At night, Li's elder brother quietly came to a more concealed wall of the army compound, learned a few bird calls, and the same call came from outside, his face immediately showed joy. Here comes, his brother is waiting for him outside.

He turned over the wall, and when he saw Li Pai, he was standing under the wall. He was glad to see him and whispered, "Brother, are you okay?"

Li's elder brother nodded and responded, "I'm fine, I'm fine, grandpa and grandma are fine, and you'll see mom."

Having said that, he jumped off the fence and the two brothers hugged together.

Li Pai asked: "Brother, will you come back to exchange with me?"

"I don't know, maybe it won't, but we will still have the opportunity to meet. We can gather at the weekend. I decided to stay in China." Li Paichang's brother patted his shoulder and said, "Brother, Do your best, let's rely on your shining door. "

Li's elder brother nodded and said, "I will, my brother, don't stay with them anymore, okay?"

"I know, you don't have to worry about my business." After finishing talking to Li's elder brother, hugging him tightly, he turned and left.

Captain Li platooned over the wall and entered the courtyard. The person who had been outside the fence quietly tracked behind Li Pai's elder brother until he got into a car, and then a car followed him.

In the end, Li's elder brother got out of the car, walked into a secluded alley, knocked on the door of someone else and walked in.

He followed the follower, whispered in the shade of the green belt, whispered his location, and said the house number of the family in which Li Pai's elder brother entered.

When Mu Li received the news, they immediately called the household registration police and soon found out that the family had moved away. The house had been rented out, so the people living there were not fixed and were not registered.

This situation is more complicated. I don't know who is living inside. If they rush in, they may be frightened. Finally, they decided to ask the police of that police station to pretend to be the personnel of the maintenance circuit of the community and go in to explore the situation.

Tens of minutes later, the old lady who looked like a neighborhood committee came to the house and pressed the doorbell.

Soon a voluptuous woman came out to open the door and asked what was happening.

Those old men and women said that they were from the neighborhood committee to repair the line. Recently, there were several fires in the neighborhood and they had to be prevented.

The woman said that there was absolutely no problem with the line at their home, so there was no need to check it.

One of the old ladies said, "I see you rented a house? I know this owner. They are not at home. The house has been rented out several times. The line should be checked. It is not your own house. It's inevitable that there will be problems. "

The woman had no choice but to let them go in and check, and when the old ladies and old men came out, she sent them out enthusiastically and looked at a very good person.

The old people didn't come far away and called to report the situation. There was no one else in the family except a woman and a man.

When Mu Li heard the news, he discussed with Commander Sun and continued to squat outside the door. If there were no accidents, he arrested Li's elder brother tonight.

At around twelve o'clock in the night, Mu Li and the video footage sent by the scouts who squatted outside the door of the house found that someone came knocking sneakily.

Mu Li couldn't help but brighten his eyes: "There are circumstances, but I didn't order to go in for arrest, otherwise it would mess things up."

Feng Ming nodded: "It seems that this is their old nest, it is quite hidden."

After about seven or eight people knocked on the door one after another, Mu Li frowned and said to Feng Ming: "Looking out from the outside is like two bungalows. Why are there so many people?"

"Is there a secret way? Or did you get through to the house next to it?" Feng Ming stared at the video with a doubt.

"Someone is knocking again." Mu Li exclaimed softly when she saw two people standing at the door.

"How many people are behind, are there really many people, is it a meeting?" Feng Ming couldn't help showing an excited look on his face. "Maybe we can wipe them all out, and Lin Qing can be found by the way. I even have a hunch Lin Qing may be hiding here. "

Then, pointing to the house on the screen, he said, "And there may be a secret room or something underneath the house."

Mu Li looked at him in doubt, wondering why he was so determined.

Feng Ming smiled and said, "You don't know about this? People in the underworld like to play the tricky rabbit three caves. They often place conference rooms and the like on the ground. It looks like a house on the surface. There is nothing unusual. , But there is a lot in it. "

Mu Li nodded after listening. He knew that what he said was true. After all, he was also a gangster, and naturally he knew the most nasty.

"We are going to the scene now, and we can rush in the first time." Mu Li heard him guess that Lin Qing might be in there. She was afraid that she would be transferred when she rushed in, so she wanted to go in and see for herself.

Feng Ming nodded and answered, "Well, I'll go with you."

While on the road, he made a phone call and said to Mu Li with a smile: "Get it."

"Get what?" Mu Li asked, looking at him in wonder.

"I have rented the house next to them so that we can continue video surveillance there. When we close the net, we can turn over the wall as soon as possible. I found that the fence there is not very high." Feng Ming smiled proudly.

Mu Li couldn't help but said, "You can do it, it's very good."

