"Let's eat together at noon and call them Jiang Tao. I won't shout for the others. I will get together again on the weekend and the children will return." Lin Qing smiled and invited.

"Okay, I will go with Jiang Tao at noon." Chang Chang agreed very easily.

Then she invited Lin Qing to sit in the store, and then let her take some flowers back by the way, even if she welcomed the nanny's family.

Lin Qing did not refuse to return to the shop with her, but did not want Martha to be in it.

She was surprised when she saw Lin Qing: "Lin Qing? Are you coming to buy flowers too?"

Lin Qing hesitated a bit, and then smiled back and said, "I'm not here to buy flowers. The owner of this flower shop is my good friend."

"Really? After that, I can buy flowers at a discount." Martha asked with a smile.

Lin Qing nodded and smiled: "It should be fine."

As she said, she turned her head to Chang Chang and introduced her: "This is Miss Martha, daughter of the Vice President."

She looked at Martha up and down, and stretched out her hand and smiled slightly at her: "Welcome, I will definitely give you a discount when you come."

Then she asked loudly whether the florist in the shop had prepared a bouquet for Miss Martha. The florist replied that it was packed, and Chang Chang gave her a 20% discount.

Martha bowed to her and said thank you, then looked back at Lin Qing and asked if she would go home now? She is going to Mu Family Villa.

Lin Qing said that she had just arrived and hadn't talked to Changchang. She asked her to go first, and she would return later.

Martha nodded and said goodbye to them.

After she left, she asked Lin Qing whether the woman was pursuing her commander again. Lin Qing laughed and asked why she asked so. She said that recently she heard rumors that the daughter of the president came to the city for a birthday party, and also said that as long as the man she looks after, whether married or unmarried, will become her husband.

Just now she heard that she was the daughter of the Vice President. I felt that this woman might be the rumored woman, and that she was looking after the Commander, and how could she have known her.

After hearing what she said, Lin Qing nodded and said that was exactly the case. But she has confidence in Mu Li.

Chang Chang could not help but sigh, "Well, sister Lin, why are there so many things between you and the commander? There is always no time to stop, but this is the president's daughter, will it be more difficult than Bai Xue?"

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, as if determined, "And I heard Jiang Tao said that it seems that Feng Ming is going to make a comeback here, and I heard that the commander is very upset with him."

Lin Qing nodded again, these are also true, they do always have the trouble of getting rid of them, and one wave after another.

But since fate is so arranged, it cannot be changed by manpower.

Instead, he smiled and comforted: "It's okay, but it's better. I can't see the rainbow without going through wind and rain. When one day I don't have such troubles again, we estimate that we will cherish hard-won feelings more. We still have to go through 1981. We are still early. "

After listening to her, she laughed and said, "Sister Lin, I really envy you. It's always so open-minded and cheerful. If I can't take it any longer."

"If you can't carry it, you have to resist. When people reach a certain share, they can resist everything." Lin Qing answered with a smile.

Nodded smoothly and agreed. The two talked again for a while, and Chang Chang packed her two flowers before sending Lin Qing out of the flower shop. Lin Qing told her not to forget to eat at their house at noon.

After leaving Changchang Flower Shop, Lin Qing returned to Mu Family Villa. She was guessing along the way, how would Shen Yuhe treat Martha, and would she drive her away? Perhaps it was out of that desire that she didn't come back with her.

When entering the door, she also listened to the door for a while, and did not hear anything, so she pushed in.

But she didn't want Martha to sit on the sofa and watch TV, and when she saw her back, a happy expression appeared on her face, "Lin Qing, are you finally back?"

Lin Qing had such a momentary sacrifice. She didn't expect that Martha could stay here, and there were no other people in the living room. Shen Yuhe and others were missing. She couldn't help but ask, "What about my mother?"

"They are not welcome. They want to drive me away. I said there is something for you and I have to wait for you to come back. They didn't want to leave, they all left, leaving me alone." Martha shrugged helplessly. , Laughed.

Lin Qing walked into the living room and asked her with a smile: "What are you looking for?"

"I don't have anything to do with you, just find an excuse to stay." Martha replied with a smile, and then said to her, "No, I should have something to help you. Can you let the old ladies accept me? "

"This" Lin Qing was in a dilemma. Helping her, she was uncomfortable. After all, she stayed to admire her, but it seemed inappropriate not to help her, after all, she had promised to be her good sister.

Until then, she regretted it. She shouldn't have promised to be a sister with her at the beginning. This time, she put herself in.

Seeing Martha's begging eyes, she said in embarrassment: "I don't speak well, but please ask me to leave."

"Mu Li certainly won't promise me, he has told me explicitly, keep me away from him, he will never have anything to do with me. However, even if we cannot become husband and wife, Lin Qing, but I can also be his friend Ah, would you promise me? "Martha suddenly grasped her hand tightly and begged again.

Lin Qing reluctantly nodded and said, "Well, let me try. After all, it is my daughter-in-law and I don't have much say."

After hearing what she said, a happy smile appeared on Martha's face: "It doesn't matter, as long as you can help me speak, I will have another chance. In fact, I have fallen in love with you deeply, even as a friend Row."

