Lin Qing was about to speak, and her body suddenly emptied. She put her two legs on the man's strong arm, and struck his neck subconsciously.

"Let me go, there is still a long way to go." She glanced at it and saw the dazzling hotel signboard at the other end of the resort.

They don't know when they have come this far.

The man's voice came over his head: "This way, it's nothing to hold you back."

He seems a little different lately.

Lin Qing snuggled up in the man's arms, feeling that every step under his feet was steady and strong, her little face quietly stuck to the man's heart.

The two just walked for a long time, not far behind a boulder, Ling Annan was interrupted unhappy, propped up on the stone with one hand: "Will you pick a place, it will do me good."

Lu Xiao pushed him away and walked out from behind the stone. He did not do anything at all, and it was as if the two had adultery.

Ling Anan hooked her corner of clothing: "Xiao baby."

Lu Xiao pointed at the small bridge next to the water, and there was another cool and refreshing refreshing breeze: "Go down and stay awake."

If it weren't for Lin Qing and Mu Li's voice, the man would definitely not be able to control it and talk about it, wouldn't he have to go to such a place without people?

She set off the fire and complained on her head.

Ling Annan face leaned over, staring at the direction in which the two people disappeared at the end of the intestine trail, and smiled ambiguously: "Otherwise, I'll take you back?"

Lu Xiao shook his head, feeling that his chin was resting on his shoulder, and his head did not touch the man's face: "Keep the energy and have children, obedient."

Ling Annan spit out blood.

Is he only left with a child?

After hugging and returning to the room, the man directly put Lin Qing into the bathroom. He tried the water temperature exactly, and bent down to unbutton her clothes by the pool.

Lin Qingpin wetted his shirt with water: "Well, I want to wash it together."

The man raised his eyes, and the reflection of her drooping eyelashes became more moving. He rolled his throat slightly, staggering her sincere invitation to continue the movement in his hand.

Rarely did she imply that he had always taken the initiative in that kind of thing, and men could not feel it, and the body had responded.


He was worried, resisting the urge to eat her clean, ordering essential oil in the bathtub, and cleaning her carefully and patiently.

Lin Qing gathered up a bubble and held the man's face: "Are you practicing?"

"What?" He didn't raise his eyes, and the place where he rubbed his palms brought an inch of heat.

"Not practicing, why did you suddenly start to bear it?" Lin Qing smiled and covered his face with foam.

Rarely the two went out alone, she was relaxed and comfortable, and had the idea of ​​regenerating again, how could you pry out the truth from his mouth at this moment.

If he really didn't want to have any more children, she would certainly not force them, just wondering why the attitudes were completely different.

"Do you want?" He looked up and slammed into her charming eyes.

They have been married for such a long time, and their heart throbs are still unbroken.

Lin Qing poked away the foam on the surface of the water, as if the fog in front of her was cleared, and she could penetrate the clear water to the bottom.

She chuckled hard and nodded vigorously, the room full of beautiful scenery, if usual, he would not hesitate to hold her back.

A forbearance entangled my mind.

Mu Li looked down at her forearm, the needle eye had disappeared, but the effectiveness of that tube of medicine seemed to be still there, and he didn't dare to gamble, especially, it would hurt her.

The more she wanted to endure, the more her slender fingers magically plucked at him, and she uneasily went to unbutton his clothes, leaving him full of foam. After the foam shattered, obvious water stains were left on the shirt and trousers.

"Stop making noise." The man's voice was low and dumb, holding her hand and pressing it back into the water.

Lin Qing's little hand slides out like a fish, and touches his clothes to remind him, "The clothes will catch cold when you get wet. You take it off quickly." She thought about it and added that the wet lips stuck to his ears, and he sighed. Ru Lan, "I help you wash."

Mu Li pressed her against the damp wall and kissed her fiercely. She slid halfway into the bottom of the water, and the hot water kept flowing in, causing ripples on her skin. This felt that the apex of her heart was about to melt.

Her hand climbed on his sturdy back, the man's last trace of reason was drowned instantly, and he rushed to the brain to scream madly. He couldn't restrain himself, and his movement was irresistibly fierce and powerful.

He was always enthusiastic about this kind of thing, and she was ready to accept it. When the climax was approaching, a thought flashed through the man's mind, and he stepped back, covering the wave of emptiness that instantly poured in.

Lin Qing lay softly on his shoulder, his eyelashes fluttered a few times, and his voice was weak: "Mu Li, shall we have a daughter again?"

The man hit his arm aside, and the rummaging motion was interrupted by this sentence. He wouldn't have retreated at the last moment without worrying about harm to her body.

She repeatedly asked, Mu Li couldn't bear to let her down, and kissed her hair: "Okay, give birth to a daughter, and give birth before Ling Annan."

In a dark corner of the resort, Ling Annan sneezing from a woman's love. "Who scolds me?"

