The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 54 Sudden Sinking

Evene's political sense is not sensitive enough.

This was probably an unexpected gain for Lin En. Among other gains, he felt that the most useful thing was that his intelligence had been recognized by two official members of the third team of [Lamp Holder], and they did not value qualifications and were bold enough to use some Leave the problem to yourself to analyze.

If this is in a mature team, it is more difficult.

Sometimes, qualifications are more important than ability, although the two are often linked.

Lin En speculated that the third team of [Lamp Holder] should have been established not long ago, or they had suffered some blow before, so there was a situation where talents were reduced in an eclectic way in the early stages of the business.

In fact, it can be inferred from Bishop's vague hints and Eveni's behavior of calling for foreign aid. Of course, this is undoubtedly good news for Lin En. He doesn't have to wait for qualifications and delay, and he can squeeze into the ranks of official members of the [Suppression Bureau], which is equivalent to a clerk within the system.

Although Yevni was obviously ignorant and resisted, she still followed Atali's suggestion and went to find the captain. Her character obviously doesn't like this feeling of being frustrated and hitting a wall.

Of course Lynn didn't like it either.

The captain here refers to the captain of a team, who is also the head of the [Lamp Holder] branch. There are three teams holding lamps, two auxiliary and one upright, guarding and casting the fire in the hearth.

Under Bill's greeting, Linn began to organize the materials on the table. It was estimated that there would be a team meeting when Yevni came back. The two of them with able-bodied hands and feet would definitely not let Aitali, a girl in a wheelchair, do the work.

"You performed well just now. Miss Aitali didn't say much."

While packing up, Bill suddenly spoke to Linn.

"The angle of analysis is very novel. Is it so interesting for people who have not been affected by extraordinary information when they were young to get involved in extraordinary thinking when they grow up?" Aitali is a bit arrogant, but she still recognized Lin En's analysis just now. The real Pride is not stingy in praising others.

Practicing excellence is tantamount to humiliating one's own dignity. The beautiful golden spirit of the nobility is still reflected in people of the same class.

In this era where police skills are extremely primitive and rough, many of the things Linn brings to the table, as a person with a wide range of hobbies, are at the level of dimensionality reduction, and his own foundation is not bad.


Lin En accepted the compliments from the two of them decently. This was the result of his hard work, and there was nothing embarrassing about receiving praise. It's the slut's pretentiousness that makes people disgusted.

"Do you want to continue the investigation?" Bill noticed that Linn was a little absent-minded, and her emerald green eyes flickered with thought from time to time.

"I want to catch that pervert."

Linn replied subconsciously.



"He asked why you wanted to catch that person." Aitali on the side looked at the two people with her head propped up as if she was tired. Although she was not as socially as sharp as Lynn, she could still see why Bill So ask.

Linn paused for a moment when Bill asked, and then answered naturally and naturally.

"His perverted desires will only expand infinitely, just like an underfed snake eager to swallow more. We don't know how many people will be killed before he is stretched to death. We should stop him. I am very happy that my pen can send Use it instead of just sitting in the office sorting out files.”

Of course, there are many other reasons that prompted Lin En to want to do that, such as: merit, honor and desire.

When Bill heard what Lynn said, something in his smile faded, and he couldn't help but pat Lynn's shoulder. Looking at the young man's doubtful bright blue eyes, Bill spoke very seriously and slowly.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You may not know that even if you can't follow the normal process, it doesn't mean that you need to work hard. You have noticed that your recent mood has been a bit neglected compared to usual. Is it? It seems that the indoctrination of sex still had an impact on you, but it was relatively minor and you just took advantage of it."

Overlooking something?

Lin En couldn't help but stop the movement of his hands. He thought mockingly in silence. He didn't ignore it, he just didn't dare to look at it. In this era, too many people are living a very difficult life. Women and children who are obviously military dependents but are driven into slums. They even have to sell their bodies to survive. Children who choke to death from fake bread. Poor people who are fired from factories without reason due to work injuries...

Now, he is not qualified to see those people in this world where the gods overlook and the powerful indulge in their lust.

"This is the first time I've seen you comfort someone."

Aitali who was watching on the sidelines sneered, but she knew the title of Bill the Devil. During last night's investigation, it was found that his gloves were frayed and stained with blood after repeated beatings. He had to replace them with new ones as soon as he came back today.

It's a good thing that Yevni can tolerate the dangerous guy Bill being around.

"This is also the first time I've seen you praise someone." Bill was not to be outdone.

"That is the weak merit of some people, not to mention the fire of the forge, even the fireflies are brighter than it." Atali raised her fingers and circled them. She would only have a good look towards Yevni, and there was no need to think about others.

Lin En didn't want to be affected by their rivalry. After hurriedly sorting it out, he made an excuse and slipped back to the clerk's office.

Bill and Atali were the only ones left in the reception room.

"I think he is very suitable. When he gave the report just now, he deliberately made a button and wanted to use the power of the bureau to investigate." Bill suddenly changed the subject and refocused the topic on Lynn.

"This is your own business and has nothing to do with me." Aitali said noncommittally. "But you are right. He is very suitable for your three teams. It is a pity that the rich and pure [Spring] is. If it were replaced by the Mother Goddess Church, he would be able to become a deacon in a few years, provided that he does not go crazy. Or be targeted by the [Gem Club].”

A church deacon is almost equivalent to a branch minister.

The Church of the Mother Goddess and the [Gem Society] are natural enemies because of their surprisingly consistent sexual bases, and those lunatics who believe in the [Daughter of Cups] and practice their desires will do anything to satisfy their desires.

"Okay, okay, thank you for reminding us to be careful of those crazy people."

"I just don't want to tie it up for you again. Once is enough."

Following Aitali's words, the atmosphere in the reception room suddenly cooled down. Although Bill still had a smiling expression, it contained too many emotions that people didn't want to explore. After Atali finished speaking, her heterochromatic eyes blinked, and she realized that she had poked Bill's sore spot.

"...Tell Yevni that it won't be convenient for me to intervene next."

This arrogant girl with heterochromatic eyes chose to leave in this suffocating dullness, and she whispered softly when she was about to go out.

"That's not anyone's fault. This is the fate of people like us. In this life, all extraordinary people will not live on thin ice. The only difference is whose turn it is to sink. Linn is great. , I hope he won’t sink.”

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