The hidden weapon pierced Wang Yi's body, and she immediately covered her chest with a painful expression.

"This dart is poisonous, and you will die if you touch it. I can only help you block it this time, and you have to be careful next time." After Wang Yi finished speaking, her body became transparent and turned into a wisp of white smoke and returned to the demon-slaying book.

After that, no matter how I called Wang Yi, she could not respond to me.

The soul demon was originally refined from the soul, and its essence is still the soul, but it has transformed into a physical body due to acquired cultivation.

Physical attacks like hidden weapons naturally cannot beat Wang Yi to death, at most they can break up her physical body.

Wang Yi is now back to being only a spirit, so she can't respond to my call.

After I destroy this heretic, I will help Wang Yi refine her body again, and she will be back to normal.

"Soul demon?" Sister Yun didn't have such a strong desire to kill me when she saw Wang Yi. "It turns out that you are not a righteous person. Why don't you run Bijia Village with me? I guarantee that you will have endless women and wealth in the future."

I have to say that Sister Yun's conditions still made me very excited.

But I rejected her proposal without much hesitation.

The reason is that I am a righteous person, and I will never do such a heinous thing with the heretic.

What's more, I still have several accounts to settle with the heretic, how can I reconcile with them so easily?

After hearing what I said, Sister Yun's eyes were full of murderous intent again.

"Okay, since there is a road to heaven but you don't want to take it, don't blame me for being ruthless. Today you and this little bitch will both die here!"

Sister Yun took out a tattered ancient book from her bosom, pinched her fingers with one hand and muttered something, and soon I found that her body had undergone obvious changes.

Sister Yun's bones and muscles began to swell, making a "crackling" sound.

The blood vessels on her limbs and neck began to show, and at first they were green veins, and later the skin on the outside was burst, revealing bright red blood vessels.

Because of this mutation, Sister Yun suffered great pain, and the sound of grief was endless.

After thirty seconds, Sister Yun completed the mutation.

At this time, she was as tall as a floor, her torso and limbs looked abnormally enlarged, and only the head remained the original size, which looked very weird.

"Sister Yun, why are you doing this? Even if you can kill me, you can't change back?"

Seeing this monster that was several times larger than me, I actually had the intention of retreating in my heart.

But I can't retreat. If I run away, Yumi will really die.

"Boy, don't you want to see me show off my skills?" Although Sister Yun turned into a monster, she still kept a clear mind. "You haven't seen the immortal's body refining method, right? I may be able to return to my original state after the transformation is over."

Damn, which immortal's spell is this? It's too buggy, right?

Transformation without any side effects, isn't this equivalent to the Hulk in a certain American movie?

"Die, kid!"

Sister Yun punched at the position where I was standing, and I quickly dodged to the side.

I dodged this attack with lingering fear, and when I looked at my original position, a deep pit of several tens of centimeters had appeared.

If this punch hit me, I would definitely be hammered into meat paste in an instant.

Seeing that the first attack failed, Sister Yun then punched me several times.

Although her attack was very fierce, the frequency of attacks also decreased a lot after her body became larger. As long as I focused on escaping, it would not be a problem.

Of course, the price of doing so is that I can't do any substantial harm to Sister Yun.

Looking at the place where Sister Yun had just hit, several houses were flattened to the ground in an instant.

The girls who had not had time to escape in the room also turned into a pool of blood, without even a bone left.

After seeing Sister Yun's killing spree, the others screamed and fled everywhere.

But this aimless escape can only speed up their transformation into dead souls under the fist.

These girls were all poor people who were cheated and robbed by Sister Yun, and now they died under Sister Yun's fist, which is really pitiful.

I knew that Sister Yun's main target was me, so I took the initiative to stay away from the direction where the girls fled and let them leave safely.

"Calm down, Sister Yun, you still have to make money from these girls. You can't go on stage yourself even if they are beaten to death, right?"

Sister Yun was completely enraged by my words and caught me and hit me hard.

While hitting, she cursed: "Are the little bitches not easy to find? At worst, I will beat them all to death and find them again.


Perhaps because I had dodged her attacks several times without any danger, Sister Yun's attacks seemed impetuous.

"Good opportunity!"

After Sister Yun's attack failed again, her fist was stuck in the middle of the tree and couldn't be pulled out.

I saw the right moment and fired several shots at her abdomen.

However, what surprised me was that Sister Yun's body was like a hard shell, and the bullets were bounced off the moment they hit her.

I fired more than ten shots at the same position, each shot was more powerful than the last, but the bullets were like tickling in front of Sister Yun, and they didn't cause any damage to her.

During this time, Sister Yun pulled her fist out of the tree.

I thought she was going to launch the next attack on me, but she didn't do it.

Instead, Sister Yun turned her fist and locked her target on Yumi, who was still unconscious in the house.

Sister Yun meant that since she couldn't catch me who was jumping around, couldn't she catch someone lying down? A live target on the bed?

I said inwardly that it was not good, and before I had time to think about the consequences, I went into Yumi's room.

At this time, Yumi was still sleeping soundly on the bed, and the insects were accompanying her.

I didn't care about the possible consequences of the insects on me, and I picked up Yumi and was about to jump out of the window.

Suddenly, a violent shaking sensation came over me, and I slipped off the bed without standing firmly. Before I fell, I desperately threw Yumi out of the window.

Then the roof collapsed in an instant, and countless wood, straw and bricks fell on me.

I quickly curled up to protect my important parts.

Thanks to the fact that I had practiced physical skills with merit before, although I was smashed to pieces, I could still move.

Sister Yun's fist landed 20 centimeters away from me. If it was a little closer, I might have died without leaving any residue.

"Boy, you are still very lucky. "

Sister Yun looked at me with some sarcasm, then raised her fist to give me the finishing blow.

I wanted to escape, but there were too many pieces of wood and gravel around me, which seriously affected my escape speed.

Seeing that I couldn't escape, I had to squat on the spot with my hands on my head, hoping that a miracle would happen and let me survive.

I wonder if the one in my body can come out to avenge me if I am smashed into a pulp?

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