The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 56 The choice of team leader

In the conference room, when Lin En came in, all eyes fell on him.

Linn immediately felt what was called a pinprick-like sting.

When multiple extraordinary beings look at one person at the same time, the body's spirituality naturally reacts, becoming alert as if threatened by a powerful predator.

There is a circular conference table in the very spacious conference room, which symbolizes that those sitting on it can speak freely regardless of status. In the middle of the table is a hollowed-out space with a small round platform for speakers to face. All around, both answering and asking questions.

After Linn came in, he glanced at the seating arrangement of the clerks and official members.

'wrong! ’

In the flash of lightning, he saw two groups of people sitting on both sides of the venue, clearly separated by seats. There was no trace of the three groups of people. Lin En was so keen that he smelled something bad.

[Lamp Holder] Only two of the three teams showed up.

The branch minister was not kicked in the head by a donkey because the minister was not even present.

"Lynn, come here, sit here." Eveni said to Linn who was a bit reserved and shy. She clearly told Linn in front of the second lighting team that he already had his own person in this conference room. s position.

Location is location, location is not just location.

Of course Lin En understood this. He felt that his future seemed to have been kicked by Yevni as she accelerated forward, and he could not guess the reason for this.

'This is my second day at work...'

A somewhat dazed Linn came to Yevni's side and separated from Bill to guard the leader. After he sat down, he subconsciously looked towards the second team. Sitting in the leader's position of the second team was the muscle gladiator. He was chatting quietly with a team member next to him, his expression looked very solemn.

"Bill." Linn called Mr. Narrow Eyes in a low voice, hoping that this smart man would at least tell him what was going on.

"Don't be nervous. The two leaders just want to see if you have any good ideas on how to catch that pervert. In addition, the captain is busy dealing with the star world, so we won't disturb him with such small things." Bill was a little evasive, but he still said I understood why the two vice-captains pulled him over.

‘I do want to continue participating in the investigation, but not in this form! ’

Lin En probably understood why he was called over. The two vice-captains may have united out of their own wishes and interests and planned to take this matter into their own hands to resolve. Only this explanation can explain why a clerk on his second day at work could be called over. With the most malicious speculation, he might be taking the blame.

How did things become like this?

This is definitely not the solution Miss Atali mentioned.

"Lynn, are you okay?" Eveni turned her head and looked at Linn seriously. Her heroic face was a bit excited and caring, and her concern for her subordinates was obvious in her eyes.


‘I’m good to you, Ma. ’

Lin's lips were trembling, her blue eyes were bright, and she smiled gratefully, looking flattered. The proud expression of Yevni showing benefits to her subordinates made Linn understand that Yevni really wanted to give him a chance to stand out. If the risks were ignored, this opportunity would be a rare one.

But this female knight, whose political sense is close to zero, must not have considered that if they failed to suppress the incident, someone would have to take the blame.

At least your Excellency the Minister will not recite the special code!

No, Bill must have thought of it, this smart man didn't stop him?

"Relax, relax, little sir. You don't want to let that pervert go, right? After we held a meeting to discuss it, we found that the calls for peace have been too loud recently." Bill seemed to have noticed Lin En's dull appearance. With a frown on his face, he explained in a low voice to him.

‘Of course the calls for peace are louder. This terrible war is the whole continent cutting throats and bleeding. Everyone underestimates the harvest of human lives by hot weapons after industrial development reaches a certain level. If the fight continues, an entire generation of men in the entire continent will die. ’

Linn nodded to show that he understood.

"You have always performed very well before, Linn. Next, we need your excellence." Eveni also said, her lake blue eyes showing the determination to find the murderer.

Yevni is a serious and upright person, and she is unwilling to report this matter.

Bill has estimated that according to the recent momentum of public opinion, even if this situation is reported, it will be settled through negotiation. There is no conflict between the several factions of the [Suppression Bureau] after being integrated for so many years, but in the face of some This situation is likely to occur when the threat is low but the consequences are more difficult.

Linn nodded again, he had begun to accept the reality and think quickly.

[Suppression Bureau] No one dares to say that they have to shoulder such a responsibility at this juncture. As long as they are exposed by those meddlesome reporters, the wave of longing for peace in the entire kingdom and even the entire continent will find an outlet. At that time, anyone who takes the blame will They will all be torn into pieces.

What is he going to do? This situation was not expected.

'Think about it, think about it Linn, you can do it, you can do it... [Mainland Medical Association], peace issues, members... I think, I think, I think... I can't think of it... I can't Let's do some sniping. ’

"Leader Yevni, I decided to listen to your thoughts in more detail."

The leader of the second team on the other side finished whispering. He placed his hands on the table and folded them. His attitude was already leaning towards Yevni's previous proposal.

In fact, the recent deterioration of the security environment is not only under pressure at the Elba Field, but also at the [Suppression Bureau]. If there is a chance to make a big deal, slap those reporters like wasps in front of them. If you smoke it, everyone will feel proud.

Eveni gently grabbed Lin's palm under the table as if encouraging.

Her small, well-proportioned hands transferred some heat.

"Lynn, just give me your advice."

Without any thoughts in his heart, he walked to the podium in the center of the round table. Lin En really had no idea at this time and his brain was in a blank state.

On the podium, facing the unfamiliar and scrutinizing people from the second team, Lin En's blue eyes that looked smart but were actually dull looked like a fish in a fish pond that was starved of oxygen.

"Well... I think the problem with this matter lies in the recent newspaper of the [Mainland Medical Association], uh, the newspaper..."

Linn's unsmooth opening made everyone in the second team frown, while Evene and Bill felt that the young gentleman standing on the podium seemed to have stage fright.

His lips were dry and his throat was numb. The pressure caused by Linn's nervousness made him unconsciously mention the newspaper.

'newspaper? ’

Lin En, whose mind was blank, seemed to have been struck by a bolt of lightning, and his whole body froze on the podium. After about a few seconds, Eveni noticed that the handsome young man on the podium seemed to have become more confident!

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