The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 175: Do you still know me?

Mu Li's face was overcast, with Lin Qing guarding behind him with one hand and a fist in the other.

Lin Qing froze slightly, staring at the man's side face for a long time: "Mu Li?"

Her voice was a little hazy. I couldn't believe it was Mu Li who rushed to save her. Not long ago, they had a big fight and didn't tell him when they came to the hospital.

Mu Li frowned, turning his face: "Do you still know me?"

Still angry.

Lin Qing looked at him again for a long time, Mu Li thought she had nothing to say, her eyebrows were slightly loose, and she was about to turn around to prevent Lu Xiao, and suddenly she heard the woman behind her mouth open quietly, as if talking To himself: "I am not the one who has amnesia"

Mu Li coldly stared back.

Lu Xiao was suddenly out of control just now. She had already hid by the wall, and her large hospital clothes lay loose on her shoulders. She stared at the two people beside the bed, her eyes never left for a second, as if these people were next Seconds will flutter.

Lin Qing pursed her lips anxiously and worried. She always felt that what she saw from Lu Xiao's eyes was only hatred.

Are you hating Mu Li, or is she?

Lin Qing remembered the last time she was in the hospital, and Lu Xiao seemed to have concealed Mu Li's affairs. She thought that 80% of the people whom Lu Xiao didn't want to see now were her.

If she can recover faster without seeing her, she'll be gone.

Lu Xiao's throat was still sobbing, just because his throat was broken and blurred, and the low voice was crying like a beast of bereavement, and it sounded desperate.

Lin Qing did not dare to come forward, and Mu Li would not let her move. The doctor left at the door saw no one dare to approach, but her expressions were different.

Lu Xiao suddenly buried her head. The ward was silent. No one intended to break the atmosphere. For a long time, Chen Qudong, who had been standing at the door, walked in two steps and stopped next to the doctor. "She was crazy what happened?"

The doctor also reasoned, after all, no one like Lu Xiao could check it well: "It is estimated that she saw something and was stimulated. She is now very emotionally unstable. Any environment similar to the experience before the injury can cause mental confusion. . "

The patient is so frantically forming a sense of self-protection, which may make the subsequent treatment quite difficult.

"Lu Xiao, let's go out now, don't you hurt yourself, okay?" Lin Qing said gently, dragging Mu Li's arm back, and suddenly felt sticky when he reached his hand, looking down, he The back of his hand was covered with blood.

Lin Qing's first reaction was that Lu Xiao had cut through the glass, and he hurriedly pulled up his hand: "How did this hurt?"

Mu Li's eyes moved slightly, without much change in expression, and pulled his hand back.

Lin Qing thought about the thing before he was angry, and wanted to speak, but felt it was inappropriate now, so he had to let it go. If she went home and looked now, she could immediately see a blood stain on the wall outside the elevator.

Lin Qing pulled Mu Li to go to the door, and before he moved, Chen Qudong talked. He directly led Lu Xiao with some inducements: "Lu Xiao, do you remember who killed you like this?"

The doctor next to him frowned, and in this case, asking questions directly would likely lead the patient to have a stronger resistance: "Family of this patient, it is better not to ask similar questions now."

Chen Qudong said sorry.

Lu Xiao was very sensitive to his name, and Wen Yan immediately looked up, and Mu Li's back injury fell into Lu Xiao's eyes when she retracted her hand. Lu Xiao's original calming mood suddenly became excited. Her shoulders trembled violently, holding her knees in one hand and trembling in the other, pointing at Mu Li.

When she reached out, her lips moved, and she seemed to want to talk, but after all, her throat didn't vomit a complete syllable. Lin Qing had been watching her, so she understood her mouth shape—

"It's him."

With this finger, everyone in the room took a breath.

The identified man seems to have guessed this long ago, and the corners of his lips evoke: "Are you sure it was me who harmed you?"

Lu Xiao had shuddered. She shrank back when she heard the man talking. This time she didn't dare to look at Mu Li any more. She lowered her head and glanced around the bed to take her eyes off.

Mu Li gave a sneer, thinking that the play was really more and more exciting. The man who just asked the question leaned at the door at this time, smiling lightly.

Obviously, all this is arranged, what Chen Qudong has to do is just ask Jun to enter.

Lu Xiao's behavior made everyone's face look weird, no one dared to speak, and no one dared to look at Mu Li.

Lin Qing's body was stiff, and she dragged Mu Li's hand and didn't know when to let it go. It wasn't until Lu Xiao kept her head in her arms and held her legs that Lin Qing returned to her senses.

"I see Lu Xiao tired, doctor, please stabilize your mood, please tell me if there is any situation." Lin Qing turned his head to explain to the doctor, the doctor responded again and again.

Mu Li pursed her lips as she was thinking, Lin Qing took his injured hand: "Go, deal with the wound."

She said nothing about Lu Xiao's allegations, her face was pale, and she must have been extremely patient in her heart.

Mu Li knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, and followed Lin Qing out of the ward.

At the door, Chen Qudong stopped Lin Qing: "Qing Qing, I have something to tell you."

