The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 57 Applause

Lin En remembered that on his first day at work, Bishop casually mentioned the news about the [Continental Medical Association] while reading the newspaper, but at that time his attention was focused on what a certain capitalist said. On the topic of raving, it is natural to think of street lamps and ropes.

The newspaper in Bishop's hand is Stim's Daily.

Published and distributed by the municipal government.

To put it simply, it is equivalent to an official newspaper. An official newspaper usually has an obvious political nature and is equivalent to the official mouthpiece. If you don't occupy the position of public opinion, the enemy will. What's more, this is a weapon used by the regime and the church to fool the lower classes, and the articles they publish are all politically inclined.

Newspaper, newspaper…reporter, reporter…

During the on-site investigation in Xiacheng District, the patrolman also said that even tabloids came after hearing the news. At that time, Lin En wanted to buy a Canary newspaper to criticize it. There is also the second scene, why was the imperfect skeleton angel put on display for provocation.

‘I see, that’s it, that makes sense, ha! How could I not have thought that public opinion, propaganda, peace, murder, lunatics are plotting the game, and there are people arranging it. We are all in the game, and the [Lamp Holder] is also in the game. ’

Some shadow outlines hidden under the abnormal events were being revealed in the violent vibrations of the memory palace. Linn's brain was stimulated by the excitatory substances secreted in the brain and fell into a strange excitement and joy.

It’s so exciting! !

"Mr. Linn, this is not a podium for the Boy Scouts. We don't have time to wait for you to brew your emotions, then give us an impassioned expedition speech, and finally die stupidly and generously."

The leader of the second team frowned dissatisfied with the unsmooth opening and untimely daze.

To be honest, Linn is just a childish teenager.

The fact that he was able to stand on the podium in the conference room and speak was entirely due to Eveni pushing him out. Otherwise, Lin En would have stood aside and recorded the speech of this meeting like the clerk.

"Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, my mind was blank a minute ago, but please believe that I will be able to give the two team leaders a satisfactory answer one minute later."

Facing the doubtful gazes from the second team calmly, Linn was like a strong bow ready to go. The strong will in that thin figure made people have to look directly at it, and his eyes were bright. Like a skater's emerald.

"Oh? Just think for a minute. If you can convince me, I will not be stingy with my applause."

Convinced by Lin En's heartfelt high-spirited self-confidence, the leader of the second team glanced at Yevni and gave Lin En and himself a step up.

They are all from the same department, and unless it is a rare case, no one will give them any face. If this really happens, it might be him today, and then it might be you tomorrow, and everyone will be in danger and the entire department will be disbanded.

Linn coughed slightly, clenched his fists and placed them on his chest, and began to speak in a calm and powerful tone.

"When Mr. Bill and I first arrived at the scene for investigation, we found that there was a very obvious problem. It was not the first scene. At that time, I was thinking about what could cause a paranoid pervert to put himself What about throwing out imperfect works?”

This angle of entry made the two people from the third team look thoughtful. The second team also heard the narration and documents of Lin En's report, and they were able to keep up with their thinking smoothly.

According to analysis, that pervert should be a person who pursues perfection.

From the various discarded failed products in the garbage mountain, we can see how tirelessly he pursues perfection. The more he fails, the more persistent he becomes.

"I just figured it out. There is actually another person. This person threw out perverted works. This person's purpose is to really provoke the [Suppression Bureau]. He is luring us into the game."

"Is there any evidence?"

The person who asked the question was Bill. He went to investigate the scene with Linn. Now that Linn wants to change the investigation of the scene, he must persuade him, otherwise he will be the first to not accept it.

"Yes, first of all, the crime scene on the map is too far away from the perverted abandoned site or the dungeon. Why did he deliberately place the body not far from Squirrel Street? It was obviously near the dungeon. The church roof is a good choice. ”

Everyone present felt a chill at the same time. Hanging the corpse on the roof of the church was really almost sacrilege.

Only a madman would dare to desecrate the holy symbol.

"The second thing is that after he did this, he didn't clear his traces. No matter the survivors in the dungeon or the cooperating gangs, everything was fine. This doesn't make sense at all logically. Even if he wanted to play cat-and-cat, In order to make the game more interesting, all the clues should be very clean! Unless he doesn’t want to see us struggling at all!”

Linn's tone gradually warmed up, and the joy in his eyes showed that he would definitely do a better job than this. The hidden person must not have thought that he would observe his flaws from another angle.

Everyone present unconsciously leaned forward, their thoughts being guided step by step by the young man on the podium.

Very easy-to-understand and reasonable words combined with the analysis of the case, they had unknowingly been immersed in the world described by Lin En. If Lin En stopped at this time, they would definitely order him to continue. He had already put everyone’s Curiosity was hooked.

"The last thing is very important, newspapers. Stim Daily and Canary Newspapers gave me different inspirations."

"The first newspaper, the [Mainland Medical Association] released a signal to the outside world to convene a peace meeting. Maybe some people do not want the [Mainland Medical Association] appeal to be convened smoothly. It may be some war gamblers, maybe with the help of power To fight against dissidents, and even the conspiracy of the Medical Association itself, the entry of the [Suppression Bureau] is exactly what the other party wants.”

"The second newspaper is a third-rate tabloid. It is said that the most written article in it is the affair history of a certain Earl. How come a reporter from such a tabloid is suddenly enthusiastic about perverted events? Could it be to satisfy the heavy taste needs of some customers? ?Obviously not, they must have been instructed to go there."

"So, gentlemen and ladies, my guess is not absolutely correct, but at least the general direction should not be wrong. Some people want to use the [Suppression Bureau]! Some people want to use us!"

With a final word, Linn's final conclusion was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of the listeners.

The clerk responsible for recording the speeches at the meeting was stunned. He had never seen such a wonderful analysis. Lin En stood so dazzlingly on the podium, and his thin body made many extraordinary people bend.

After a brief silence.

Bang bang!

The leader of the second team fulfilled his promise without hesitation and gave Linn his own applause. In the conference room, applause that came from the heart sounded one after another.

Thanks to Linfeng Yimao, book friend 20210609235654862 for the reward, thanks to 20170702001752040, Chen Mengxi, and Mo Lingyin for their monthly tickets, two updates are given~~

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