The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 52 All Night

Accompanied by the hearty and bright laughter, it seems that the insoluble water vapor smoke in the [Steam City] has faded a lot, and the hazy blue reveals its own color to the boundless land accompanied by the morning light.

Through the clouds and mist, one can see a city as huge as a crawling beast, striving to spew out steam that symbolizes power and wealth.

Sand gathers to form a tower, water accumulates to form a river.

Human beings' accumulation of details and pursuit of skills can finally create achievements on a civilization basis that even gods will look at.

Underneath this glorious achievement, there are all living beings as diligent as ants.

"I'm getting ready to go to work."

With laughter as the accompaniment, Linn had a particularly delicious breakfast. He was taller and naturally ate faster than Sophia. Two pieces of bread and an omelette were eaten in two bites. Linn glanced at his pocket watch and saw that he still had time left, so he was not in a hurry.

Linn put down his knife and fork, pushed away his chair and prepared to change his clothes for today.

Until now, he was still wearing a set of pajamas.

"I'm here to help you." When Sophia saw him getting up, she put down her knife and fork and followed him.


Lin En nodded subconsciously and responded. There was nothing wrong with this. When the two were playmates when they were children, apart from the head maid, it was Sophia who helped Lin get up and take care of herself. Recalling that Lin En's father asked Sophia if she wanted to be Lin En's personal maid, she was very happy at the time. Unfortunately, her temperament destined her to make a living on the streets.

Sofia hummed a little tune while putting on her clothes, pants, shoes and socks, smoothing the wrinkles, tossing her hair, and taking the opportunity to ruffle her hair.

Linn turned around and looked in the mirror.

A handsome British boy with a gentle temperament jumped on the mirror. His naturally friendly smile was a perfect weapon in social situations. Even Sophia, who was very familiar with Lin En, couldn't help but look at his smile. I was absent-minded for a while.

"It's a pity that the coat and top hat haven't been finished yet." After helping Lin sort things out, Sophia looked at him with her hands on her hips and nodded with satisfaction.

If the coat and top hat are also ready, Lin En's maturity and stability will be more prominent. Now there is still a hint of childishness that is closely related to age. Of course, it would be interesting to really treat Linn as an ignorant child because of this.

"Things will happen in two days... Okay, Sophia, please remember to lock the door later." Linn also reached out to help Sophia tie up her loose work clothes and warned the elder sister. "Also, at least let me know next time you enter my room. Do you know that my heart almost stopped when I woke up?"

"Okay, okay, I will definitely knock on the door next time. By the way, I would like to ask, 'Dear Master Lin En, are you there?'" Sophia curled her lips. She just didn't like those restrictions and rules, but Lin En Well, since I mentioned it, she will pay attention.

"Besides, I suggest you sleep here before leaving..." Linn did not forget the dark circles under her eyes.

"Wait, don't move."

Sophia moved closer and helped Lin straighten out the incongruity of his tie before she clapped her hands and backed away with satisfaction.

"Go on, work hard, I'm still waiting for your salary...yawn~~" She yawned loudly as she spoke, and then she pushed Linn out of the bedroom like the master here.

Lin En didn't forget to tell her to go to bed early before sewing the door shut.


She didn't bother to eat the rest of her breakfast. After Linn left, Sophia jumped onto Linn's soft bed, snuggled up and closed her eyes with a sigh of comfort. She couldn't close her eyes all night, but now it was surprisingly easy to lie down, and she soon fell asleep in the warm breath.



Office building No. 404 Blue Street, [Lamp Holder] branch.

"Good morning, Mr. Bishop."

"Good morning, Lynn."

"I saw people marching on the road, and there were actually some businessmen inside. It seemed that their lives could no longer survive." Lin En said what he saw on the road.

"That's really too bad. These guys who disturb public order should send the gendarmerie over and arrest them all." Bishop frowned. In this old man's view, the kingdom's troops on the front lines were fighting bloody battles, and the rear was causing trouble. Everyone must be thrown to the execution ground as traitors.

Lin En followed casually, thinking that this might be a signal.

People in the middle city area tend to be unable to bear the continued deterioration of the economy, and the situation of the mud-legged people in the lower city area is probably even worse. War is a continuation of politics. To be honest, Linn feels that Albion's politics are now a typical situation of riding a tiger with difficulty. Ending the war is not as simple as withdrawing troops.

"By the way, your captain and the others have returned. She asked me to tell you when you arrive, don't go to the clerk's office and go directly to the reception room to find them later."

After complaining, Bishop lowered his head and read his newspaper. He felt that it was too funny to express his opinions to Linn. I am afraid that this young gentleman still does not understand what politics is.


Linn nodded happily when he heard that the vice-captain and the others had returned. He has good senses about both Evene and Bill, and they are very optimistic about him. If something happens to these two people, it will undoubtedly have a greater impact on Lynn's future.

"I still have to talk to Mr. Clark..."

Mr. Clark has a very gentle and easy-going personality. When Lin said that he might be taken away again today, he didn't mind much. He was polite enough to give him a few words of concern. Tell him that although Evene seems to be difficult to talk to, she is still protective of her shortcomings. Bill likes to laugh all the time, but this does not prevent him from getting angry.

In fact, the paperwork is not strictly divided into teams. Everyone in the clerk's office shares the work equally, so Linn will owe it first.

Clark's tips were very helpful to Lynn.

Knowing your colleagues’ personalities can reduce friction and allow for better collaboration. After Lynn passed the trough of his life, the people he met were not too bad. Even Detective Anthony was kicked away. I guess Detective Douglas wouldn't let him go so easily.


"Come in."

Yevni's voice was clear and powerful. Linn pushed the door open and entered. Just as he was about to speak, he unexpectedly saw another visitor in the reception room.

Love Tully.

This girl in a wheelchair with heterochromatic eyes was sitting on the side holding a book. Her slightly raised head showed her strong character. When Lin En came in, she turned her head and nodded to Lin En as a greeting.

There was a strong smell of coffee in the reception room. In addition to the map spread out on the table, there were some books and three cups of coffee that were no longer steaming. From all indications, Linn smelled something all night long. These three people seemed to have been busy since they came back last night. This desperate energy made Linn hesitate to speak.

Sure enough, a weekly salary of 10 gold pounds is not something that ordinary people can get.

"Come, come over here, come and take a look at this place." Eveni lowered her head to greet Lin En, with a hint of anxiety hidden in her tone. She pointed at the large map and asked Lin En to take a look.

Linn walked over to take a look and blinked.

‘Isn’t this a map of the middle and lower city areas? ’

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