The woman was still screaming, as if we were the murderous monsters.

Just when I was anxious, a little boy in ragged clothes came out from behind a large water tank.

"Brother, my mother has mental problems. Don't provoke her anymore. I know where the monster is."

The little boy was much braver than his mother. He pointed a finger at the back of the village. "He went over there, and he brought a brother with him."

Hearing the little boy's words, I raised my eyebrows.

Sure enough, my guess was right. The eldest grandson must have had a relationship with the mandrill... No, there is some kind of connection.

Following the direction pointed by the little boy, Li Guanhai and I searched all the way there.

At the end of the village, we saw the monster with long black-brown hair, a long face, four claws, and black air all over its body.

Under his armpit was an unconscious young man, the grandson I saved before, who was now half dead.

In front of the mandrill, there was a little girl of three or four years old, crying loudly.

The mandrill's claws stretched out, about to tear the little girl's body.

"Evil beast, don't hurt anyone!"

Before I could react, Li Guanhai rushed to the mandrill with his Buddha light, and blocked the little girl before the claws fell.

With a "ding" sound, the mandrill's attack was like hitting a sharp blade, making a series of sounds.

"Is this... the golden body of Buddhism?"

The golden light wrapped around Li Guanhai's body already had the image of Buddha, which was the Dharma image.

I knew that Li Guanhai's strength was definitely not as simple as he said.

The mandrill failed to hit, and was stunned by the force. It covered its head and retreated repeatedly.

"Boy, take these two people away!"

Li Guanhai stood in front of the little girl and the eldest grandson, clenched his fists, and seemed ready to fight the mandrill to the death here.

I knew that I couldn't help much if I stayed here, so I dragged the two to the side.

Seeing me take the two away, the mandrill roared and prepared to pounce on us, but was knocked back by Li Guanhai's punch in the chest.

Although the mandrill's target seemed to be only the eldest grandson, it was stopped by Li Guanhai after all.

"Little monkey, your opponent is me."

Li Guanhai hooked his finger at the mandrill.

This action completely angered the mandrill. It roared, kicked the ground with both feet, and then pounced on Li Guanhai.

This collision was extremely fast and powerful. I felt that even if Li Guanhai had a Dharma image, it would be difficult for him to resist this attack.

"Be careful!"

As I shouted, Li Guanhai rolled to the side.

But he was a beat slower to react, and the sharp claws of the mandrill scratched his upper arm.

Li Guanhai groaned, and the wound on his arm was emitting a trace of black gas.

I knew it was the artificial synthetic thing that did it. It launched an attack at the same time as the mandrill attacked, injecting black gas into Li Guanhai's wound.

Li Guanhai didn't have time to force the black gas out, and the mandrill's second attack followed, this time attacking Li Guanhai's forehead.

Li Guanhai couldn't dodge this attack at all, so he summoned his golden body to resist it.

I shouted angrily, "M1911... unlimited bullets!"


I fired three shots at the mandrill's forehead. Although it did not cause any damage to its steel-like forehead, it was enough to delay its attack.

With this slight delay, Li Guanhai was able to react.

He put away his golden body and punched the mandrill's jaw with a golden fist.

Arhat Fist!

This is the boxing of Shaolin Temple, a general martial art that all Buddhist disciples can learn nowadays.

However, ordinary disciples only learn it to strengthen their bodies, and there are very few people like Li Guanhai who have golden light around their fists.

After this punch, the mandrill screamed, and the black air wrapped around the mandrill also showed signs of being withdrawn at this time.

I quickly reminded Li Guanhai: "Hit a few more times, the synthetic body will soon separate!"

After hearing what I said, Li Guanhai quickly punched the mandrill several times in one second, and the speed was so fast that it left an afterimage.

The mandrill cried out in pain, gave up fighting Li Guanhai, and quickly fled to the hillside behind him.

I would not miss such a good opportunity, and fired dozens of shots in a row.

The mandrill was tired of running for his life and did not use all his strength to resist my bullets.

The mandrill, who was hit by a series of bullets, lay on the ground helplessly as if his soul had been taken away. Li Guanhai took the opportunity to jump high,

A punch hit the mandrill's head.

This punch forced out the black air surrounding the mandrill, and it flew away along the grass.

I hurriedly chased after it and fired several shots at the black air flying close to the ground.

But its speed was too fast, and none of the shots hit the target.

"Don't chase it, come back!" Li Guanhai hurriedly called me back who wanted to continue chasing.

When I went back to check on the mandrill, I found that it was dead.

It's a pity that once the mandrill died, it would be difficult to find out the connection between it and the eldest grandson.

"This matter is far from over."

The culprit was dead, but Li Guanhai's brows were still twisted.

"You are worried about that group of artificial synthetics, but it's a pity that it ran too fast, and it will be difficult to find it again."

"No, it's not just that group of artificial synthetics."

Li Guanhai shook his head, indicating that the matter behind it was far from as simple as imagined.

"I said this is a product of alchemy. Only overseas people use this evil witchcraft." Li Guanhai paused deliberately so that I could understand what he meant. "Why would a species that only appears abroad flow into Daxia?"

Li Guanhai's meaning is self-evident.

"You mean, some foreign alchemists deliberately put the synthetic substance into Daxia in order to cause panic in Daxia?"

Li Guanhai nodded, agreeing with my idea.

"I will go back and report this incident first, and then go to the customs to check. I will tell you if there is a clue."

"Hmm... Hmm!? Why are you telling me? Do you want me to chase it abroad?"

If it's not buddy, what is our unit?

The Ninth Bureau's Gangcheng Office. If you don't know, you might think it's the Global Office.

"It stands to reason that we have colleagues who specialize in handling foreign events, but you have followed this matter from beginning to end. It would be more appropriate for you to handle it..."

What he said made sense, and I couldn't refuse it.

"Don't worry, we need to take our time to trace the source, even if we go there this is not the nearest time."

Li Guanhai led the armed police to clean up the mess and returned to the ninth inning with the body of the mandrill.

But I couldn't let it go because of the hasty ending of this matter, so I went to find the mountain god again.

When I saw him again, I saw that the bloodstains and the weak and exhausted look on his body had disappeared. It was worthy of the protection of the mountain, and he recovered quickly.

But his face was still pale, so he must not have fully recovered.

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