Lin Qing nodded and replied: "She also joined the military training pair and is training with Jiang Tao in the military compound."

"Ah? She is also in military training? How can a girl survive? The training from the picture sent by Jiang Tao is very hard." Dr. Jiang asked in surprise.

"Her file is a man's information. I had to make mistakes and let her go to military training. I wanted her to retreat. Maybe she could tell her true gender, but the girl was so strong that she insisted on it without a word." Lin Qing also shook his head magically and smiled.

"Does Jiang Tao know this?" Dr. Jiang asked worriedly.

"He already felt that girl was a little different in life, and I told him." Lin Qing nodded back.

"Why do women dress as men and enter the company? The file is forged. Will she be a bad person? Entering Tongda has a purpose. Are you and Jiang Tao and the company dangerous?" Dr. Jiang heard Lin Qing ’s words, The worry on his face deepened and he couldn't help asking.

"Rest assured, we can cope, no matter what purpose she comes in, we will not let her succeed." Lin Qing understands Dr. Jiang's concern, it is motherly love, and quickly spoke to comfort her.

Dr. Jiang nodded a little awkwardly and said, "Also, I should believe you and Jiang Tao. This is something I always feel that I can't let go, so I always can't help but talk to you. You must improve Be vigilant, not only to protect the company, but also to protect yourself. "

"Relax, Dr. Jiang, we will, trust us." Lin Qing once again assured Dr. Jiang.

Dr. Jiang nodded assuredly, "Yes, I should trust you. I don't dare talk to Jiang Tao about this. I can only talk to you. You must let him pay more attention and be careful."

"Okay, I will." Lin Qing nodded and agreed.

By this time Lin Qing had believed that Dr. Jiang had come to her, and this was the real purpose.

Later, Dr. Jiang seemed to talk to her about her pregnancy casually. Lin Qing said that she had never been pregnant, and began to have a shadow in her heart, fearing that she would not be pregnant, so Mu Li would be disappointed. They all wanted Add another child.

Dr. Jiang told her that she had no problems at all, and that was probably because of stress.

She asked Lin Qing to stretch out her wrist and give her a pulse, and then her face gradually showed a happy expression, "Mrs. Captain, you are most likely pregnant, so you follow me to the hospital, and we will make a further diagnosis."

"Conceived? Really?" This sudden good news made Lin Qing ecstatic and could not think that the baby came silently.

"Did the Captain's wife not feel it? No particular response from the body recently? Are there any vacations on time?" Dr. Jiang asked with a smile and nodded.

"My vacations have always been inaccurate. Sometimes I do n’t care if they are delayed for ten or eight days. I never remember these days. Last month seemed to be around the 15th. Ah, a week has really passed. Then Lin Qing was suddenly alert, "I didn't pay attention."

"Is it OK to eat? Are there any symptoms of low fever in the body?" Dr. Jiang continued to ask.

"Since yesterday, my appetite is not good. I ate grilled fish yesterday and it was delicious, but I felt sick. I also inexplicably liked to eat kebabs last night, but I was stimulated by a few words, and It was vomiting, and it was dark, but there was no vomiting. "Lin Qing said, suddenly alert, these are all symptoms of pregnancy.

But it was completely different from when she gave birth to orange, at that time she had no early pregnancy reaction.

Therefore, she did not think about pregnancy this time with nausea.

"That's it." Doctor Jiang nodded happily. "If the military commander knows the good news, he will be happy."

"But when I was pregnant with oranges, it was completely different from now. I didn't think of it." Lin Qing still couldn't believe it. "Don't tell Mu Li, I'll go to the hospital for a checkup."

The two then came to the hospital, and Dr. Jiang himself checked her for early pregnancy, and she was pregnant.

Lin Qing held the test results and looked at it for a long time, still unable to believe it.

"Mrs. Captain, congratulations, now you can share this good news with Captain Master." Dr. Jiang gently touched her arm and laughed softly.

"Doctor Jiang, you hit me." Lin Qing came back to her, she grabbed Dr. Jiang's arm and said, shaking her arm vigorously.

Dr. Jiang did not disobey her wishes, and gently rubbed her arm, smiling: "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts, it hurts! It's real pain. It's true. I'm finally pregnant again." Lin Qing was already in tears.

She did not shed tears before conceiving, especially after hurting her body, and was told that it would be difficult to get pregnant again. She had been depressed for a long time.

And accept Shen Yuhe's ridicule and irony, and her guilt towards them.

It's not easy for this child to come. Anyway, it's coming, she must cherish this mother-child relationship.

Dr. Jiang couldn't help getting wet in her eyes. She understood her hard work and nodded and smiled, "Mrs. Captain, tell the Captain the good news, and also pay attention to your body and emotions in the early pregnancy. Let ’s take a look at it, and I will develop a pregnancy health plan for you as soon as possible, and I will follow up personally. "

Said that Dr. Jiang couldn't help getting excited, the mist in his eyes condensed into tears, and laughed with tears: "How do I feel more excited and happy than myself, I guess my daughter-in-law will be so happy when I get pregnant Congratulations, Mrs. Captain. "

"Thank you Dr. Jiang, if it weren't for you, this child would not have come." Lin Qing reached out and held her in her arms, smiling gratefully and happily.

