The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1636: Successfully rescued

Li's elder brother twisted his head and refused to answer his words. Feng Ming reached out and gave him a slap, knocked him to the ground, and then stepped his head on his head and sneered: This way! "

Then he said to the woman, "Don't you say it? Don't say you step on your feet together."

The woman finally seemed to be determined, pointing to the picture in the corner and saying, "You take the picture away, there is a circle on the wall, you press it, and the door to the secret room will be opened."

Feng Ming listened to her and nodded and smiled at her: "You are a smart person and you can go home in a while."

After speaking, he walked to the picture and took the painting away. Sure enough, he saw a small circle that seemed to be integrated with the wall. He couldn't see it without looking carefully. He tried to press his hand gently. Sure enough, a floor tile fell gently.

Mu Li immediately walked to the falling floor tile and saw that it really was a secret room below. He wanted to go down the steps and didn't want Feng Ming to say: "Don't worry, first see if there are any hidden devices below."

After saying that, he reached for a tea cup and threw it down to the secret road. The tea cup fell to the ground and made a crisp and broken sound, and then a woman's scream came. The sound was very familiar. Mu Li and Feng Ming could not help but face Showing a surprised expression, looking at each other, Mu Li nodded to Feng Ming, and walked down the steps of the dense road first.

The secret room seemed to be more than one. When he went down without seeing Lin Qing, he shouted, "Lin Qing, where are you?"

"Mu Li, I'm here." Lin Qing shouted in surprise when he heard Mu Li's voice.

Mu Li followed the sound to find and found that it came from behind a wall, but he couldn't find the door. He tried to push the wall, but the wall was able to turn. He followed the wall and looked in. Until Lin Qing was kept inside.

"Lin Qing, finally found you." Mu Li rushed to hold Lin Qing in his arms and said excitedly, "How are you these days? Have they troubled you?"

"No, I'm fine. Except for not letting me out of the back room, everything's fine here." Mu Li saw that she did not feel wronged, and her hanging heart dropped.

He wanted to leave Lin Tao with Lin Qing, but found that the door could not be opened at all. It seemed that the wall could only be opened from the outside, not from the inside. He couldn't help but asked, "You know how they opened so wide." ?"

Lin Qing shook his head and said, "I don't know. I was here when I woke up. They all gave me food to open the door and leave the food there. If people don't come in, I don't know how to get out of here. "

After hearing this, Mu Li said angrily: "It seems that they want to trap you here forever. This is simply a death row. You can only enter from the outside, and you can't go out."

"Ah, why are they so stupid, why are they trapping me here?" Lin Qing asked, puzzled. Although she had been locked up here these days, she was served by delicious food. I'm grateful that they think they are good to themselves, but they have to be locked up here for whatever purpose, and they will be released soon.

But judging from what Mu Li said, they built such a closet, and managed to let her in. She didn't expect to let it go. She wanted to let her stay here for a lifetime. When they left, she no longer managed to feed her. , She was starved to death here.

"No matter what they think, you can't control you anyway, Feng Ming will try to open it from the outside." Mu Li took Lin Qing in her arms and comforted her softly.

Lin Qing nodded. She could hear his admiration for Feng Ming from the tone of Mu Li, and couldn't help laughing: "When did you become like him so much?"

"When did I dislike him?" Mu Li asked with a smile.

"In the past, you were not in the current state. They were like a pair of crickets who met each other. They had to fight for your life." Lin Qing laughed at the situation of the two of them.

"I don't remember." Mu Li laughed. "It's all his credit to save you this time. I'm so confused. I'm worried that you can't think of a good way at all. He always helps me get the idea. . "

"Thank you for waiting when we go out," Lin Qing said.

"The family doesn't need to go outside." Mu Li said naturally. After hearing this, Lin Qing was very happy, and from this he could know that his relationship with Feng Ming is really good now.

Just then Fengming's voice came from outside: "Where are you? Why can't you see?"

"We are here," Mu Li said while filming the wall. "Don't push the wall, otherwise you won't be able to get out."

"Is this a clockwise door that can only go in and out?" Feng Ming asked in amazement outside.

"Yes, that's the door, you think of a way to see how to save us." Mu Li said in a loud voice.

"Okay, I'll think of a way." Feng Ming agreed outside.

About ten minutes later, a hole was cut in the wall, and Fengming Probe said to them, "Come out, now it is OK."

Mu Li hugged Lin Qing from the inside and Feng Ming smiled happily: "It feels great to see Lin Qing again. Today must be a sunny day."

The sky was already bright at this time, Lin Qing was very grateful for the book and said, "Thank you Feng, if not for your help, maybe I'll stay somewhere in this dark place."

"No, Mu Li will be able to save you. It's dawning, and after a few days of tossing, everyone is tired. Hurry back to sleep and get back to sleep." Feng Ming smiled and switched the topic away.

