Spending money at home to hire people is to enjoy their service, otherwise it would be good to fire them.

Xia He and Qiu Ju worked harder and harder, and started to help Lin Qing take the initiative to stop looking at him. Aunt Li and Shen Yuhe are more than enough to bring Xiaodie. So there seem to be a lot of three domestic servants. Moreover, Shen Yuhe didn't like Qiuju and Xiahe too much. The two were too young and frivolous. They didn't look like good people because they planned to fire both of them.

In the past, only a nanny was able to cope with it. Amei himself can certainly cope with it, and with the help of Aunt Li.

Feeling that Shen Yuhe's attitude towards them was different from Amei's, Qiu Ju and Xia He were very worried about being fired, so they tried to please her, and the more they pleased, the more she turned away.

During dinner, I told Mu Li directly that there were too many domestic servants and the burden was too heavy. Now she and Aunt Li are back. There is no need for so many people, both in housework and children. It ’s time to fire two. Give them a few more months' salary.

Mu Li thought about it and nodded in agreement. He originally hired these two people to stimulate Lin Qing. Now that Shen Yuhe and they are back, naturally he can't treat her like before, and it doesn't matter if he fires.

Amei stayed just fine, she was very dedicated.

Qiu Ju and Xia He were anxious to dismiss them as soon as they heard them. They were anxious to kneel down and beg Shen Yuhe and Mu Li for a gimmick not to let them go. They would work harder in the future. It doesn't have to be that high, just like other houses. They all know that it is better to do things here than at other homes, even at the same salary.

Shen Yuhe was very determined, saying that he didn't need so many people at home.

In the end they had no choice but to pack and leave. I regret it very much. I shouldn't have delusional thoughts about it at first, like Lin Qing, so that no one speaks for them now.

When Amei sent them away, she warned them to do something in the host's house, that is, loyalty, and that was how they survived as servants.

After Qiu Ju and Xia He left, Mu Li discussed with Shen Yuhe and it was better to hire another servant.

Shen Yuhe nodded and agreed, but told him that this recruitment must find an honest duty, absolutely can not find those young enchanting, this is no need to worry about him, Mu Li naturally has no objection.

However, Shen Yuhe still liked the original nanny, who had done so long, and knew the situation at home. So she called her and asked if it was possible for her to come out again now.

The nanny told her that when she returned home, she was very uncomfortable, always thinking about the situation here. So much so that her husband laughed at her, and her soul had stayed in the commander's house.

Shen Yuhe was very happy when she heard of nature, so she tried hard to move. She might as well move to the city to live. Anyway, her husband is a carpenter, she can find a job in the city furniture store, and she will come back to work, and she can go home and talk with family reunion.

The babysitter was very happy when he heard it. If that were the case, it would be more appropriate. After all, there is no future in the countryside, the land has been requisitioned and the life is not rich.

Shen Yuhe listened to her heartbeat, and suggested that the family move out, and her children do not need to worry about going to school. These things will help arrange things.

This is to solve the worries of the nanny, she was persuaded, and said to discuss with her husband.

Shen Yuhe agreed and asked her to give her a message as soon as possible.

After talking with the babysitter, Shen Yuhe told the matter at the dinner table. They were very happy, and no one raised any objection. Especially Lin Qing is very happy, she is still used to nanny doing things here.

After seeing everyone agree, Shen Yuhe settled the matter. Let Mu Li take the time to help the babysitter move the house up and arrange her two children. The babysitter has been working hard in their home for several years, especially during the time of his accident, the house was haunted, and she followed her in shock and fear, without leaving her half a step. If it weren't for her, she might not be able to support the days she came by, and it is likely that this old life would have caught up.

Therefore, she has always been grateful for the babysitter.

After hearing this, Ah Mei nodded repeatedly and apologized to everyone with guilt. At that time, she was Feng Ming. She had been thinking about how to fool the old lady. If there was no babysitter, it might end sooner.

Lin Qing said that when she went to the nanny's house, she would also go with her. She should also thank her very much. During that time, she was not able to share with the family.

Mu Li did not refuse, so things are settled.

Soon, he bought them a two-bedroom unit near the Mu family villa. Then I found a time to take Lin Qing to the nanny's hometown.

The babysitter saw the commander come in person and was very touched. She wiped her tears without knowing what to say. And her husband is also an honest artist.

Lin Qing smiled and told them that they didn't need to be entertained, just let them pack up quickly. A house has been prepared for them, near the Mujia villa, but it is only a few hundred meters away, and the children's school has been found.

The nanny has been notified long ago, so there is nothing to bring at home, all in rural areas. There is no need to get into the city.

She can take away all the bags, just follow Mu Li directly.