He hasn't called Lin Qing so closely for a long time. Lin Qing avoided his extended hand and leaned against Mu Li: "Senior, what's the matter later, we have something to do now."

Chen Qudong bowed his head and saw Lin Qing clasping Mu Li's hand tightly, his eyes darkened.

Why didn't she let go at this point?

Mu Li blocked Chen Qudong and took Lin Qing out.

The two walked silently to the clinic, and the doctor saw Mu Li's injured bone joint stunned: "How did you hurt this? It's so serious."

Mu Li's eyes were cold and he looked up at the doctor. The doctor closed his mouth carefully and did not dare to speak again.

Mu Li's hand was quickly bandaged, and the doctor told him to keep it in mind. The doctor didn't recognize Mu Li, and said to Lin Qing with a smile before leaving, "Your husband has a good temper. You usually coax him at home, right?"

Lin Qing pursed her lips and glanced at Mu Li, who had come to the door, and smiled, "Yeah, he's not particularly coaxed."

Mu Li heard the voice in the room, and Lin Qing had already walked out when her eyes were gone.

"What are you talking about?" He glanced into the room, and the doctor was cleaning the wound.

Lin Qing's pale face raised a slight arc: "I'm telling the doctor, my husband is so hard to coax."

Mu Li's dark eyes were deep, thin lips opened but not open.

Later, Lin Qing went to the doctor alone and asked, and the doctor said that most of the wounds would be made by hitting the wall or hard board with one punch.

After returning to the ward, neither of them went in. After a while, the doctor came out and said that after a small amount of sedatives, his mood stabilized and he just fell asleep.

"So how long can she recover?" Lin Qing knew that Lu Xiao had always been strong, and now being tortured like this must have experienced unimaginable pain.


When it comes to this word, she has no confidence.

The doctor understood what she meant, and pondered for a moment: "You saw it just now, she's not in good shape."

The doctor didn't say more, Lin Qing nodded slightly and sent the doctor away. For a long time, she stood in front of the glass window and looked at Lu Xiao in the room.

Her eyes were hurt, pain, compassion and loss.

"There is a problem over there, I'll go back immediately." Mu Li's voice interrupted her thoughts.

At this moment Lin Qing was surprised that his voice was low and dumb. For him, these days should be difficult.

"Okay. I'll stay here with Lu Xiao." Lin Qing glanced sideways and barely hooked her lips.

Mu Li stood in place for a long time, and a light layer of sunlight hit the side of his face in the corridor. His figure seemed lonely: "Lin Qing, I just want to know what you think."

"I don't know." Lin Qing's clear eyes were a little lost. "Don't ask me now? Let me be quiet."

She really didn't know.

Seeing Lu Xiao pointing at Mu Li, she felt that she couldn't even breathe. Lu Xiao was wounded in this way, and it is no longer possible to accuse someone for nothing unless that person really hurt her.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing bit her lip more and more nervous. She remembered the words of the perpetrator that night, and several previous hints by Chen Qudong.

Chen Qudong!

Maybe he will know something.

Back to God, Mu Li has gone. Lin Qing looked at the end of the corridor and suddenly felt that his answer was wrong.

Lin Qing followed when the nurse went to change Lu Xiao's medicine, and sat beside the bed for a while. When she saw that Lu Xiao had a tendency to wake up, she quietly left the room again.

As soon as he came out, Lin Qing saw Chen Qudong sitting on a corridor bench.

She walked to Chen Qudong and sat down, exhaling softly: "Senior."

"Did you finally talk to me?" Chen Qudong closed his eyes just now, at this moment his eyes opened, looking at Lin Qing deeply.

Lin Qing felt his eyes, but did not turn his head: "Senior, how much do you know about Lu Xiao?"

"All." Chen Qudong did not hide.

Lin Qing was very nervous when listening to these two words.


But is this all she wants to hear? How much is true?

Just thinking, Chen Qudong has already spoken.

"It was Mu Li. At first he thought that the ring had something to do with me, and Lu Xiao deliberately provoked your relationship, so sending someone to bump into Lu Xiao just wanted to teach you something. But then things got bigger and I got it Evidence, he made people abduct Lu Xiao. "

While speaking, Chen Qudong seemed to be hurting.

Lin Qing heard the sadness in his tone and understood that it was because of Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao has a bold personality. Such a friend can protect Lin Qing at any time. In fact, if there is another way, he is not willing to hurt Lu Xiao, but now he does not want to see Lin Qing stay beside Mu Li.

In order to get it, someone must be sacrificed.

And only the most terrible sacrifice can be exchanged for the brightest future.

"Why would he think that the ring is related to you?" Lin Qing suddenly looked up.

Chen Qudong smiled bitterly: "Because I made a custom ring, I suggested to Lu Xiao."

Perhaps there was a truth in his countless lies, because his true heart made him unable to cheat.

"Senior, do you think Mu Li will attack Lu Xiao because of this kind of thing?" Lin Qing lowered her head slightly and no longer looked anywhere.

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