Mu Li nodded and promised: "Good ending, let everyone go home for a while."

Feng Ming said to Mu Li and Lin Qing: "Go back with me, take a bath in my house, and then go back to sleep, lest the aunt worry, these days I'm afraid she's not good at heart, eating and sleeping well . "

Mu Li asked Lin Qing with a smile and asked, "Do you think it's OK?"

Lin Qing responded, "You have the final say. You are the master. I listen to you."

Mu Li was very happy to hear her say this, and smiled back: "Okay, so it's settled. Let's go to Fengming's house to rest and then go home."

Feng Ming was glad to see that the two had reached an agreement, and nodded and smiled, "Let's go back now."

Returning to Fengming's villa, as soon as I entered the door, I saw Feng Xiaoru running downstairs wearing Fengming's pajamas, and said with a smile, "Great, you finally came back safely."

With tears falling into Lin Qing's arms, she said, "Sister Lin, you don't know how much I worry about you these days. It's nice to see you back, I'm so happy."

Feng Xiaoru has a good relationship with Lin Qing. Her attitude is not surprising, but she appeared in Feng Ming's villa and was wearing Feng Ming's pajamas, which will inevitably make people think more.

However, Lin Qing was very glad to see this situation, and she said with a smile: "When did you get on with Feng Ming? We didn't even know it, but I just made a silly match for you. It's just too boring. Speak early. "

When Feng Xiaoru heard her say she could not help but blush, she quickly explained: "Sister Lin is not what you think. I and Feng are not together. I just stay here for a few days."

"Yes, just staying for a few days, there is nothing between us." Feng Ming also hurriedly explained, as if he was afraid of misunderstanding.

In my heart, I regretted that I should not recklessly bring Lin Qing and Mu Li home, otherwise I would not encounter such an awkward scene. It was mainly to rescue Lin Qing. He was so happy that he forgot that Feng Xiaoru was still in his house.

Although he no longer has any illusions about Lin Qing, he is still reluctant to let Lin Qing see him with other women, as if he seems to be moving towards dusk.

In fact, they had no commitment at all, and they were also emotionally irrelevant. Some of them were only affection. Lin Qing always wanted to match him with Feng Xiaoru, but he still had some loyalty to her.

Feng Xiaoru was very upset that he was so anxious to clarify the relationship between them. So she said to Feng Ming deliberately: "Come back to the room with me, I have something to tell you. And sister Lin should also let them take a good rest."

He waved his hand with Lin Qing and Mu Li, and laughed, "Let's go back to the room first. The young maid in your room has already been arranged, and she will take you to rest."

After saying that, holding Feng Ming's arm, he said affectionately, "Let's go back to the room, I have something very important to tell you."

Looking at their intimate and loving looks, Lin Qing and Mu Li returned to the room with emotion, gossip: "The relationship between them was discovered very quickly? I don't know what happened these days. I remember attending the dinner that day. I still don't care much. I can't think of a few days when the relationship is so close. Who the **** is the initiative? "

In this regard, Mu Li also did not understand, Feng Ming is almost with him these past few days, there is not much time to spend with Feng Xiaoru alone. I don't know why they came together.

"Isn't this a good thing? Anyway, you and your mother had planned to match them up, but now it's a peace of mind. I guess we just have to wait for the wedding."

"Of course happy, they can be together is a good thing, if you tell mom, she will be very happy." Lin Qing laughed.

"Let's lie down for a while. I feel so sleepy and tired. This issue will be discussed after waking up. I can finally get a good sleep, as long as you are in my arms, I can sleep." Mu Li hugged Lin Qing to bed , Lying down holding her. It may be too tired, and I snored as soon as I lay down for a while.

Lin Qing could not help looking at his eyes tenderly, and drew his finger on the contour of his face, murmuring: "Dear, I am very disturbed when I can't see you. Life without you is like It is the boundless dark night that suffocates. "

There is tenderness and sweetness on this side, but there is a strong smell of gunpowder and a tense look.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Feng Ming asked, looking at Feng Xiaoru's eyes coldly.

"Of course my face isn't good enough and I can't leave. Besides, if you go out looking for Lin Qing these days, of course I have to wait for news here." Feng Xiaoru resolutely returned.

"I think you're completely fine, so you don't need to stay here anymore. It will make people misunderstand our relationship. I'm fine, you are a girl, the loss will be great." Said Feng Ming made Please pose Feng Xiaoru quickly. It seemed as if he was disgusted by staying longer.

When Feng Xiaoru heard him say this, he naturally understood what he was referring to as a misunderstanding. It must be Lin Qing. I was very unhappy, and subconsciously resisted: "I have nothing to be afraid of, and I will let you take care of it. I don't dislike you, what is your problem?"

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