The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1251: Misunderstanding lifted again

Bai Xue still has such a carefree character, and regards himself as a Mu family, and there is no taboo between Mu Li and Mu Li.

Lin Qing gradually understood her personality and trusted her. Sometimes Xia Sang would take care of her children and home when she went out to play.

Shen Yuhe has recovered completely. She even regarded Bai Xue as her daughter and Sima Bin as her son-in-law.

The two often come to visit Mu family together, just like a family. When lawyer Jiang saw this situation, it was inevitable that there was something unpleasant in her heart, but she also realized more clearly that it wasn't that she didn't work hard that year, but that the commander did not like her.

Today, the commander's tolerance for Bai Xue makes her very envious and jealous of hate, but that's all, because she once felt it.

She and Xiaolong's relationship is very stable, and the two also quickly upgraded to be parents, and they were extremely loving.

Little Orange still often visits Mu's house to play with Orange Orange. Attorney Jiang is also pregnant in the big month. She no longer goes to work. The law firm's affairs are all handed over to her assistants. In addition to walking to Mu's house every day, basically Settle at home.

Attorney Jiang has a good relationship with Bai Xue. Maybe Bai Xue felt that Xiaolong was hostile to her, so she deliberately approached Mr. Jiang, maybe she wanted to get along with each other.

Therefore, Bai Xue often consults with lawyer Jiang on some legal relationships. Attorney Jiang naturally knows everything.

Life was quieting down, and Lin Qing started talking about going out to work again.

Mu Li just didn't agree, telling her that she had to wait until Xiaodieer was one year old if she wanted to go to work.

If you go to work before the age of one, it is impossible to go to Tongda Company and decide to work outside the company.

Lin Qing is very depressed for this, and it ’s really boring to stay at home all day. Little Butterfly is easily carried by the two elderly people, Shen Yuhe and Aunt Li, just like their pistachios, there is no need for Lin Qing to intervene, nor Have the patience to capture their pleasure.

The housework is done by a nanny, and Bai Xue also often cooks, but Lin Qing falls down with two hands and doesn't know what to do, which makes her feel depressed. She is not good at cooking and doesn't like it. There is no shortage of people at home to cook. Naturally, she doesn't need her to help.

On this day, Lin Qing and Mu Li applied for an appointment to go to work. Mu Li was going to get angry with her, but still insisted, if she was not allowed to go to work, she would go out and set up a stall by herself.

Mu Li had no choice but to make a step, he had to go out to work, but the work unit must be arranged by him.

Lin Qing knew that if Mu Li arranged, she would definitely not be free and would be subject to his various restraints.

She didn't want to do this, she had to develop freely, not to be fettered, and challenge her ability.

Lin Qing is a person who likes to challenge, but Mu Li prefers to be a good wife and mother at home. It is enough to have him to work outside.

The last two were still unhappy, and Lin Qing slept into Xiaodie's baby room in the evening and separated from Mu Li.

Mu Li also got angry, and took her back to the bedroom in the middle of the night, and warned her that if she dared to split up with her, she would divorce her, and she would not get one of the two children.

This is a pain point for Lin Qing. If she divorces, she must have the right of custody of two children.

"You're going to divorce me?" Lin Qing asked with a sneer. "Do you want a spare tire?"

"Is you going to bed with me, don't you know that this is a taboo in the life of husband and wife? Such a wife is still called a wife? Don't you ask my wife to do anything together?" Mu Li's expression was displeased and her voice was cold. It's like freezing.

"There is equality between husband and wife. Is there anything wrong with wanting to go to work? Why is it always hindering me? You know that I am bored at home, wasting my time and wasting my time, and two elderly people, Xiaodeerma and Aunt Li It's very easy, can I take away their pleasure? "Lin Qing said indignantly." Whether you agree or disagree, I must go out to work next week. "

"As you please, don't make me unhappy." Mu Li was also angry at Lin Qing for the first time.

Lin Qing was even more aggrieved, lying in bed no longer talking to him, secretly plugging earplugs in her ears, closing her eyes and forcing herself to sleep.

The next day, she got up early in the morning, Mu Li was still asleep, and she quietly walked out of the bedroom and went out for a run.

Back from running, I went directly to the restaurant to eat, Mu Li was already sitting there.

Watching her come in and sneer: "What's up early in the morning, go out and run into a sweat."

Lin Qing ignored him, and after dinner, walked to the entrance to change shoes.

Mu Li followed, asking aloud as he changed his shoes, "Why are you going out again?"

"Would you care? Don't let me go to work, shall I go out to the assembly?" After finishing talking, Lin Qing went straight out and didn't bird him at all.

Mu Li followed the door and asked quietly, "Where are you going? I'll send you off."

Lin Qing did not answer him, but continued to move forward, Mu Li no longer asked, just followed her.

Lin Qing saw him behind him, could not help speeding up, stepped out of the gate of the community, and walked into the smooth flower shop.

Chang Chang didn't come to work, it was almost due to delivery, and she never went out again.

Lin Qing was familiar with the staff in the store and walked in to chat with them.

