The two of them were very close, but the two of them were very close.

"That's right, don't keep everything to yourself, at least tell this little brother!"

Just when I thought that my attempt to get information about the person behind the scenes from the Second Master had failed, a deep female voice rang out from behind me.

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw the purple-clothed elder sister I had met several times before.

"Sister Yun, why are you..."

The Second Master was hesitant to speak, his expression was a little flustered, as if he was very afraid of the Sister Yun he was talking about.

Sister Yun walked up to the Second Master and slapped him without saying a word, which stunned me.

This sister Yun is also a ruthless character. Seeing how she beat the Second Master so hard that he dared not fight back, maybe her status in Bijia Village is higher than that of the bald man.

"You are a waste, you are really useless." Sister Yun continued to insult the Second Master, "Didn't your eldest brother say before that you should observe this kid for two more days? You are so good, as soon as your eldest brother died, you immediately revealed what we did. Haven't you ever thought about the risks?"

It is not difficult to hear from Sister Yun's words that the bald man actually intended to win me over, but as a leader, he needs to be cautious in making any decision.

In comparison, the Second Master, as a younger brother, is too stupid. He took the initiative to tell me everything before I even started asking.

But thanks to him, I already know everything that is happening in Bijia Village.

"Sister Yun, isn't this a special case for me? My eldest brother is dead, and we need fresh blood." The Second Master said to Sister Yun aggrievedly, covering his face.

"Special, your mother!"

With a "slap", another hard slap hit the second master's head.

"I think you are just an idiot, you do things without thinking! But I still like this little brother very much. Since you have already said it, it doesn't matter."

Sister Yun's face changed, and she didn't look angry at all. Instead, she looked at me with a smile.

When she smiled, all the wrinkles on her face were squeezed together. The gullies of the wrinkles were as deep as a finger, which gave me goose bumps.

"Little brother, I am the master you are looking for."

"You, you are the master!"

I was very excited that I found the outsider hidden in the village so easily.

But I can't easily show this excitement. I have to pretend to be very surprised.

"Yes, why don't you look like it?" Sister Yun opened her hands to show herself.

"Like, too much like a master, then can you show me some skills?"

"No problem, I can show you some skills, I just happen to be going to deal with your girlfriend now, if you don't mind, let's go and see."

Sister Yun showed a sinister smile, perhaps this is her true face.

"Deal with? How to deal with it?" I had a bad feeling in my heart.

"Your girlfriend is protected by a poisonous insect. Anyone who wants to get close to her will be poisoned to death by the poisonous insect. A woman like this who is of no help to our business is just a disaster in the village. I will naturally send her to see the King of Hell."

"There is no need to be so anxious, right?" My tone was a little panicked, and the bad thoughts in my heart still became a reality.

"I know you still have feelings for her, so I won't force you to come and see it. If you don't want to come, just go back to your room."

After that, Sister Yun led the second master to the red area and to Yumi's room.

I wanted to wait until I had a full understanding of the situation before I made a move, but now Yumi's life was threatened. The situation was urgent and I was afraid I had to take the risk of making a move in advance.

I didn't have absolute confidence in defeating Sister Yun. She gave me a sense of hidden power. I could only hope that the Sheep God would bring me some good luck at this time.

I quickly ran back to the house, took out the purple gold gourd and the Dustless Sword hidden in my backpack, and held them in my hands. There was no need to hide them at this time.

"Come out, M1911!"

The other hand held the pistol summoned from the Demon-Subduing Book.

With the gun in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, he quickly ran to the red area, hoping that he could stop Sister Yun before she made a move.

"Hey, brother, what are you doing? Why are you so anxious?"

Yu Wei suddenly appeared in front of me and waved to me.

Without saying a word, I raised the Dustless Sword and stabbed him in the throat.

He didn't even have time to react before I stabbed his throat with my sword. Before he died, he covered his neck with his hands and looked at the


He didn't know what happened until he died.

It took only five seconds to get rid of Yu Wei. I didn't delay and continued to move forward to the red area.

Yu Wei's blood gushed out of his throat, splashing all over my body and face.

I didn't have time to clean it, I just wiped it casually, but it was even more smeared.

But it's good, at least it makes me look more terrifying in terms of momentum.

Thanks to this blood, I was unstoppable when I entered the red area.

The surrounding villagers looked at me like a bloody man and avoided me. No one dared to come forward to ask, for fear that they would be the next to die under my sword.

Yumei's room is very easy to find. At this time, she was in a fierce battle with Sister Yun. I followed the sound to find it.

When I arrived at the door, I found that Yumei had not woken up from the bewitching. It was the insects around her who had independent consciousness and were spontaneously protecting Yumei.

Sister Yun was so exhausted by a dozen small insects that she could only defend herself and had no power to fight back.

There was another new corpse on the ground nearby. It was the Second Master who did not have time to escape. It seemed that he became a victim involved in this battle.

"Sister Yun, I will help you... ascend to heaven!"

I raised my sword and stabbed Sister Yun in the chest, but she dodged it.

However, because she was distracted by dodging my attack, she was bitten by the insects several times in an instant.

"Little brother?" Sister Yun was not surprised to see me like this, "I knew that the foundation of Bijia Village would be destroyed by the hands of the stupid Second Master!"

Sister Yun took a step back and avoided the attack range of the flying insects.

She took off her purple coat, revealing a close-fitting white lining.

From this point of view, her figure is still quite good. Although she is a little older, her figure has always been well-proportioned.

"I'll kill you two and reorganize Bijia Village!"

After saying that, Sister Yun blew a breath and several hidden weapons shot out from her mouth.

I was caught off guard and had to raise my sword to block.

The sword was too thin to block all the hidden weapons. One of them passed through the sword and flew straight to my chest.

It seemed that I was going to be hit!

At the critical moment, Wang Yi took the initiative to appear from the Demon Subduing Book, transformed into a flesh body and stood in front of me, blocking the attack for me.

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