I thought it was easy. The car is not difficult to find, but I do n’t want to be informed by the police. The video surveillance on this section is broken, and there was no video at the time of the incident last night.

The people in the vicinity, except the mobile people, are the stall owners. They are all busy doing business and have no time to take into account the car information.

Even if some passers-by saw their car, they were afraid they thought it was the owner of the car.

Opening the door and the key on the car lock is enough to make the car thief calm, just like driving his own car.

It must have been picked up as soon as the car was out, and they drove away while they weren't paying attention.

In addition, at night, even those who like street photography may not pay attention to a person who feels like their own car, so what video clues are left, and they can be found on the Internet by then.

Therefore, Mu Li's off-road vehicle cannot be as easy as he thought, and can be tracked immediately.

You need to do a lot of troubleshooting before you can determine where the car is in the video surveillance.

Strangely, not only the video surveillance around the lost car was broken, but several nearby surveillance points were also broken.

In this way, if the car is hidden nearby somewhere, I am afraid it will be difficult to find.

After artificial modification, just like a cosmetic person, it is even more difficult to find it.

The police are not alarmist. They are like doctors, they will tell you the worst, so if this happens, they will not be passive, let the victim be emotional, and do something impulsive.

Mu Li did not expect this to be the case. The police said that he thought carefully that they were all possible facts.

This was exactly a planned robbery. Mu Li suddenly thought of the situation last night.

He asked the police if the car thief might be the party of the robbery gang last night.

The police told him that this was not ruled out, but further verification was needed.

Mu Li nodded. There is really no evidence to predict that the car thief happened to see him get off the car without pulling the key, and stole it by hand instead of premeditated and planned.

At this time, the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Division also came to the scene.

Inquired in more detail about Mu Li's situation from getting off to missing the car.

One detail that caught his attention was that standing next to them waiting for the car, it seemed that they accidentally said that the lamb skewers they were eating were unhygienic, and it was likely that they were some people who processed bad meat.

The purpose of his doing this is obviously to create some atmosphere, especially Lin Qing is a girl, and naturally she will have nausea after hearing it.

Just as Lin Qing vomited and left, patted her on the back, squatted beside her, and they walked back to the road for five minutes.

It is likely that the car thief drove the car smoothly while the owner was facing away from the road within five minutes.

His analysis made Mu Li can't help but open up the Maosai. This is indeed the case. If not without distraction, Mu Li may find car thieves at any time. They are not far from eating lamb skewers, but it is only a few dozen steps. Look like.

Mu Li was also confused, and the sudden situation made him a big commander.

In fact, to be frank, it is also an escape. I dare not deliberately think about the details, but I am anxious to find the car, and even with an urgent expectation, the car will be found soon, but only a false alarm. In fact, there is nothing.

Hearing Wang ’s analysis now, he has to face the reality. The person who talked to them and caused Lin Qing's nausea and vomiting was a gang with the car thief. Then this is a planned and premeditated theft, otherwise It is impossible to make these arrangements in such a short time.

It seems that the car that was retrieved may be very small. He crashed a cheetah and was stolen again. It seems that it should be replaced again. The car has nothing to do with him.

It didn't matter, he was worried about the situation that might occur, those enemies who secretly knew me.

It seems that it is necessary to strengthen the protection of Lin Qing, and Lin Qing is also exposed to their sight tonight.

He wanted the horror experience last night, but he didn't want Lin Qing to experience it again.

Perhaps their magic catch has reached Tongda Company, and Shangguan Qingyun will soon end his military training and work in the company.

In these circumstances, he did not want to tell Wang Kechang. After all, there was no evidence. Perhaps Shangguan Qingyun had a problem with his sexual orientation. He was eager to be a man, but did not have enough courage to change.

But now that the car has been stolen, Mu Li is increasingly feeling the potential danger.

He told the harassing phone of the midnight girl, and Shangguan Qingyun, as well as the pink girl guide who met in Thailand, to Wang Kechang, let him use it as a reference, what clues and inspirations he got from it, after all, he caught it last night. The robbery gang was connected with the overseas black forces, and maybe these were also a breakthrough.

After listening to his words, Chief Wang was very excited and said that these were very helpful in solving their case. He became more and more interested in this case. Although perhaps the case they have now is only the tip of the iceberg, he is confident that Win this tough battle.

Of course, his success also needs Mu Li's strong support. Mu Li will certainly not refuse. He will never be softened against the dark forces. This time, Wang Kechang's Criminal Investigation Division is the main force, and of course he is even more confident.

When he broke up, Chief Wang told him that he would try to track the whereabouts of the car and would tell him as soon as there was news.

Mu Li told him that if that group of people stole it, the car was n’t important, it was important to catch those people.


When I got home, the night was already deep, but Lin Qing was still awake. I sat on the bed and read a book. When I saw Mu Li coming back, I put down the book and asked with concern: "Her husband, what happened?"

"Why haven't you slept, so late, is your stomach still comfortable?" Mu Chuan went to the bed with pain and discomfort, bent over and looked at Lin Qing, she asked in a deep voice.

