After the fusion, even bullets may not be able to hurt the fused mandrill, so the armed police at the foot of the mountain had no point in going back to the mountain except to die in vain. Only Li Guanhai and I returned to the mountain.

As soon as I stepped into the mountain, a pungent smell of blood rushed straight to my head.

"What a strong smell."

I couldn't help but frown and pulled the Dustless Sword out of the purple gold gourd.

Li Guanhai looked at me with a slightly surprised look: "I have been practicing well recently, and you can smell it too."

I nodded and walked with him towards the direction of the village in my memory.

The closer we got to the village, the stronger the smell of blood in the air became, and my heart slowly sank to the bottom of the valley.

At the entrance of the village, a bright trail of blood led straight into the village, with no end in sight.

Li Guanhai and I looked at each other, knowing that something was wrong, and we quickened our pace and ran into the village.

In the village, we saw a scene like hell.

The walls of each house were stained with scarlet blood, and corpses were thrown everywhere. Almost every corpse was chopped to varying degrees, and there was no complete corpse.


I have seen corpses, and I have seen corpses that have been destroyed in various ways, but I still can't stop dry heaving when I see this scene.

Li Guanhai has obviously experienced more things, but he is not much stronger.

He found a tree to support himself and squatted down, and it took a long time for him to recover.

"Is this the fused mandrill? It has become a killing machine."

I looked around with the sword in my hand. Maybe the other party is hiding in a dark corner, ready to give me a fatal blow.

"Alas, it was my decision-making mistakes that killed the whole village."

Li Guanhai fell into deep self-blame.

"I don't care whether you want to hang yourself or have a caesarean section when you go back, but you'd better cheer up now, otherwise more than just the people in this village will die."

Under my scolding, Li Guanhai also realized that there was no time for him to blame himself.

"Let's go and see if there are any useful clues left in this village."

The two of us walked around the village twice, and we almost couldn't hold on several times because of physiological reactions.

We are sure that there is no one alive in this village, because no body can be preserved decently and completely.

On the dirt road in the village, the claw marks of the mandrill were found on the walls of the houses, and the power was strong enough to dig three feet into the ground.

But one thing caught my attention. Among the corpses in the village, we only didn't find the body of the eldest grandson.

At the door of their house, we found the old man who was cut in two, but apart from the old man, there were no other bodies in his family.

This made me more certain that there must be something on my grandson that attracted the mandrill, so that it still couldn't bear to attack my grandson after the fusion.

"You clean up the mess, I have something to do and need to leave."

I said to Li Guanhai, and turned to run out of the village.

"Be careful of your own safety, you are no match for the mandrill!"

Listening to Li Guanhai's voice gradually fading away, my expression became more and more solemn.

I know that I am no match for the mandrill, and I will either die or be disabled if I meet it, but why didn't that person stand up to protect the village when the mountain people were in trouble?

"Mountain God, where are you? Come out! Didn't you say you would protect the mountains and forests and the mountain people? Now your people have been killed by the mandrills, where the hell have you gone!"

I shouted hysterically, not caring about the danger brought by the mandrills at all.


I came to the place where I first saw the mountain god, and finally saw the dying mountain god leaning against a tree and breathing heavily.

His body was covered with scars and his clothes were stained with blood, all of which proved that he had fought a fierce battle.

I looked at his injuries and my pupils shrank.

Immediately, I asked in surprise, "What happened to you?"

"Zombies... came to attack the village, I tried to protect it... but failed."

"Okay, I know, don't talk for now. I know everything about the village, and we are here to solve this matter."

Looking at the weak and weak appearance of the mountain god, I was really afraid that he would not be able to catch his breath and stand in front of me.

"I'm fine... the mountain will not fall... I won't die... I just want to... rest for a while."

"Do you know where that thing went?"

The mountain god raised his arm with difficulty, and pointed in the direction of the village just now.

"Through this village... there are still

There is a... village, go and save them..."

"I know, you should take good care of your injuries!"

After bidding farewell to the mountain god, I turned and ran up the mountain.

Back in the village, Li Guanhai was mobilizing armed police to clean up the scene.

"Come on, two people come over here, clean up this area!"

Seeing Li Guanhai commanding the scene in an orderly manner, I hurriedly pulled him up the mountain.

"What's wrong, did you find the mandrill? So anxious?"

Although Li Guanhai didn't know what happened, his body couldn't help but follow me up the mountain.

I told him about the mountain god, and Lao Deng ran away, running faster than me.

"Hurry, we can't let another village suffer! "

The massacre of a village was enough to make him suffer.

If the same thing happened again, his position as the director of the Ninth Bureau would be over.

Going up the mountain road, there were muddy mountain roads one after another.

My legs were inconvenient, and my feet sank into the mud several times.

Li Guanhai thought I was walking too slowly, so he simply picked me up and ran up the mountain.

To be honest, I don’t think I’m a very thin person. At least I have a high muscle content and a strong body.

Especially after practicing merit, I have great strength to struggle.

But in Li Guanhai’s hands, I was like a hairless chicken, unable to move. Yes.

But thanks to him, we saw the other village mentioned by the mountain god in three minutes.

The situation of this village was no worse than the previous one.

A raging fire broke out in the village. It seemed that someone's kerosene lamp was overturned and ignited the bed, and then the whole village was burned.

Some houses were burned to only wooden frames, and the wood on the beams was shaky and I didn't know when it would collapse.

There were screams and cries everywhere in the village, and the whole world was in purgatory.

The only good news was that there was no blood in the village.

I broke free from Li Guanhai's hand and rushed to the woman who was huddled in the corner, "Mandrill... Where is that monster? Did you see it?"

The woman seemed to be frightened and could only scream "woo woo woo".

"Wake up, I'm here to protect you!"

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