"Little Butterfly is too small. The fragrance of this lily may feel normal and not particularly strong, but it is enough for her to stimulate the young nerves and produce a feeling of excitement. This is her welcome that has been hyperactive and sleepless. Dr. Jiang explained to Lin Qing roughly, and then advised her to return to the city hospital for a full-body examination in order to determine the cause.

Lin Qing nodded, and Orange's holiday was coming, and it was time to return to the city.

She decided to discuss with Mu Li, and let Shen Yuhe be accompanied by Aunt Li to continue to stay on the farm for treatment, while they took the nanny back to the city.

Mu Li had no objection to this, the two discussed with Shen Yuhe, and Shen Yuhe agreed.

So the next afternoon, Mu Li returned to the city with Lin Qing and Orange Orange Butterfly and Nanny.

Back in the city, Mu Li went to work, Orange Orange went to school, Lin Qing took Xiao Dieer to check up, and Dr. Jiang led everything, and everything went smoothly. The results came out very quickly. Xiao Dieer had no problems at all, so emotional The reason for the change must be related to the scent of the lily.

The result came out, Lin Qing still felt a little strange, why the aroma of those lilies would be so toxic, would anyone have fiddled with those flowers.

Lin Qing immediately called Aunt Li. Do not change the lilies in her room. Aunt Li told her that Bai Xue had taken those lilies.

Lin Qing could not help asking: "Why did she move the lilies in my room? Who let them in?"

"Miss Bai Xue said that she went to help you with the children that day, and found that there were several bottles of lilies in the bedroom, and it was very fragrant. She inadvertently told Dr. Sima, and Dr. Sima told her that there must be no fragrance in the room Rich lily, otherwise it will poison, stimulate the brain excitement. "Aunt Li Xuxu said, hearing Lin Qing's heart was very displeased.

When she didn't return to the city, Bai Xue didn't say these, she left, but instead Zhuge Liang afterwards, doing useless work, maybe she was a deliberate ghost.

"Aunt Li, I know, you take good care of yourself. I'll hang up first." After talking about Lin Qing hurriedly hang up the phone, she found that a call came in, picked up the call, turned out to be Bai Xue.

She basically repeated what Aunt Li said, meaning she also learned from Sima Bin that this matter had made people deal with the lilies in the farm house.

On the surface, Lin Qing thanked Bai Xue calmly, but she was more skeptical of her, and this man definitely had a problem.

She couldn't tell the evidence and the reason, so Lin Qing decided not to tell Mu Li about it. He wouldn't believe it when he said it. He would rather trust Bai Xue's innocence, otherwise he wouldn't be so close to her.

Maybe he would also accuse her of being too sensitive, imposing, and small-minded.

After returning to the city, Xiao Dieer's mood gradually became quieter, and she also had more time to sleep. After Lin Qing's careful conditioning, she slowly returned to normal, her emotions were no longer so excited, and she burst into tears.

Mu Li felt very strange, and asked Lin Qing why the mood of Xiao Dieer returned to the city, and her sleep was better.

Lin Qing told him about Lily, and told him Bai Xue followed up with the fact that Lily would be poisoned. Who expected that Mu Li not only did not doubt Bai Xue after listening, but said that she was right to let her into the bedroom that day, so that even if Dr. Jiang could not find the reason for Xiao Dieer's emotional irritability, she would tell them.

After hearing this, Lin Qing was speechless, and Mu Li's trust in Bai Xue had completely surpassed her. It seemed that he really liked her rather than love.

Unexpectedly panicked in her heart, she suddenly felt that Dr. Shen Yuhejiang was right about them. Ignored many things, otherwise she would only have to worry about knowing the truth.

On weekends, Mu Li took his family to the farm villa to meet Shen Yuhe.

Shen Yuhe's treatment was almost over. She could go back with them on Monday. Orange Orange and Xiaodeer did not see grandma for five days. They were very happy to meet each other. They were not close enough in Shen Yuhe's arms.

Xiao Dieer has returned to normal, plus Shen Yuhe's illness is almost better. Mu Li suggested that everyone can go out and play together. The autumn field is particularly beautiful and worth playing.

Shen Yuhe was so naturally eager to go out when she lay on the bed, and Sima Bin also played with her, so she didn't have to worry about her physical ability, so she happily went out to play with her.

Everyone was walking and playing, and they were particularly happy to talk and talk. Autumn is a colorful season. The sky is high and the clouds are light. Lin Qing's mood also becomes empty, as if those tangles were not a thing in the past.

When I was in a good mood, I was happy to play. When she saw a large Chinese jujube tree, she immediately ran to pick it, and Mu Li hugged Xiaodieer behind her nervously. "

Sometimes I really couldn't talk more. Mu Li said that there were snakes, but Lin Qing didn't take it for granted. How could snakes be so easy to see? She was just picking jujubes without going into the deep grass.

But when she raised her hand, she found that there was a green cobra hanging on the tree. Lin Qing was most afraid of the snake. She was frightened suddenly. She wanted to run but couldn't pull her leg. She wanted to shout out.

The snake was green, hanging on a jujube tree, and Mu Li, who was standing far away, could not see it, but saw Lin Qing suddenly hold on, very strange, Mu Li couldn't help but asked again: " Wife? Has your soul been stolen by the mountain god?

After listening to his words, Shen Yuhe glanced at him immediately, feeling that the words were unknown: "I held Xiaodie, you used to help her. The jujube on that tree is really big and rarely seen."

Mu Li heard her say that she was about to hand over Xiaodie to Shen Yuhe, but she didn't want Bai Xue to shout, "I'll go and see the sister-in-law."

