Did you make it?

Chen Qudong was ecstatic. He looked at Lin Qing with an inner impulse, and had deep emotions in his eyes.

However, Lin Qing's head dropped very low and she could not see her expression.

"Maybe he didn't, but now it's not necessarily." Chen Qudong said for a moment.

All the problems were due to Mu Li's amnesia, and he was suddenly a little grateful, because it made everything logical.

Lin Qing twisted her fingers together and heard the words clenched unnaturally.

"Did he really change a lot?" Lin Qing seemed very unconfident and could not hear his emotions lightly.

Chen Qudong was sitting aside at this time. Lin Qing couldn't see his expression. He raised his eyebrows and wiped the corner of his mouth silently. . "

Lin Qing was a long while silent.

Chen Qudong approached Lin Qing slowly and held her hand. He could feel her shoulders trembling slightly: "He has hurt you so many times, haven't you understood?"

It should have been understood long ago that it was impossible for him to treat her well.

Lin Qing's hands were separated and Chen Qudong was brought into the palm of one hand.

His palms were hot, and warmth came through for a while, but Lin Qing didn't feel warmed. Instead, the heat made her feel cold.

"Senior, have you forgotten what we said before?"

Lin Qing's voice seemed to drift lightly from the air and shot down Chen Qudong's heart.

She pulled her hand out of his palm in silence, and stood with her back straight.

Chen Qudong looked up and was seeing her tight lips. Her lip color was very pale, she was strung into a line, and she stretched it gently for a long time, saying it clearly.

"He has the ability to do it, but there is no reason. Now that I know I won't leave, why should I start with Lu Xiao? Even if Lu Xiao really wants to stir up our relationship, he will not care about his personality." Raising the corners of your lips is like thinking something through.

Chen Qudong got up and approached Lin Qing. "How do you know if he really didn't care?"

His eyes were burning, and Lin Qing was to see through, but Lin Qing did not look at each other.

"Even if he did it, you don't need the senior to intervene. If you want to say the true source of all these events, isn't it the senior's suggestion to Lu Xiao that you let her get a fake ring?" Make a laugh, but find it impossible.

She chose to believe in Chen Qudong just because he was a senior and because he had the last respect. She didn't want to see the worst side of the person she had secretly crushed on, and wanted to leave some beautiful memories in her heart.

But the fact warned her time and again, don't believe it.

Chen Qudong's heart suddenly tightened. He couldn't bear Lin Qing's refusal to hold her on the shoulder and pulled her towards her arms: "Lin Qing, you can see clearly why he did so many cruel things to you. Do n’t look back! ”

Lin Qing had a bitter smile on her lips, and she seemed to be thinking about it. She was pulled forward by Chen Qudong, and she finally figured out: "Because the cruel man is him."

Because it is him, it can be cruel.

If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be able to bear her anymore.

Whether or not she believes those designations, she can't really leave Muli. The man has already imprinted on her heart, and it can't be eliminated anyway.

"If he knew that we were together, would he let you stay with me?" Chen Qudong sneered, and hatred filled his eyes.

Lin Qingwei: "What?"

Chen Qudong took her by the shoulder and pressed her firmly in her arms. A strange voice sounded in Lin Qing's ears: "If he thinks you are out of track, is it still possible to accept you?"

Lin Qing looked up suddenly. She couldn't imagine that the senior could say such things. She pushed the senior away from the next second, but her body was trapped and she couldn't get away no matter how she struggled.

Chen Qudong's strength is amazing.

"Don't touch me!" Lin Qing was desperately struggling in his arms, but the weight on her waist was getting heavier. She was held so tight that she couldn't breathe, and her chest was tightly against his body.

Lin Qing only felt pain and shame.

She was shocked, even if it was a simple hug, she could only allow Mu Li to touch her alone.

Chen Qudong hugged her vigorously, Lin Qing shuddered with that intense possessiveness.

How could a senior be able to say such things and do such things?

This is not the senior she knows at all!

"Qing Qing, just once, you don't have to endure his torture and injury anymore!" Chen Qudong grabbed her and hit her arm severely, hugged her sideways, Lin Qing kept kicking her legs, She didn't want to be held by him even if she fell down and was seriously injured!

Chen Qudong's eyes raised jealousy and anger, strode to the ward next to him, the ward was empty, and just borrowed it now!

"Let me go! Are you crazy!" Lin Qing's face turned away, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the ward, and instantly understood Chen Qudong's intentions.

How could this be!

She must not let things happen as he wants!

"Yes, I'm crazy, Qing Qing, even if you're crazy, I won't let go today!" Chen Qudong's mind was full of what Lin Qing said just now, even if all this was mu Ligan, Doesn't she want to leave?

What's so good about that man, let her love it so much!

"Chen Qudong!" Lin Qing shouted his name, two small hands slammed on him, his fists fell on his chest and shoulders, but he didn't feel any pain.


Since she can't leave on her own, she always has to use some means!

"You let go!" Lin Qing kicked his legs so hard that when he was carried to the door, he kicked on the wall with one of his shoes off.

Chen Qudong's eyes were dark and he bowed his head to kiss Lin Qing's lips.

