with the brain's forced ignorance. If the angel was not willing, , it is difficult for ordinary people to even catch their traces.

Atali finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

If you are not qualified, unless the angel is willing to condescend, you will still be unable to look up to him even if he is standing in front of you. Throughout the ages, there have been quite a few angels walking around in the human world, but not many of them have been clearly recorded. It is not difficult to see that extraordinary people starting from demigods are less and less said to directly intervene in secular civilization. Saints are considered to be the pinnacle of the outer world. There is strength, and there seems to be an invisible covenant in it.

"It's just like a dream..."

I don’t know how long I stayed at the entrance of the Ocean Palace. The strong chill of late autumn made Atali tremble as if soaking into the bone marrow. She habitually moved her wheelchair and turned back.

She did not doubt the information provided to her by the Black Angel.

In the private library of the Sifen family, precious ink was used to record some information about angels in a vague way, which even included predictions and descriptions of the behavior of pure living beings such as angels. This made the wheelchair lady always suspect that her ancestors Have you ever had an unusual relationship with an angel?

As an angel, even a random thought may be the right information that happens to be captured. The acquisition and application of this information, as well as the induction in the dark, make it impossible for angels to use conspiracy to calculate, unless they are also involved. Super beings disrupt the flow of information, which is the so-called disrupting the law of cause and effect. Otherwise, they can only use conspiracy to confront an angel head-on.

This also means that angels disdain lies.

Lying to targets who can lie has no sense of achievement at all, and lying to peers is useless. In addition, angels' communication is no longer limited to inefficient language, so they will naturally eliminate lies.

Lies will eventually be exposed, but the truth will not. The reserved truth can better guide the target to achieve the desired goal.

'Angel, angel, the war has just ended. ’ Atali couldn’t help but feel a little worried after hearing the news about her great luck.

To the outside world, the angels at full strength are undoubtedly natural disasters.

Unless there is an incident that the saint cannot handle, angels will not come openly. And if angels start walking in the surface world, it means that something worthy of their attention has appeared. In the [Steam City], in a short period of time, two saints, Mr. Umbrella and Black Angel, appeared one after another. Atali smelled the coming storm.

It is as if the world that has been quiet since the Shuojin era has gradually become lively, and judging from history, it is often lively to the point of boiling.

Will it be another round of ascension?

A trace of worry flashed through Aitali's heterochromatic eyes under the lamplight. Perhaps she should consider Linn's plan seriously and deeply. It at least seemed reliable and serious.



The lady in the wheelchair was worried because she noticed some signs of unrest, and began to seriously consider Lin En's big plan. At the same time, Lin En, who was sneaking back to the camp on the other side, was also thinking carefully about what he had just said about love. Tully's spiritual contact, and her overall change.

Lin En realized that after she had such close contact with Atali's spirituality, some of the fragments of knowledge she contained, or the spirit child model, might lead her to unconsciously understand and imitate her.

During her contact with Lin En, her spirituality inadvertently coexisted with the alien spirituality through years of competition, and she seemed to have been able to achieve a small number of fragmentary rubbings instinctively.

However, it is far from being able to directly affect the structure of her own spirit model.

Of course there is no need to worry.

One day after Atali was promoted, she was suddenly assimilated by the Black Holy Grail due to a problem with the spirit child model.

Considering that the third team in charge of the lamp may become a pioneer team in the future, and the original old law enforcers will become leaders to lead the newcomers, Lin En feels that he should put the key points of the different levels of the Extraordinary Path Spirit Son model in the upper, middle and lower sequences. To summarize, when the time comes, as welfare information for the team, I will also send a copy to Miss Atali, which can be regarded as an insurance policy.

The extraordinary path of this world is that the closer you get to the Righteous God, the harder it is to maintain yourself, and it is very likely that you will be assimilated by a life form that is too great.

Lin En was also thinking a little at this time. The starting point of the extraordinary path in this world is very beautiful. There is an almost infinite spiritual world to claim from. In theory, an infinite and powerful human civilization can sail towards time and space. But the existence of God, even the mere existence, has sentenced this extraordinary path to growth. If it is to be solved, it can only be changed in the most fundamental way, that is, through the way of becoming an extraordinary person.

It seems……

He has most likely found the right direction, and the rest is practice.

Lin En, who hummed a little song and started racing, couldn't help but hum a song that would make this world's nobleman dance like his own mother on the road illuminated by the moth moon.

"To create human happiness, we all have to rely on ourselves... Why do we sing later, relying on our own hands? Hey, I really don't have the musical ability."

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