"I can't sleep, I feel much better." Lin Qing smiled at him. "I'll have a cup of hot milk."

"That's good, let's go to bed. I'll take a shower." After that, Mu Li took up his bathrobe and went to the bathroom.

Lin Qing knew that he was in a bad mood, somehow lost the car, and lay down obediently.

Ten minutes later, Mu Li came out of the bathroom and saw that Lin Qing hadn't fallen asleep. Then he turned on the hair dryer to dry his hair. Then he lay down. "Wife, sleep, isn't it a big deal, isn't it a car? Blame me Careless, this will punish me as a vegetarian. "

Lin Qing listened to him, knowing that he was not very sad, so he was relieved, and smiled: "Be vegetarian? Come on, you can survive three days."

"Well, my wife still knows me, you can think of a better way to punish me, and see if I dare not pull the key and leave the car without closing the door, so why is the army compound not the place?" Mu Li reached out his hand Holding Lin Qing in her arms, she said with a smile.

"Let me think about it. When I think about it tomorrow, I'll tell you, sleep now." Lin Qing curled up in Mu Li's arms, her voice a little confused, and she was sleepy.

Mu Li couldn't bear to disturb her again, and said softly, "Sleep, wife, good dream."

Early the next morning, when Lin Qing woke up, she was still in Mu Li's arms. That is to say, Mu Li didn't get up early as usual. He might have a rare night's sleep, and he usually got up early and practiced in the office.

"Wife, wake up?" Mu Li asked softly.

"You also woke up, why didn't you get up?" Lin Qing asked puzzledly.

"Wanting to sleep more for you, I wouldn't allow me to go to bed if the car was lost." Mu Li smiled.

"Don't you say it's a car? What's so sad." Lin Qing comforted her with his words.

Mu Li spoiled her forehead and sneered: "You little head melon will remember me. Have you ever thought about yourself, if you were sitting in the car, it was you who lost it, I am afraid This is it. "

"Can I lose a living person? It's not an object. If it's okay in the car, can the car thief succeed?" Lin Qing laughed and said, "Are you laughing at my IQ?"

After listening to her, Mu Li quickly explained: "It's not your IQ problem, but they will definitely be prepared for you, and they will give you drugs and take them with you."

Having said that, he looked at Lin Qing very seriously, and Shen Sheng asked: "Don't you think this might happen?"

Lin Qing didn't speak, there might be such a situation, she knew that the means of those people would make her comatose without any precaution, and it was not impossible.

"Wife, resign, accompany your mother at home, teach your son and husband, ready to welcome the new baby? I'm not afraid of my accident, I'm worried about your accident, and I will never allow you to make a mistake." Mu Li suddenly lowered. She pleaded with her voice.

"Why do you mention this again? When you are pregnant, it is not too late to go home. It will be boring at home every day. Don't say any more. Why should I have accidents when I go to my class well? This is a peaceful era. No one is in personal danger. "Lin Qing heard Mu Li's words and immediately retorted. She had never been pregnant, and she was uncomfortable in her heart. Mu Li told her about it.

"You're too tired to go to work, maybe you will get pregnant when you go home, I believe that's right." Mu Li can not give up, he has only one reason to let Lin Qing go home.

"How did it get on me, get up." Lin Qing got up from Mu Li's arms.

When Mu Li saw that she was unhappy, she would no longer advise her. Only in secret would she pay more attention to protect her safety, and prayed that she could conceive her baby earlier, so that she could justify her returning home for delivery.

Only when she returned home could he feel relieved and free from worries.

So the car was lost. After breakfast, Xiaolong came to Mu's house to pick up Mu Li and Lin Qing to go to work.

Shen Yuhe didn't know that the car was lost, Mu Li didn't tell her, although it was not a big deal, she didn't want to worry her.

After Xiaolong sent Lin Qing to Tongda Company, Mu Li did not let him return to the military area compound, but went straight to the automobile market, and wanted to choose a new off-road vehicle again.

He felt that the car could not be retrieved. Since it was premeditated, the car must have been dealt with.

Therefore, it is imperative to choose a new off-road vehicle. Without a car in hand is very inconvenient for a man.

Besides, when Lin Qing was working, Dr. Jiang came to her office.

"Mrs. Captain, your office is so bright and bright, I am the first one."

"Doctor Jiang, please sit down. Yesterday I heard Mu Li say you are looking for me. Is there something wrong?" Lin Qing asked with a smile.

"It's okay, but I haven't seen you for many days. I want you to talk to you." Dr. Jiang replied softly.

The two talked for a few moments. Dr. Jiang was afraid that he would suddenly enter the topic. Lin Qing would be suspicious and felt that Mu Li had told her before she came to see her body.

Mu Li has specifically instructed not to let Lin Qing realize this, otherwise he will be more stressed and know why he is still anxious why he hasn't become pregnant.

Therefore, Dr. Jiang had to talk about other topics, as if he really just talked to Lin Qing casually.

"Mrs. Captain, is the person you entrusted me inquiring to reach the company?" Dr. Jiang suddenly made a plan and asked carefully.

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