The man still pulled out one and put it on. After several waves passed, Lin Qing lost his strength and couldn't help him wash, or the man showered her. Mu Li hugged her back to the bed, Lin Qing got into the bed, stretched her limbs, and stared at the man's back.

He was thin and not too cold, although the room was thermostatic and warm as spring.

While the man was facing away, Lin Qing lay on the bedside table and searched for a long time, and found out all the intimately prepared sets of the hotel. Just looking for a place to hide, the man turned to see her sneaking movements.

"What's hidden?" The man frowned, staring at the thing in her hand with a pale face.

Lin Qing simply laid everything on the bed and discussed with the man: "Since you want to have a daughter, don't use it in the future, it's a waste."

Mu Li threw things back to the nightstand, "You really want to give birth?"

"Yes." She looked firm.

Mu Liyi could not but her, so he had to compromise first. This topic could not go any further. He only left a bedside lamp and lay beside her and patted her back: "Are you tired? Sleep."

Lin Qingyi put him in his arms, pillowing the man's arm: "Tired." He couldn't help laughing with his patting motion. "How can you be like coaxing your son to sleep?"

"You can't be much worse than your son." The man rubbed her long hair and just dried it silky, he dimmed the light of the bedside lamp. "No one is worrying."

When talking, the man's eyes are spoiled.

Lin Qing was really tired. Although his enthusiasm tonight was not as fierce as that night, she was as tired as a whole body. Lying in his arms, she soon fell asleep.

Mu Li's eyes fell on her bare arms, sinking away.

There were a few more bruises on her.

Only now he is still out of control, but it is much better than last time. Does this prove that the efficacy of the medicine has lost a little effect?

As time approaches that deadline, he can feel that his body is changing, and he can't tell whether it's good or bad. He is worried, and he is more worried about her.

She suddenly wanted a child, but if he really did get out of the way, he wouldn't be able to risk it in a short time. Hiding her, she must take measures every time. Once, she can make excuses every time. She will definitely doubt it.

The man rubbed his brows with a headache.

Ling Annan put his arms together, half the weight of his body pressed on Lu Xiao's shoulders, and talked all the way back to his residence. Just after turning around, he saw Mu Li standing in the corridor smoking, he sent Lu Xiao back to the room, tired after waiting for her to wash and go out again.

"The cold wind blows in the middle of the night, and the sister-in-law drove you out?" Ling Annan lit a cigarette, bounced up and down between his fingers, and glanced back at the closed door.

Mu Li Yuguang caught a glimpse of his movements and said nothing, but answered the question just now: "She is asleep."

"Sleeping very early." Ling Annan's open neckline was filled with cold wind, and he turned to see Mu Li wearing only a vest, which he really admired, "Tired."

As he spoke, he pointed a few scratches on Mu Li's arm.

Mu Li silently hooked his lips, and his eyes were full of affection. This kind of feeling can not be easily understood by others. At the beginning, he recovered from the ups and downs. Today, they have experienced too much. Until now, this relationship has been integrated into the bones and blood. Anyone or something around, let alone separated.

But this is so, he can not rest assured.

To her, he is all, all her strength is based on having him. If something happens to him one day, he cannot imagine whether she will collapse.

At that time, he was not sure if he could make a serious decision.

He remembered the spicy kiss stimulating the nerves and reacting to the medicine left in his body, when he was almost unable to control it.

He looked at the dark night, his hands clasped against the tip of his nose, and he could smell the fragrance in her hair.

Maybe it was really troublesome this time.

Mu Li's shoulder was pushed and pushed: "Fuck, you're really abnormal today. What's wrong?"

"You are not normal, are you ready to quit smoking?"

Ling Annan held the lighter in her hand, opened and closed the lid, and stared down at the movement in her hand, with a thin lip and a wicked gesture, and stunned God forgot to speak.

Some people have fallen in love with you somehow, and some feelings are long overwhelmed by the time you fall into them.

In the end, you haven't regretted it and don't plan to let it go.

Ling Annan looked back again. The corridor was empty and he was alone. He turned his head to see the door of the room next door closed, his eyes twitching.

Who are they?

Mu Li didn't sleep until the middle of the night. He woke up earlier than Lin Qing. He took his sleepy wife to the bathroom to wash, and applied skin care products as usual.

Lin Qing stretched over his shoulder and yawned and hugged him out of the bathroom: "I found a problem."

She was serious and Mu Li listened carefully.

Lin Qing appalled his appetite before saying, "I'm getting lazier. I don't want to do anything when you're away. What should I do?"

She casually made Mu Li's spine slightly stiff, and the bottom of his pond was as deep as a mystery that he could not see through. After a while, he did not respond, and Lin Qing bit his shoulder: "Why don't you keep quiet."

Mu Li put her next to the bed, went to the box to pull out the clothes, and raised her lips when changing her clothes: "It seems to be too busy. I have time to think about these boring questions."

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