When Mu Li received a call from Lin Qing, he was picking up a car and preparing to drive back to the military compound.

Suddenly, the cell phone rang, and his wife's phone number was dialed in. He couldn't help but think that there was something wrong with Lin Qing. If she rarely called him at this time, she would usually work in the company.

"Hey, wife, is it all right?" His voice was shaking a little.

Lin Qing was really too happy to hear Mu Li's voice, her voice choked, and tears stayed again, excited.

But Mu Li on the other side of the phone didn't understand the situation, and suddenly Lin Qing's mutter came from the receiver. He was terrified and asked anxiously, "Wife, what happened? Tell me soon."

Dr. Jiang choked with excitement and couldn't speak, and murmured Mu Li to remind her: "Mr. Captain, an army commander like you will worry."

Lin Qing nodded, and then sucked her nose hard, and told Mu Li this great news: "My husband, I'm pregnant."

"What?" Mu Li listened to her, as if she didn't understand, and raised her voice to ask.

The dragon on his side was frightened and asked quickly: "What happened to the army commander?"

Mu Li signaled him not to speak, then he held his breath and waited for the voice in the receiver.

"Husband, I'm pregnant, you heard me right." Lin Qing reported to him the news with a trembling voice.

After Mu Li heard it, the huge surprise made him make a crazy move, throw the phone into the air, then jumped up and raised his arms, shouting excitedly: "I'm going to be a father again, my wife is pregnant again! "

His voice was loud, and his penetrating power spread so far. People who heard it couldn't help looking at him. Some people shook their heads and sighed, "Is it really a lunatic, isn't my wife pregnant? What excitement is there."

Some people expressed their understanding: "Of course I am happy to be a dad."

"Some people followed with excitement:" It's great. I fully understand his mood. I used to be crazy like this. "

It ’s just that Mu Li ’s madness is more unprecedented than ever. After his mobile phone nearly 10,000 yuan climbed to a height in the air with his hands, he did a vertical falling motion, and the consequence was a thick floor sound from the mobile phone. Fall into eight petals.

At the same time, Mu Li also realized that he would pay for this crazy move.

The mobile phone was gone, and he could not continue to communicate with Lin Qing. When he looked at the mobile phone drunkenly, Xiaolong passed over his mobile phone and smiled excitedly: "Master, I have dialed the army Madam number. "

Mu Li took the phone, thanked Xiaolong for the timely rain, stretched out his hand and patted him twice on the shoulder, the painful Xiaolong could not help grinning, his hand is so big, no wonder the phone can fly so high, can it be scrapped if it falls down? ? I'm afraid they don't have to fix it.

But for that good news, it's worth it! Xiaolong couldn't help but think, if lawyer Jiang was pregnant with a child for him, he would be so happy and crazy.

"Xiaolong, you go back to the army. Call me if there's anything. I'll go to the hospital to see Lin Qing." Mu Li talked with Lin Qing and didn't look at the phone on the ground. The new off-road vehicle, starting the engine, flew out like an off-arrow arrow.

"Master Captain, please slow down." Xiaolong could not help but shouted loudly.

Where would Mu Li hear it? The car was already out of sight.

The clerk at the 4s shop next to him couldn't help shaking his head and said, "This guy is really crazy, is the car just leaving?"

"You paid, what else do you want?" Xiaolong asked, looking displeased, and anyone said in front of him that Mu Li was not his enemy.

"Oh, I don't want to, except that there are a lot of car maintenance gifts in addition to the car. Don't you want it? It's all very expensive." The clerk saw Xiaolong's face unfriendly and quickly accompanied the smile to explain.

"Isn't there me? I'm fully responsible for the follow-up." Xiaolong hummed and walked towards the store.

Lin Qing from Mu Li, I want to be a father again, my wife is pregnant again and getting younger and smaller, and then the signal is interrupted, unable to connect, Mu Mu called again with Xiaolong's cell phone, and guess what happened Something happened.

She couldn't help but laugh at Dr. Jiang: "This fool threw the phone with pleasure. When he came, I will hide. You have to deal with it first. I'm afraid he will pick me up when he gets excited. Now. "

After listening to her, Dr. Jiang could imagine the situation where Mu Li threw his mobile phone and couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, Mu Li came to the hospital and saw Lin Qing without saying a word, hugged her up and turned happily: "Wife, you are so good, you will be pregnant when you say you are pregnant, I will be a father again Happy. "

At this time, he did not look like a military commander who used to be majestic and unsmiling, but a young man who was a father.

Lin Qing was almost dizzy, and Dr. Jiang was frightened to stop him: "Master Captain, Mrs. Captain's wife can't stand such a turn, be careful of the fetus in her stomach."

"It hurts, my stomach hurts a lot." Before she finished, Lin Qing moaned suddenly in pain, covering her hands with her belly.

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