Along the way, they kept saying words of gratitude. Lin Qing told them sincerely that she should be grateful. She was not at the Mu family at that time, it was she who kept the old lady through the hardest part of the day, and emotionally they already regarded her as a family. Helping the whole family is the right thing to do, don't need to be grateful.

The babysitter kept muttering, but met a good person. In fact, she was just doing her duty. Now that they have been paid their wages, they will naturally do their best.


As they passed the school in town, they picked up two more children. After all, the children were children. They heard that they were going to live in the city by car. They were very happy and kept talking along the way.

Looking at their family's happy mood, Lin Qing was also very happy.

After talking about it, I realized that the nanny's husband was also surnamed Lin, and she turned out to be a surname, and it was also possible to discuss it in terms of seniority. It happened to be his peers, so Lin Qing recognized the elder brother affectionately, and called the nanny as a bitch.

Seeing that Mu Li was getting closer and closer, she couldn't help laughing at the babysitter: "My sister-in-law has been at home for two years, so I know the details. Later we will call you Lin Ling."

The nanny smiled happily: "Okay, it sounds kind to call Lin Ying."

Back in the city, the nanny's family saw the house that Mu Li had prepared for them. They had everything in it and could move in directly without knowing what to say. They never dreamed that there would be such a big house in the city, which was something that they could never imagine before.

The children were even more excited. Looking at the clean floor, they kept asking, "Can you sleep on the floor so clean?"

Lin Qing smiled and held a child's hand and laughed, "I have a bed, I can't sleep on the ground. Look at your respective rooms."

The children could not believe their eyes when they saw the soft quilt on the soft cot, this would be their room.

The babysitter and her husband saw the children happy. Of course they were even happier, and of course they were more grateful: "Sir, Commander, Mrs. Commander, this house is so good, we don't need to be so good, just find a few cottages."

"I've bought it for you, just live in peace. It's my mother's payment, and it's her mind. If you don't want to, tell her." Mu Li smiled: "Lin Ge's work is at the gate of the community. A few hundred meters away from the furniture store, I have already told them that you can help with some woodwork in the past. "

When the babysitter's husband heard it, he was looking for a job, or he was good at carpentry, and he was speechless, just holding Mu Li's hand tightly.

Mu Li took a look at the time, and said with a smile: "We should go back for dinner, there are vegetables in the kitchen, Amei brought them over, and you can eat them when you warm up."

Having said that, he and Lin Qing waved goodbye to the nanny's family and told them to come to Mujia tomorrow morning for dinner.

Back to Mu Family Villa, tell Shen Yuhe that everything is settled. Shen Yuhe was very happy and explained to Amei. I will go to the vegetable market tomorrow morning to buy more fresh vegetables, make a good table at noon, and clean the nanny family.

After telling her, she told Amei that she could invite her boyfriend to eat together.

Amei replied with a smile, her boyfriend was in poor health and could not eat outside, so it was not used. It is estimated that he had no spiritual entertainment, and Shen Yuhe sighed.

He also instructed Mu Li to help inquire whether there were any experts in this area and to introduce him to the doctor.

The next day, early in the morning, the nanny brought her child husband over to thank Shen Yuhe.

After seeing each other, we chatted for a while, Mu Li arrived at work, he left the children all and asked them if they want to play one day or go to school today. The children all answered that they would have time to play and would like to go to school.

Mu Li could not help but give them a thumbs up, and then sent them to school in person. They are like boarding schools. I come back once a week, but it's used to them, and I stayed in the country.

Seeing that the children were gone, the nanny's husband also said that he could go to work today.

Seeing his insistence, the nanny echoed, "Let him go, lest he be idle at home."

Shen Yuhe asked Lin Qing to send him to work, only if he recognized the way, Lin Qing agreed quickly.

I came to the furniture store next to the community with my nanny's husband, but before I entered the door, the very enthusiastic boss took the initiative to greet Lin Qing: "Are you the commander's wife?"

Lin Qing smiled and nodded, "Yes, I brought my brother over to apply today."

"I know, the commander greeted me, is this the older brother?" Said the boss who had been familiar with the hand, reached out to the nanny's husband, and said with a smile: "Welcome you, join our furniture store."

The nanny's husband quickly reached out to shake hands with him, and said with a sloppy smile: "Thank you, please advise me in the future."

"It's easy to say that they are all colleagues, so naturally we need to help each other." The owner of the furniture store smiled sincerely.

Lin Qing saw that they were talking well, so she was relieved, and left the nanny's old bus to the boss.

As soon as she stepped out of the door of the furniture store, she saw Chang Chang coming and smiled, "Sister Lin? Is that you? Are you ready to buy furniture?"

Lin Qing smiled and shook her head. "I didn't want to buy furniture. It was the nanny's family who moved in. Her husband is going to work in this store. I'll send him over."

"Really? The nanny's family moved in?" Changchun heard and smiled happily: "After she left, I thought I would never see each other again."

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