"Then I'll leave it to you, Professor Oak."

"Xiaozhi, although these ancient Pokémon are rare, they were all captured by Xiaogang. What achievements have you made?" Xiaomao suddenly found Xiaozhi's loophole.

"Yes, Xiaozhi, what Pokémon have you captured? I've been waiting to receive your Pokémon here." Professor Oak also said.

"Don't worry, Master Xiaomao, Professor Oak, watch, I'll teleport now."

After that, Xiaozhi teleported the Pterosaur's Poké Ball. Professor Oak received the Poké Ball, opened it, and saw that the Pterosaur flew out.

"Fuck! This, this, this." Xiaomao widened his eyes.

"Xiaozhi, I was right about you. You actually captured the Pterosaur." Professor Oak praised.

"Professor Oak, I'll leave the Pterosaur with you first. When I need it in a battle, I'll ask you for it." Xiaozhi said.

"No problem, no problem, you can keep it here for as long as you want, it's just right for me to study it carefully."

Dr. Oak was eager for Xiaozhi to leave the fossil pterosaur with him.

After the call ended, Xiaomao also said goodbye to the group. Xiaomao said that he must catch up with Xiaozhi and go to capture rare Pokémon, so he left first.

After that, Xiaozhi and his group continued their journey.

After a few days, Xiaozhi and his group traveled to the vicinity of a small town.

Xiaozhi and his group rested under a tree, while Pikachu climbed up the tree alone to pick apples from the tree.

Suddenly, Pikachu rolled down from the tree and couldn't speak, and could only make "uh, uh, uh" sounds.

"Xiaozhi, Pikachu is not right. I think we should send Pikachu to the Pokémon Center for treatment."

"It has only been crying like this since the beginning. Maybe something is stuck in its throat."

Xiaozhi waved his hand after hearing this. "But there is no Pokémon Center nearby. The only emergency hospital in the town over there treats people, not Pokémon."

"What should we do? If we don't treat it, Pikachu may suffocate to death because it can't breathe." Xiaogang said.

"Don't worry. Look at me. Xiaogang, Xiaochun, help me hold Pikachu down and don't let it move."

After hearing this, Xiaogang and Xiaochun also held Pikachu down one by one.

"Pikachu, although this may be a little uncomfortable, for the sake of your health, you have to bear it."

After saying this, Xiaozhi imitated the doctor in the original animation and put his hand directly into Pikachu's throat.

Pikachu felt very uncomfortable, and a 100,000-volt electric shock burned the three people, but fortunately Xiaozhi successfully took out the apple.

Xiaozhi was also speechless. How did you, Pikachu, get such a big apple stuck in your throat? These three or four apples are as big as a Pikachu.

"Pikachu, are you okay?"

"Pika Pika!"

Pikachu instantly regained his vitality, threw himself on Xiaozhi's shoulder, and patted Xiaozhi's back, meaning not to worry.

This pat was so earnest, just like an elder educating a younger generation.

After solving Pikachu's problem, everyone packed up and prepared to continue on the road.

As for the hospital in that town, Xiaozhi also deliberately took the other two people to bypass it.

First of all, Pikachu has been cured, and there is no need to go to that hospital.

Second, without Team Rocket in this life, the car transporting Pokémon nearby would not have had a car accident, and there would be no Pokémon here that needed their help to treat.

Finally, and most importantly, the male doctor named Du in the town's emergency hospital was too disgusting.

Although doctors are also human beings and need to rest, they can't be so indifferent to life. In the original play, Xiaozhi held the dying Pikachu and asked him to treat him, but he actually said that he was on vacation.

When a car accident happened and Pokémon needed treatment, when Miss Joy called, he said he was on vacation and didn't answer the phone. In the original animation, after Xiaozhi and his group answered the phone, he didn't take it seriously, didn't think about how to treat Pokémon, and even wanted to say that he had a date with Miss Joy.

Then he forced Xiaozhi and his group to help, and during the treatment, he was injected with an anesthetic needle and fainted, so the treatment in the second half was basically the responsibility of Xiaozhi and his group and the Jigglypuffs in the hospital.

In this life, Xiaozhi didn't want to be a victim, so he avoided this place and continued his journey.

Later, Xiaozhi and his companions saw a sign on the road looking for Kojiro, on which was a photo of Kojiro when he was a child.

Xiaozhi knew that he couldn't call out Kojiro's name, after all, he knew that Kojiro's housekeeper was nearby.He didn't want to get into trouble.

Brock and Haru didn't say anything because they didn't know Kojiro at all.

The group continued their journey.

A few days later, the group stopped in a forest to rest.

"Ash, I heard that there are Farfetch'd in this forest. Farfetch'd is a relatively rare Pokémon. Do you want to capture one?" Brock said.

"Hey, why is Farfetch'd here? Is Farfetch'd worthy? If it's worthy, it's for eating. When it comes to fighting, Farfetch'd in Galar form is awesome. The ordinary Farfetch'd in Kanto is not good enough.

And Brock, do you know why Farfetch'd became a rare Pokémon?

That's because ordinary Farfetch'd was originally a common Pokémon. Because of their delicious meat, they were often eaten as food by humans in the hungry years. They were almost eaten alive by humans. It's amazing.

After all, who can refuse an ingredient that is easy to get, delicious, and comes with green onions as a seasoning?

If I want to capture Farfetch'n, it must be Farfetch'n in Galar.

Because Farfetch'n in Kanto cannot evolve, but Farfetch'n in Galar can evolve. The evolved Farfetch'n has a racial value of more than 500, and also has an exclusive skill called Meteor Assault, with a power of 150. It's a fierce general. "Xiaozhi said.

At this time, Farfetch'n walked towards Xiaozhi and his group.

"Kud, kudzu, kudzu, kudzu."

"Wow, look, it's Farfetch'n." Xiaochun said excitedly.

Hearing this, Farfetch'n started its performance directly, performing with its wings for a while and waving green onions for a while.

Xiaogang and Xiaochun watched with great interest, while Xiaozhi called Pikachu aside.

"Pikachu, listen to my command later and use the Volt Attack on that Farfetch'd. Do you understand?"

"Pika Pika."

Although Pikachu didn't understand Xiaozhi's intention, he still responded.

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