Although she said so, Lin Qing was not convinced. She once said that the man she looked after could not escape, how could she easily give up, and it had not started. It must be said that she wanted to help her. It seems that she also plays with her.

auzw.com So, she laughed at the trend: "That ’s great. If you tell Mu Li this way, he will be willing to be friends with you. So naturally, my mother will not object to you You need to deal with him, as long as you don't exceed the ambiguous limit. After all, older people pay attention to style issues. "

Martha did not expect that she would say so, and could not help but smile awkwardly: "Okay, I see."

She didn't say to leave, Lin Qing couldn't drive her away, so she could only sit in the living room to accompany her.

Soon after, Shen Yuhe and Aunt Li came out of her room and saw Lin Qing coming back. She smiled and asked, "Are you delivered to somewhere?"

Lin Qing said with a smile: "Mom, rest assured, the place is delivered, the owner of that furniture store is very good, and he is very enthusiastic about Brother Lin, we should be assured of Mu Li's work."

Shen Yuhe nodded and smiled: "So, I'm assured, it's finally good."

Martha couldn't understand what they were talking about, and couldn't help laughing. "What's right? What furniture store?"

After asking, she quickly explained: "I just have no intention to ask, maybe I shouldn't ask, I'm sorry."

Lin Qing smiled at her: "It's okay, we talked about Lin's husband."

"Who is Lin Biao's husband?" Martha saw her answer, and continued to ask, anyway, she was speechless, trying to be as close to Shen Yuhe as possible.

Shen Yuhe frowned and said, "Why are there so many questions? Have you finished talking with Lin Qing?"

She smiled embarrassedly: "My questions seem to be quite a lot. It will be more familiar to everyone in the future. You have to help me in the future."

"Have you finished talking with Lin Qing?" Shen Yuhe continued to ask her without answering her words.

"It's over, but"

Before she finished speaking, Shen Yuhe said, "Since the conversation is over, don't stop anymore, hurry up, you are not welcome here."

"Old lady, I" Martha looked at her sadly, begging, "You just let me stay here for a while, I still have something to say to Mu Li."

"What do you have to say to Mu Li? Isn't Lin Qing here? You are the same as her, aren't you afraid of listening?" Shen Yuhe's voice was cold and her face was always stern.

"Not afraid, I want to tell Mu Li, I want to be friends with him, so that he does not misunderstand me, and everyone does not misunderstand me." Martha carefully answered, "I hope everyone can accept me."

"Accept what you do?" Shen Yuhe asked coldly.

"Become a friend of the Mu family." Martha thought back.

"Thank you for your kindness. We have received your heart. You are the daughter of the president. We ca n’t afford it. You still have to come back," said Shen Yuhe, with a loud voice.

Amei came out of the kitchen and said to Martha with a smile, "Please."

Martha didn't want to go, she begged to Lin Qing, hoping she could help to say a word.

Before waiting for Lin Qing to speak, Shen Yuhe said again, "Lin Qing, go back to your room."

Lin Qing nodded to her and said, "Okay." Then she smiled at Martha apologetically, "Miss Martha, I'm unaccompanied. I'm not feeling well. I'll lie back to the room."

"Lin Qing, I"

Before her words came out, Lin Qing left quickly.

Martha had no choice but to follow Amei and walked outwards. It was almost noon now, and she could smell the scent of meals floating in the Mu's kitchen. She wanted to stay for lunch, but no one could help her.

She walked slowly, as if she were about to go to the execution ground. Amei could not help saying, "Miss Martha, can you go faster? The kitchen is still busy, and I have to go back to cook."

"Is there a party today at noon?" Martha's eyes were sad.

"Don't worry about it so much. Hurry back." Amei shook her head, saying she wouldn't tell her anything.

"Can you tell me why the old lady didn't welcome me?" Martha asked Amei looking incomprehensibly. Lin Qing could be friends with her. Why did she hate her so much? Obviously nothing to do with her.

Amei couldn't help laughing, and asked out loud, "Do you really do n’t understand or pretend? But I'm a subordinate and I can't afford you to call you."

"I really don't understand. Lin Qing doesn't hate me. How can she hate me?" Martha shook her head and returned.

"If you live longer in the country, you will understand. Not only the old lady does not like you, we do not like you, because you want to destroy other people's families. In our eyes, this is shameful. After finishing talking, Amei said to her again, "You should leave quickly, I have to go back and cook."

Mu Li returned when she was about to leave. Martha was like seeing the big savior, rushed forward, smiled flatteringly, "Mu Li, are you back? I think it's okay to stay for lunch at noon today?"

Mu Li saw her frown and asked, "Why are you here again? Didn't I tell you not to disturb our lives again? We have a family dinner at noon, you can't stay."

"A family banquet? Then I want to stay even more." Then, Martha approached and held Mu Li's arm and begged: "You just let me stay. I will behave well."

"No!" Mu Li refused without thinking.

In the end, just after his words, Jiang Tao and Chang Chang walked in jokingly, followed by Doctor Jiang and Jiang Tao's adoptive father who were holding their children.

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