After that, Xiaozhi directly called the nearby police station and contacted Miss Junsha, asking her to bring people over quickly.

Xiaozhi knew that this Farfetch'd and its trainer Keita were specializing in fraud in this area, and had swindled many trainers' Pokémon. Miss Junsha was also very troubled because she couldn't catch them.

As soon as she received Xiaozhi's call, Miss Junsha immediately took people and asked Xiaozhi and his team to try to delay Farfetch'd.

Farfetch'd's performance was over, and Xiaogang was also interested and planned to subdue Farfetch'd.

"Wait, Xiaogang, now, Pikachu, go, use the Volt Attack!"

Faced with this kind of bad guy, Xiaozhi didn't show any mercy and directly used his ultimate move to decide the outcome with one blow.

Pikachu rushed over at lightning speed, Farfetch'd was unprepared and couldn't dodge. The Volt Attack hit Farfetch'd head-on, and Farfetch'd lost his ability to fight on the spot and was electrocuted.

Xiaozhi immediately took out a rope from his backpack, tied up the Farfetch'duck, and confiscated the Farfetch'duck's onions. Without the onions, Farfetch'duck's already weak combat power would be even worse.

Xiaogang and Xiaochun on the side were confused. Didn't Xiaozhi just say that you were not interested in the Farfetch'duck in Kanto? Why did you suddenly attack?

Xiaozhi also told the two about the Farfetch'duck's crime. After listening, the two couldn't believe that Farfetch'duck's harmless appearance actually hid such a sinister intention. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

Several people waited for a while, and Miss Junsha arrived at the scene with the police.

"Xiaozhi, thank you for helping us catch the Farfetch'duck, but what about its trainer?" Miss Junsha asked.

"Don't worry, I have my own way."

After that, Xiaozhi directly opened his Arceus mobile phone and searched for a hundred ways to eat duck meat.

Then Xiaozhi tied Farfetch'd to a tree, went to the river to get a bucket of water, and poured it directly on Farfetch'd to wake him up.

Finding himself caught, Farfetch'd struggled to break free, but it was no use.

"Alright, alright, don't bother. The more you struggle, the tighter the knot will get. Don't struggle anymore.

Farfetch'd, you'd better tell the truth. Where is the person who cheated others with you, your trainer?

We already have evidence. You'd better tell us everything you know.

If you don't, think about your mother in your hometown. I don't know how she is now. Don't let her worry too much. Farfetch'd, don't forget that the cherry blossoms in your hometown have bloomed." Xiaozhi said.

Then, Xiaozhi took the Arceus phone, played the Meowth Song for Farfetch'd, and showed Farfetch'd a hundred ways to eat duck meat.

Meanwhile, Xiaogang had already set up the oil pan, and the soup in the pan was already boiling.

This was shocking to Onion Duck, and he wanted to escape even more, screaming.

At this time, the trainer of Onion Duck, Keita, was waiting nearby. Seeing that Onion Duck had not arrived, he became a little impatient.

"Damn it, why hasn't Onion Duck come yet? Did something happen?"

Suddenly, Keita heard Onion Duck's cry for help, and without saying a word, he hurriedly ran in the direction of the sound.

As soon as he ran out of the bushes and came to the open space, he saw Onion Duck tied to a tree, with no one around.

"Onion Duck, I'm here to save you."

Onion Duck shouted, asking Keita not to go over, but Keita didn't understand Onion Duck's language at all, and just thought Onion Duck was asking for help, asking him to get it down quickly.

As soon as Keita approached Farfetch, two policemen who had been lying in ambush for a long time rushed out from both sides, captured Keita, and handcuffed his hands.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and his group, Miss Junsha, and other policemen came out from the dark.

"Hey, kid, why don't you return the Pokémon you defrauded others with as soon as possible." Xiaozhi shouted.

"I'm going to arrest you for Pokémon fraud." Miss Junsha said.

"If you want to escape, you'd better give up this idea as soon as possible." Xiaogang said.

"It's not good." Keita panicked.

"Listen to me, it's not good for you to get other people's Pokémon through fraud. Pokémon should be cultivated with love and made stronger through fair Pokémon battles." Xiaozhi said.

"Now it's time to teach you, kid, the seriousness of Pokémon battles." Miss Junsha said.

"I, I'll be honest. I've been dating this Farfetch for a long time., At that time, I found it lying on the side of the road, so I started to take care of it, and then we have been together until now. I also know that what I did was bad, but I can't think of any other way for weak people like us to survive. "Keita roared.

"So what? I tell you, being weak is not a reason for you to do bad things!" Xiaozhi said.

"But Farfetch'd is too weak, and I had no choice." Keita said.

"There is no such thing. Pokémon can become stronger as long as they are properly trained." Xiaogang on the side said seriously.

"In that case, let's have a Pokémon competition."

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, he untied Farfetch'd and returned the onion to Farfetch'd.


Keita still didn't want Farfetch'd to fight.

Farfetch'd on the side was full of fighting spirit, screaming and urging Keita.

"Charizard, get ready to fight. "


"Far Far ... "

Flaty Ducky was approaching Charizard at high speed, but Charizard slapped him away with its wings after just two steps.

Flaty Ducky was hit hard against a tree, covered in wounds.

"Wait, I give up, Xiaozhi, please make Charizard stop." Keitai was anxious.

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