The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 53 Analysis

Linn was very familiar with the terrain contours of Squirrel Street, so he was able to quickly judge what kind of map it was on the table.

The middle city and lower city are connected.

It seemed like an irregular and incomplete moth moon, or like a bloated life form with many tentacles extending out. Lin En looked at several red marks on the map and subconsciously calculated the distance between them. It seemed a little far. .

"The one marked in red is the perverted workplace. In addition to the two garbage mountains, he also has a dungeon. In the dungeon, we found a few surviving girls, but they..." Bill did not continue speaking, judging from his expression It's entirely possible to guess why those women didn't run away.

"What's their occupation? Have you seen what that pervert looks like?"

Linn looked down at the map and said casually.

Bill looked a little choked, and Lynn acted a little cold-blooded here. His attitude was like that of the police superintendents at Elba Field who were obsessed with solving crimes.

People always want the people around them to be emotional rather than cold and mechanical.

In fact, this is a bit unfair to Linn. He is not that kind of ruthless guy. It is just the side effects of super memory symptoms that make Linn deliberately suppress clear and strong memories. Can you imagine the tremendous pressure brought about by having a moment of fear or despair still fresh in your mind? Lynn doesn't need to imagine, he will continue to experience it every day when he looks at the street and is distracted.

"They are all prostitutes by profession. They were all frightened. When they were rescued, they were no different than wooden sculptures. Considering what the pervert did to them, I don't think they can see the pervert's appearance."

Bill thought for a moment and added.

"It's unlikely that they would say it, if they still had an organ like a tongue."

"Bill, let me tell you."

Yevni couldn't help but frown slightly. Mr. Narrow Eyes shrugged and said it was no problem. If this matter hadn't involved extraordinary power, he would have been more willing to leave this perverted murder case to Elba Field.

I believe that in less than a week, Stim's newspapers will be full of criticism of Elba Field's incompetence, but he can still buy a newspaper to add fuel to the charge of newspapers.

Unfortunately, it may be the [Lamp Holder] branch that will be embarrassed in the newspapers in the next week.

"Lynn, that pervert has dealt with the gangs in the lower city, but he hid it very well and never showed his true colors every time. Aita and I rummaged through the garbage mountains and dungeons for a long time, and determined that this person should be A Sequence 8, he did this not to achieve some kind of ritual or promotion, but because there was something wrong with him."

"An extraordinary person who is close to losing control."

Aitali in a wheelchair means simply to be frightened.

At this time, Lin En's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little. He clearly noticed that Ye Fenni and the others were not here to order him to do analysis, but to let him do what he wanted.

They seem to have arranged a position for themselves in the third team of [Lamp Holder].

Lin En quite likes the staff analysis position. Lin En knows that he is not a leader. He would rather be a good assistant.

"This is the news I got from Count Amiste."

Linn calmed down his racing heartbeat and took out the information about his overtime train last night.

As they began to circulate, they began to add their own opinions and suggestions.

"First of all, it can be speculated that the murderer has some kind of special obsession with prostitutes. Generally, when the obsession in his character breaks out, it will be transformed into this kind of hysterical appeal."

The word mental illness has not yet become popular, so Linn can only use words similar to hysteria instead, so that the three listeners can better understand what he is talking about.

"To put it simply, prostitutes should occupy a very important position in this person's life. If you find that the perverted works are similar to Skeleton Angel while searching, I think he should hope that the object of his obsession will be more Perfect. Maybe he tried to help her but failed."

"And this pervert is most likely a member of the [Mainland Medical Association], so I think his help at that time should have something to do with the profession of a doctor, such as incurable diseases or failed treatments. Then there is the environment in Xiacheng District …”

Atali, who was listening fascinated, looked at Linn in confusion.

"Mr. Lin En, what's there to talk about in Xiacheng District?"

Well, this is the prejudice of the entire society. You can't blame Atali, even Yevney and Bill agree.

One is that Linn's approach is very novel. It is rare for someone in their field to start from the psychological description of the target. Does it matter that the other one is a poor guy from the lower city? It doesn't matter at all. Without the factories and companies run by the gentlemen, these low-class people would have starved to death long ago. This is the consensus of the entire society from top to bottom.

Faced with the resistance brought about by this consensus, Lynn could only find a way to make them realize that the environment in downtown was equally important.

"If that pervert is not familiar with the Xiacheng District and occupies a certain dominant position, then he cannot hide the matter for so long. Therefore, in the Xiacheng District, he must be involved with some organizations, such as gangs. But it should not be just gangs, because Pure violence doesn't last long in gang culture."

Linn guessed this entirely based on his own thinking logic.

Bill had a strange look on his face. He hadn't told Lin En about this news yet while he was analyzing it. Lin En had really given them a lot of surprises.

"I have confirmed it with the gang. It is true that he is related to an underground belief. That organization believes in a non-existent god named [Painless Apostle]. This kind of guy comes out of nowhere like The rats in the sewers will never die."

‘[Painless Apostle]? ’

For a moment, Lin En seemed to have thought of something in his mind, but yesterday's stacking in the memory palace had not yet been completely digested, so he failed to successfully capture the inspiration that emerged at this moment.

"Finally, I checked the [Continental Medical Association] in the archives. Most of them serve nobles and wealthy businessmen. Often a related extraordinary person will have several clients. As far as I can find, among the members of the association, There are many cabinet members from this county, and recently the [Mainland Medical Association] is preparing to convene a mainland peace proposal.”

Evene still didn't understand what Lynn's subtext meant, but Bill and Atali were both thoughtful.

"Ye Fu, you can't investigate this matter alone, go find your captain."

As Evni's best friend and a member of the aristocracy, Atali was pulled over to help. She immediately turned to her and spoke solemnly.

"Aita?" Yevni asked confused.

"We still need a list." Bill's smiling expression showed the resistance he had encountered.

‘You also need to be prepared for the investigation to come to nothing. ’ Lin En, who poured cold water on them, remained silent. If he was given enough rights and resources, he was confident that he would be able to catch that pervert and face trial.

But everything in front of me shows that only handling cases will result in no cases being investigated.

Thanks to Xiaolu Youran and book friend 20210609235654862 for the reward. Thanks to Klasfen and Jun Qingyi for their monthly tickets.

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