Mu Li also walked in, and the employees became restrained and did not dare to make jokes.

Mu Li was embarrassed, Lin Qing stood up helplessly, said goodbye to them, and continued to walk along the street. Mu Li is still following, and she keeps going, and continues to walk, one street after another.

In the end, Mu Li couldn't help but asked, "Where the **** are you going? When are you going?"

"Are you busy today? Don't you go to work?" Lin Qing laughed. "I'm a vagrant, do you compare to me?"

Mu Li made a phone call, and after dozens of minutes, Ma Chao came to them.

"The wife of the commander will leave it to you. If she is willing to go shopping, you will accompany her to see when she is tired." Mu Li Shensheng said, "I am going to work."

After saying that, he beckoned and called for a taxi to leave. Lin Qing watched him go, smiled and said to Ma Chao, "don't worry about me, I'll go back after strolling."

"Mrs. Commander, you know the commander's temper, I must do what he orders." Ma Chao replied softly with a distressed expression on his face.

Lin Qing nodded and sighed, "Well, you can take me to the military area compound."

Ma Chao looked at her in wonder and asked: "Courtyard of the Military Region? Didn't the Commander just leave?"

"Yes, it is the compound of the military region." Lin Qing nodded.

She suddenly had a flash of light. Since Mu Li was looking for someone to monitor her, she would just follow him, so that he could monitor himself without bothering others.

Ma Chao sent Lin Qing to the compound of the military region. When he entered the gate, he wanted to call the commander and tell him that his wife was here. Lin Qing would not let him say that she would go in by herself.

Ma Chao had no choice but to nod and walk with her to Mu Li's office.

In front of Mu Li's office, Lin Qing let Ma Chao go, and she went in alone.

Anyway, it was her husband who didn't pay much attention. She didn't knock on the door and pushed in, only to find that Mu Li and Bai Xue were standing in front of the window, hugging each other, and seeing her in, they hurried away.

Lin Qing did not expect to see such a situation, if she had known it, she must knock on the door first.

The embarrassment was not Mu Li and Bai Xue, but her. In such a situation, she didn't know what to do, whether to quit, leave her sleeves, or go in casually, pretending to see nothing.

To be honest, Lin Qing really wanted to be the former. Even though Bai Xue had a life-saving favor for her, but this situation still made her feel terrible.

But she held back, trying to calm herself, and then walked in without incident, only when she didn't see the scene just now, so she could face the two people calmly.

"Why are you here again?" The mood in Mu Li's voice was complicated.

"Why can't I come?" Lin Qing asked with a slight smile.

"" Mu Li has nothing to say, yeah, why can't she come? I am asking very little about this.

Bai Xue quickly restored her previous surprise, pretending to laugh at Lin Qing easily: "Sister-in-law, you are here, please sit down and I will pour you a glass of water."

Ben also wanted to please Lin Qing, but it made things worse, as if she was Mu Li's wife, the owner of this office, and Lin Qing was only visiting the door, and she was definitely an anti-visitor. Bai Xue always had the style.

"Are you now her office secretary?" Lin Qing asked with a slight smile.

Bai Xue heard that her face was red immediately, and she was not stupid. The meaning of this sentence could still be heard.

She smiled awkwardly: "Sister-in-law, you sit, I have left a little in advance."

Then she gave Mu Li a military salute and turned to leave this right and wrong place.

After Bai Xue left, Mu Li came to Lin Qing's side with a flattering smile on his face and said softly, "Wife, just now"

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Qing stopped by saying, "Don't say, I don't see anything."

She has decided that this time, she decides not to blame, whether it is another hidden feeling or something really happened, it is a chance she gave them, I hope they can do it themselves in the future, if there is another time, she will not be polite , Also counted as a favor for Bai Xue.

Mu Li sighed helplessly, perhaps without explaining, some things are getting darker and darker.

I also understand that from Lin Qing's point of view, if she insists on nothing, she will certainly not believe it.

It would be better to say nothing and give it to time. One day she would understand his heart, and all this would be nothing.

Actually, he did hug Bai Xue just now. As for the reason, it was ridiculous.

He followed Lin Qing for a long time in the morning, and his heart was already full of anger, but he came to the office and wanted to open the window for ventilation, but he didn't want a small flying insect to fly into his eyes.

Mu Li immediately rubbed his eyes with his hands. As a result, the more he rubbed his eyes, the more it hurt.

Just as he couldn't help and couldn't open his eyes, Bai Xue came in, and she asked him if he knew the situation.

The two of them were close together, as if they were hugging each other. Maybe Bai Xue kept stomping his feet to Mu Li and blew his eyes. When the little flying insect came out, Bai Xue was unstable and fell on his body. Mu Hug her like a conditional launch.

The two faces also touched each other, and they were both stunned. When they were embarrassed and didn't know what to do, Lin Qing pushed in and came in.

Mu Li did not expect Lin Qing to come, but at such a moment, he was very panicked, knowing that jumping into the Yellow River could not be washed, his expression was even more proof to Lin Qing, he and Bai Xue were like her Seeing that is not a misunderstanding.

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