The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 77 Seven to four

Lynn actually likes the feeling when the brain is overloaded. Any information is at your fingertips, you can understand the pros and cons in the blink of an eye, and see through other people's emotions.

In that state, Linn's desire to win was infinitely high.

This is the second time that Mr. Little has been overloaded. Last time, he won everyone’s applause with his excellent speculation in the conference room. This time, Linn believes that he can still convince Yevni and Bill. He wants to prove that even if he has not yet become a Beyonder, he is still an important member of the [Lamp Holder] and he is qualified to sit next to the leader of the third team.

seven suspects.

Their words and deeds, facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and demeanor were all listed on the white ceiling by Lin, who was lying on the sofa, like opening a small window.

Before traveling through time, Linn had watched a movie called "The Queen's Gambit".

It tells the story of a drug-addicted girl who could use her brain to simulate a chess game on the ceiling. Linn once thought it was an impossible brain hallucination. But now that Lin En had initially controlled the super memory and extracted the picture, he had to admit that what he did was even more excessive than that of the drug-addicted girl.

Linn just lay staring at the ceiling as if in a daze.

The green eyes trembled violently from time to time, feeling the graceful aura of the Black Holy Grail sitting beside her, and comparing and analyzing each one.

Until Bill and Evene pushed the door open and entered.

"Are you okay?" Bill asked, looking at Lynn lying on the body.

Eveni also frowned slightly in concern, and both of them ignored Lin En's somewhat rude behavior. The people they were asking were all very tired, and he was the one in the room who was really observing. Linn was definitely more tired than them, not to mention that Linn was only half a Sequence 9 person.

"let us start."

Linn rolled over and sat up from the sofa. He had almost reviewed the basic situation.

It was more interesting than he imagined.

Hearing what Lynn said, Evene and Bill sat down comfortably. From Lin En's shining eyes, they all recalled the expression in the conference room that conquered everyone with one minute of thinking. Listening to the confident young man's speculations was simply an audio-visual feast.

"Among the seven people, three have questions. They are Mr. Willie, Ms. Ziegler, and Mr. Quentin. When you asked, their expressions told me that they have different views on this matter than others. mood."

"How did you tell?"

Bill was puzzled. The answers given by these seven people at each stage seemed to be no problem.

Linn didn't rush to answer, but pointed to the cups and teapot on the table.

"Come and get me a glass of water, and I'll ask you questions. Remember, the first answer is the truth, and the second answer is a lie."

Bill was a little confused but did as he was told. As soon as he picked up the teapot and cup and started pouring water, Linn suddenly asked a question.

"Do you remember what you had for breakfast today?"

"Sandwiches, cod and smoked ham." Bill replied subconsciously, pouring water in his hand.

"Where's lunch?"

"Cold beef, herring cakes, white bread and a cup of hot tea." Bill still answered fluently, but he stopped pouring water unconsciously.

Yevni's eyes lit up as she watched this scene, and Lin reached out and pressed it on the teapot, letting the water inside continue to fill the cup in Bill's hand. The handsome young man's smiling expression made Bill, a smart man, immediately understand where his flaw was. However, this method sounded too unheard of, even more outrageous than some professions that sense emotions.

"Try again?" Mr. Narrow Eyes became interested.

"You think of something in your mind that you like or hate, and then I guess which one it is." Lynn accepted Bill's invitation.

Bill was obviously much more serious this time. His expression tightened as he quickly found a way to deal with it, and his smiling expression seemed to have frozen. In a very brief moment, only about a fifth of a second, the buccinator muscles on Bill's face twitched upward, making the lines on both sides of his upper lip deepen a little.

"That thing must be very annoying to you. In addition to disgust, I also saw murderous intent."

Linn immediately answered confidently.

After Bill was silent for a few seconds, he nodded and admitted that Lynn was right.

"How did you see it? Extraordinary power? A single [spring] sexual phase should only please the basics." Yevni was very curious. She was just like the little girl when she first came into contact with the extraordinary, Azure His eyes were intently eager to get answers from Linn.


Bill vaguely guessed the basis of Lynn's lie detection, but he had just controlled his expression.

"Yes, it's an expression. It's not a common expression, but an instinctive micro-expression that can't be hidden. In addition to expressions, there are also actions, such as making fists, swallowing saliva, and pursed lips. One action, one expression, maybe Just reveal your true thoughts." Lin En rubbed his temples. He was a little tired from thinking and analyzing for a long time, but he had to convince his colleagues to believe this statement.

Evene and Bill were silent.

This theory that transcends the times is actually a super advanced level of observing words and emotions. It was a little hard for them to accept it, but after all, they were people who dealt with all kinds of secrets and dangers, and there were always things no matter how outrageous. Lin En's grounded rhetoric won their approval.

Seeing that both of them had relaxed expressions, Linn couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

As long as they believe it.

Lin En doesn't need his own judgment as evidence in the trial. After he identifies the target, he only needs to keep an eye on the target and investigate. Sooner or later, the pervert will reveal his flaws!

"Mr. Willy, when you asked 'What do you think of the victim?', his expression was the same as Bill's just now, which was disgust and anger, and even better. But in Mr. Willy's background, his dead wife was once a The senior at the dance club...well, dancer. He shouldn't be so angry about this profession. This anger may be the source of failure or someone ruining his perverted work."

"Ms. Ziegler, she is a little strange. You can all see the sympathy on her face when she mentions the victim. However, when you asked if other colleagues were suspected, she tightened her grip uneasily. She held up her hands, and then changed her eyes when answering, always facing you without moving away. Her answer was "I don't know anything." She was lying. People who lie tend to stare at one place without blinking. This matter She must know something."

"Mr. Quentin, his eyes have drifted many times, which is a sign of guilty conscience. Every time, he drifted when you asked about the garbage mountain. The data also records that he is a kind-hearted man who went to the free clinic in Xiacheng District many times. I don't think so. Determine whether he is acting like this because of this incident. In short, there is a suspicion. "

"Fortunately, these three people I observed were all stable and showed no signs of hysterical madness at all."

Lin En accurately described the state of the three people at that time in one breath. Bill and Evene also quickly found comparisons in their respective memories. While marveling at Lin's amazing memory, they couldn't help but deepen their trust in his statement. A few points.

Seven goes to four, leaving three.

Who among these three people will be the pervert?

Evene and Bill subconsciously turned their questioning eyes to Linn, and Linn bore the gaze of his colleagues, and the sense of accomplishment in winning the recognition of others filled his chest.

Thanks to Banjiang Waning Moon Night, Leisurely and Elegant, TEMPLE, Reduce the Macro, I want a monthly pass for your book~~Thanks to book friend 20210609235654862, book friend 20200109031703153 for the reward~

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