Talking bouncing and running towards the other side, Lin Qing was originally facing the snake, but Bai Xue suddenly ran, the snake was startled, attacked Bai Xue, and ran up to bite according to Lin Qing's neck. Lin Qing subconsciously Raising his hand to stop it, he was bitten by the snake, and the green cobra hung on Lin Qing's arm. Mu Li could see it clearly.

auzw.com He screamed badly, and quickly rushed Xiaodie to Aunt Li, and hurried toward Lin Qing.

The snake hangs on Lin Qing's arm and bites her. Lin Qing is hurt and afraid of fainting. She rolls down the cliff, Bai Xue reacts, and chases down the cliff. She is a soldier. Then she quickly caught up with Lin Qing.

Grasp Lin Qing's arm with one hand and a tree on the cliff with one hand, waiting for Mu Li to come down to save them.

The tree was small, and Bai Xue felt like she would be pulled up, and she would roll off the cliff with Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was moved by Bai Xue to save her regardless of the danger of her life. In any case, it was holding her life to save people. The **** of the cliff was very steep, and there was probably a snake.

She always thought that Bai Xue would only please everyone except her, and would not please her, but she didn't want her to be bitten by a snake, fainted and rolled off the cliff, and woke up to find that the first one to save her turned out to be Bai Xue.

At this time, the small tree was teetering, and it was likely that the two fell down together. Lin Qing's wound hurt and shouted to her: "Bai Xue, you don't care if you let go, or both of us will fall."

"I won't let go. Your arm is swollen. You have to deal with the wound as soon as possible." Bai Xue saw Lin Qing's bitten arm swell high and immediately exclaimed.

Lin Qingchao smiled helplessly: "At this time, it is fortunate that the two of them can't fall down. Where can I take care of the wound?"

"The snake is poisonous. If you don't **** out the venom as soon as possible, your life will be in danger." Bai Xue said worriedly.

She is thinking of ways to free herself and help Lin Qing deal with snake venom. If she falls, she may not fall, but she will definitely be poisoned if the snake venom stays in the body for a long time.

In the end, she gritted her teeth, as if determined to let Lin Qing grab her shirt sleeves, and then took off her clothes and tied them to the small tree, so she was liberated, grabbed the small tree with one hand, and Lin Qing Pulled to her side and then drugged her swollen arm.

Lin Qing had collapsed to a near-coma at this time, and the wound was very painful, and she rolled down from the cliff to a half-hill slope, all covered with scars, hot pain, and holding the tree for such a long time, already exhausted and full of pain .

But Shirayuki gave her snake venom, and she still felt it, struggling not to **** it.

Blood was hanging from the corner of Bai Xue's mouth, just like a cannibal zombie, looking very funny.

"Don't talk, snake venom has begun to spread. I'm afraid that even if it is sucked out, I will go to the hospital for treatment." Bai Xue said with some worry, and then she remembered something, and laughed: "Sima Bin is not afraid."

Then she lowered her head to **** snake venom from Lin Qing, while Mu Li and Sima Bin were climbing down the cliff.

Lin Qing and Bai Xue almost rolled to the half-hill slope, and the two of them need to climb down slowly. The cliff is very steep. Fortunately, there are some small trees and shrubs on the half-hill **** where Lin Qing is located. Already.

By the time Mu Li came down, Bai Xue had helped Lin Qing manage the wound.

She also bandaged her wound with a handkerchief and saw Mu Li and Sima Binyang greet him: "Here, hurry up."

Sima Bin took a look at Lin Qing's wound and suggested to go to the hospital for treatment. Because of the long bite, the drug must not be clean, and Lin Qing had not been injected with the anti-sheqing vaccine, which is prone to residual poisoning.

Climbing up the cliff, everyone had no intention to continue playing, Mu Li ran to the mountain farm sanatorium with Lin Qing on his back.

At the nursing home, Sima Bin gave Lin Qing a tetanus shot, and also received an anti-she Qing vaccine. After some treatments, Lin Qing was already in a good position.

But Baixue fainted. It turned out that she was poisoned when she took snake venom to Lin Qing, but she kept insisting.

It was not until the hospital that she was unconscious because of her physical strength, and everyone knew that she was also poisoned.

This moved Lin Qing very much. Whether it was true or false, it was true that Bai Xue rescued her.

If it wasn't for Bai Xue's treatment of snake venom, I'm afraid it would be too late when Mu Li left them, not to mention that it would take so long a mountain road to reach the medical park. It would definitely speed up the spread of snake venom and kill the poison.

After this incident, Lin Qing completely changed Bai Xue's attitude. She felt that she might be the kind person with the money, energy, and ability. She didn't know many people here. The reason why their home is so close is also reasonable.

In the past, Bai Xue's words and deeds caused her to misunderstand and felt that she might have made an attempt on Mu Li.

But now, no matter how anti-customer Bai Xue is, she is accustomed to it, it is not important, and she wo n’t think much about it. People ’s hearts are long. She saved Lin Qing once, and Lin Qing was naturally grateful.

If Bai Xue really has any intentions, she may fall down on Lin Qing in such an environment.

In this way, Lin Qing died unexpectedly, and she could logically have wished to be with Mu Li.

But she didn't, and she also saved Lin Qing regardless of the danger of her life. This proves that she didn't have an attempt to take the commander's wife. So, there would be no conflict of interest with her. Naturally, Lin Qing would no longer hate her as a hypothetical enemy.

Slowly the two became good friends, and often went out shopping together, walking with Shen Yuhe together.

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