"That is, I always have to act in front of you once, or else, can I still be a brother?" Feng Ming laughed.

Mu Li shook her head and smiled after hearing: "Well, I really climbed up for a pole, okay you."

However, after Lin Qing's disappearance this time, his heart was in a mess, basically Feng Ming was taking his idea. It's good to have a brother. He can finally rely on someone. Instead of rushing forward in everything as before, if he doesn't solve it, no one will help him get his idea.

They quickly came next door to the house, opened the door to enter, and continued video surveillance in front of the screen, the situation over there.

About thirty or forty people entered the house next door, but Mu Li, who was next to them, could not hear any sound. Feng Ming said more surely: "They must have an underground chamber, if not so many people would not So quiet. "

"Then how do we arrest them? There must be a secret passage when there is a secret room, and they will run away when they hear the movement." Mu Li asked worriedly.

"This is not a problem. In such a community, their secret passages will definitely not be dug too far, because they will cause other people's ideas. After all, they are bungalows, and others can notice it with a little movement." Feng Ming said Said, "The secret road is either at the alley or in the green belt behind the house. We just need to arrange for people to wait in these places."

Mu Li nodded, he is now convinced of what Feng Ming said, after all, he has rich combat experience.

"Then when do we start? If Lin Qing is really inside, will it be hurt?" Mu Li asked worriedly. He found that once he was fragile, he seemed to be very weak. He was afraid of wolves and tigers before he started.

"We waited for them to come out and grab one after the other, so that the people inside didn't know, and we could save effort. In the end, only the woman and Li's elder brother were left. Wouldn't it be much easier for us to go in? Lin Qing is sure There will be no danger. "Feng Ming became more and more calm, he wanted to show in front of Mu Li, and Mu Li was willing to rely on him, so the brothers had an unprecedented closeness.

Sure enough, two children, about two o'clock in the morning, one after another began to come out of that house. It took about half an hour for the people who went in to walk.

At almost three in the morning, no one finally came out of the house.

Mu Li looked at Feng Ming and asked, "Can we move now?"

Feng Ming nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's go in now."

After speaking, he stood up, arranged to guard at the exit of the secret passage to prevent them from escaping from the secret passage, and then said to Mu Li, "When they turn off the lights, we will go in."

Mu Li knew what he meant, and it was easier to arrest him in the bed.

After waiting for about half an hour, finally the house was silent in the darkness, and Feng Ming clapped his hands and said, "Okay, you can start to move."

After that, he made another phone call, so someone had turned over the wall and entered the house, and then they followed it.

In this way, the woman and Li's elder brother were held in the bed.

Seeing that Li Li was unaware, they said with a smile: "Master Commander misunderstood, really misunderstood, aren't we partners? Are you wrong?"

"It's you who caught you, tell me, where's the secret room?" Mu Li asked coldly.

"What secret? I don't know. This house was rented by my woman. How could there be a secret?" Li Paichang's brother replied innocently.

"Now that we are here. Naturally everything you do is in our grasp. Those who came here for the meeting have been arrested. Do you think you can escape our palms?" Mu Li sneered "Tell me, where is the secret room? Where is Lin Qing?"

After listening to his words, Li's elder brother knew that the incident had been revealed tonight. He was followed by them, only to blame him for being too proud. They felt that they had completely believed in him and did not expect to follow him.

Now that things have been revealed, he has also escaped, and smiled slightly: "Since they have been caught, it is naturally no secret where the secret room is. It is good to find someone to come and identify them."

"Do you say that it is the same nature as they say? Remember a word to know that the current affairs person is Junjie." Feng Ming held his arms, a smile of evil spirit appeared on his face, and walked to the beautiful woman. Sitting on the bed around the quilt, she couldn't help shaking, and she didn't seem to be a Taoist, just a gimmick from Li's elder brother.

"You say it, if you say it, you will be released, this matter has nothing to do with you." Feng Ming stretched her hands and pinched her chin, laughed softly.

A man like Feng Ming rarely has a woman who can resist. The woman was attracted by his smile and looked at him obsessively, even forgetting to tremble, but murmured unconsciously: "If I said Will you really let me go? "

Feng Ming nodded and promised: "Of course, we talk, and as long as you say, you will be fine tonight."

Li's elder brother warned the woman sharply: "Don't say, remember that you are my woman, you can't be sorry, I spent so much money on you. Otherwise, even if I go in, those brethren will not Will let you go. "

Hearing that, the woman immediately lowered her head in horror, and then no matter what Feng Ming said, she said nothing.

Feng Ming was annoyed, walked to Li Pai's elder brother, and sneered: "Toasting, not eating and drinking. Do you want to say?"

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