"Go away!" Lin Qing waved his right hand to his face and slammed a fan on his face.

She fought very hard, Chen Qudong's face turned aside, and then turned again, with five more fingerprints on her face.

Lin Qing hadn't hit anyone, her palms hurt, her fingers shook uncomfortably, and her eyes stared at Chen Qudong fiercely.

"You hit me?" Chen Qudong's voice was so cold that she had never heard it before. "After a while, I will let you thank me."

"Who wants to thank you! Let me go!" Lin Qing grasped his shoulder, and his slender nails made a few blood marks on his shoulder fiercely.

"Don't shout, Qing Qing, I'm all for your good. Even if you hate me now, one day I will be grateful for everything I do today." Chen Qudong's voice was deep and the smile under his eyes made Lin Qing afraid.

For the first time, she saw such a vicious expression on Chen Qudong's face, as if she was a toy for people to compete for.

At this moment she was panicked and did not think carefully about the meaning of Chen Qudong's sentence.

The empty ward was pushed open, and Chen Qudong went to the bed and put Lin Qing on the bed. As soon as Lin Qing got close to the bed sheet, he pushed Chen Qudong's arm sharply, and rolled up to get out of bed.

Chen Qudong grabbed Lin Qing back when he reached out.

"Why run?" Chen Qudong held her by the arm and pressed her to the bed. The whole body leaned down and kneeled on both sides of her body.

Lin Qing bit her lips tightly and kicked back and forth, each kicking on Chen Qudong's body, but he remained indifferent.

"You let go! Please calm down!" Lin Qing shouted and wanted to calm him down, but where did he still have reason?

Chen Qudong looked like a demon, pressing Lin Qing with one hand and tearing her clothes apart with one hand. Lin Qing couldn't make it, and her legs were crushed.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Chen Qudong stared deeply at Lin Qing, but Lin Qing felt that his expression was the cruelest and scariest in the world.

She won't let him succeed!

Chen Qudong pulled her collar open with brute force, and her fair skin on her chest was bare. Lin Qing was struggling in panic, almost crazy!

Chen Qudong held her shoulders and stretched out her hands to tear off her pants. Her legs shook haphazardly to prevent him from touching, but the hand still touched her waist.

"Go away!" Lin Qing shouted in despair, only feeling dark, and Chen Qudong kissed her neck.


Before Lin Qing could see clearly, he heard someone punched Chen Qudong and punched him fiercely.

This punch was unexpected for Chen Qudong. He had no defense at all, and his whole body rolled down from the hospital bed and slammed into the white wall next to it.

"You want to die ?!" This roar penetrated the entire ward, Mu Li's breath was deep and his eyes shook as far as he could see.

Oh shit! His women dare to touch!

Had it not been for the temporary cancellation of the mission over there, he would have turned back halfway and had no idea what would happen!

Lin Qing tightly pulled the neckline to shrink her body into a ball, hiding at the bed and watching the person vigilantly. She was dark because of panic, and her eyes were still dizzy.

"Mu Li, you are late, she is already my person." Chen Qudong stood up from the ground, his clothes were messy, apparently he was desperately caught.

Let's look at Lin Qing's face in panic again. Her long hair is messy on her shoulders. One side of the shoulders is still exposed, and there are vague kiss marks on her neck. No one was approaching at this moment, she seemed to weep lightly.

Looking down at Mu Li's dim eyes, Lin Qing pulled the collar by one hand and pulled it to the waist by one hand. Obviously it has also been moved there.

Chen Qudong raised a smile, such a picture is absolutely intolerable for Mu Li. With Mu Li's character, he will never ask Lin Qing to confirm whether it has actually happened.

Chen Qudong apparently made the victor's look and went to the bed to pick up Lin Qing. Lin Qing was still a little stunned at this time, feeling that someone was approaching, and subconsciously hid.

"Don't be afraid, it's me." Chen Qudong's voice was soft, not the same person as before.

Hearing Lin Qing's eyes, he raised his eyes and met Mu Li's eyes.

Under his eyes, there was deep suffocation and Yin Yin.

"Mu Li, I" Lin Qing's eyes widened, and she blurted out to explain. Suddenly, when she saw Chen Qudong leaning over, she stretched out her hand.

Chen Qu Dong extremely took Lin Qing's hand patiently, leaning over to hug her side by side, Lin Qing couldn't push, and looked incredulously at Mu Li beside him.

Wasn't he the one who rushed in just now?

Why can he be so indifferent now?

Lin Qing rolled a tear into the corner of her eye, and fell silently. She wasn't crying when she was almost abused by Chen Qudong just now. She saw Mu Li's reaction but she cried.

Mu Li didn't hesitate, but he saw the angle of Chen Qudong's leaning down, waving his bandaged fist, and punched Chen Qudong's face!

"Give me away if you don't want to die!"

Chen Qudong was knocked to the ground and he felt a pain in half of his face. He wiped the corners of his mouth and his hands were covered with blood.

Mu Li walked to the bed, and bent over to lift Lin Qing horizontally.

"Chen Qudong, it seems you are tired."

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