The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 78 Letter from the Earl

Although Linn is not yet a Beyonder, there is no doubt that his importance in the third team has been recognized by Evene and Bill.

In the eyes of two people.

The little gentleman's wisdom not only allows the [Lamp Holder] to achieve their goals more easily, but also allows them to intuitively feel that Lin En's wisdom is universal. To put it simply, Linn is not a head-on conflict type talent, but a team resource type. The higher his status in a team, the more terrifying the power he can exert.

The most ideal situation is for everyone in the team to maximize their subjectivity, and under Lynn's artistic command and inspiration, everyone can be in the best position and in the best possible state.

If Lynn were just one person.

Now a Sequence 9 can easily take away his life.

To be honest, if Linn didn't have the desire to become an Extraordinary, Eveni would have wanted to introduce him to the headquarters in the future to compete for the position of Cardinal Clerk.

Although this heroic and upright female knight dislikes those incompetent people who use the back door.


If it was Lin En, she would be happy to use her family's energy to work for him. Yingwu Yevni believed that the young man who sincerely stated in front of her that he just wanted to live happily was neither ungrateful nor greedy and incompetent.


Faced with the subconscious glances of the two people, Lin En directly gave his own suggestions without making a long speech.

"I thought you would directly tell me who the pervert is." Bill, who was still unfinished after listening to the analysis, couldn't help but say this. From this sentence, it was not difficult to see how high his expectations for Lynn were.

Lynn grinned at this.

"Even if I can tell who the pervert is, we can't arrest people directly with my words, so keeping them all under surveillance is the best choice. That pervert's disgusting hobbies were destroyed by us, and he is like a building that never stops A volcano that accumulates pressure will eventually erupt out of control."

Lin En did not deny that he could directly identify who was the most likely murderer, but it was the same as what he said.

After all, everyone must be restricted by the high wall of rules, and no one can have unlimited freedom.

"What you said is correct." As an upright person, Eveni has also encountered the high wall of rules before, otherwise she would not have come to the [Lamp Holder] branch.

Picking up the teacup that Bill had filled before, Linn could finally soothe her throat.

The matter has come to an end.

Lin En's work has basically been completed well. According to the original negotiation plan of the peace conference, the arrest will not be officially carried out until the end of the peace conference. In two days, Linn felt that the pervert would not be able to resist his dirty and deformed desires so quickly. When the time comes, as long as he is stimulated a little and then set a trap, the other party will take the bait.

You can just wait for others and get a merit easily~~

It also happened to avoid the sensitive event of the peace conference.

Perfect! !

Back at the clerk's office, Lin En's emerald green eyes were filled with joy that did not need to be concealed. His walking pace was a few minutes lighter than usual. All he was thinking about was the choice he should make after this incident. What an extraordinary career. You still have to find time to get to know the extraordinary profession mastered by [Lamp Holder].

"I can tell you are very happy."

Mr. Clark, who was not blind, easily recognized Lynn's cheerful smile, which was more polite than usual.

"I hope these two copies will make you happier." With that, he pushed out two envelopes to Linn.

"What's this?"

Linn easily recognized that they were two envelopes. One was made of more ordinary kraft paper, while the other looked much more upscale and had a lacquer seal on it. The pattern on the seal seemed very familiar to Linn.

"I received this week's salary and Lord Amiste's letter for you since you were not here just now."

Oh, what the hell! ! This is a mixed blessing! !

Linn thought of Amiste's plump figure and charming eyes, and his whole body was excited. The young gentleman suddenly realized that he seemed to have completely forgotten about the count's car during this period.

"You look awkward as if someone had punched you." Mr. Clark responded with a timely strike.

"I was just thinking about what it would be like for a smart person to get angry." Lin En picked up her salary and the letter from a suspected beautiful woman asking for charges, and sat down hurriedly.

1 gold pound, the clerk's weekly salary.

Lin En couldn't help but feel intoxicated as she looked at the beautiful patterns and brand-new ink on the gold pound. This is my first salary in this world, which is very memorable. Tomorrow is my rest day, so I must celebrate it with Sophia.

Of course you have to pay back the money first!

Sophia paid for many of his personal and fashionable items, and when he got his salary, he would definitely have to pay it back in addition to celebrating. Lin En didn't want Sophia to think that she was a white-eyed wolf. Even if her mind that automatically turned on herself when she saw him wouldn't think so, Lin En also understood the importance of protecting feelings.

Love is never a one-sided effort.

That's self-motivated licking.

Lynn believes that the ideal emotional state is to leave room for love, tolerate and like each other, and preferably to correct each other.

He stretched out his fingers and flicked the brand new gold pound. The pleasant crisp sound made the smile on his lips widen. Putting it away in her wallet, Linn had already begun to plan how to gradually get rid of Sophia's dinner for free without making her sad.

Then there is this letter from Amiste.

Lynn scratched his head.

He really didn't want to deal with that smart, plump mature woman. In addition to the natural fear of being run over by a big car, it was more that Linn didn't think he could deal with Amiste in various aspects. Because smart people can always smell each other's scent keenly.

Opening the fire seal, Linn took out Amiste's letter.

"My dear little gentleman, have you forgotten a poor lady in your boudoir? I trust you are not a heartless person who would take advantage of the joy and trust of a lonely lady. Will you be like The knight taming the fierce horse, offering me your respectful kiss in the beautiful garden? That is a shameful dream that only you and I can know, my little gentleman."

The beautiful squiggles showed Lin En the dissatisfaction of a deeply resentful woman. She seemed to be asking a question and hinting at teasing. A plump, plump, juicy breath was like the breath from her fragrant lips. Coming at you.

While Lin En breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help feeling that his breathing was heavy. The letter written by this beauty is as charming and soft as her plump and delicate body, with an unfathomable temptation that would make any man's blood flow.

There is also a short paragraph at the end.

"Hearing about your attack made me sad, and your grievance under the streetlight made me angry. When my little husband saw this letter, the lesson he deserved was delivered."

Grass! !

After reading this, Linn felt troubled and quickly turned to Clark.

"Mr. Clark, has the bureau issued any penalty notices in the past two days?"

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