On this day, Lin Qing planned to soak in hot springs, and Lin Qing suddenly thought of something. When they discussed it, she refused. The reaction was too big and nearly knocked over the drink. Lu Xiaoyan looked at her in surprise. Lin Qing flushed and was interrupted before she spoke.

Ling Annan couldn't help it, staring at the two of them: "Actually, I didn't intend to go anymore, my family Lu Xiao was not fit for soaking in water these two days."

Lu Xiao put one elbow on top: "What is soaking water."

"Okay, take a bath."

Fortunately, there are many places for leisure and entertainment in the resort, and they spend a lot of time casually strolling. It's hard to relax and have fun. In the evening, Ling Annan looked at the sky and disappeared with Lu Xiao.

The night breeze, Mu Li took Lin Qing to the hot spring.

Lin Qing didn't agree at first, Mu Li said that only the two of them would be safe to follow.

Mu Li really came to the hot spring. He put his arms on the edge of the pool in a regular manner. He squinted his head and leaned back. He could see his chest muscles above the water, and the water was clear. Lin Qing looked down to the end. .

The steaming heat made her breathless. She stared at the sound and couldn't open her eyes, feeling that it was different from looking straight at it after all.

Mu Li opened her eyes and pulled her closer: "Like to watch?"

Lin Qing looked away and shook her head.

The man touched his lips lightly and touched her face. "No one is here, just look."

Don't have a feeling of bathing in the hot spring at night. The main purpose of bringing her here is to do a fish therapy. Lin Qing stared at the little fish and bite on her body, always feeling strange.

When she went back, she thought, "Don't do this in the future, it was bitten by a fish."

The man laughed and said, "Is it just used to biting me?"

Talking to Orange before going to bed, Lin Qing had a good night's sleep, and spent the next two days relaxing. Although Mu Li didn't say anything on her mouth, she only kissed her deeply before going to bed the next two nights.

On the contrary, Lu Xiao, got up very late that day, and the return journey was delayed.

Mu Li calculates that today is the last day. The control of body loss seems to be recovered a little bit. He remembered that Azhi's words were too exaggerated. His previous worry should be unnecessary.

Lin Qing's bruises were almost better, he never felt so glad, and never had such a difficult time.

While waiting in the corridor, Lin Qing set the suitcase on her side, and immediately she turned around and hugged her waist around the railing. She exclaimed and hugged the man's neck. She calmed down and saw him.

With unexplainable excitement hidden under his eyes, he passionately kissed her, Ling Anan pushed the door to see the situation, and was almost tripped over by himself.

"I said, pay attention to the impact."

When leaving, Lin Qing looked through the rearview mirror to the entire resort. She did not expect that the peaceful life would go further and further. When she looked back, the man held her hand, and seemed to tighten tightly.

After driving back to the city, they and Ling Annan separated at the intersection, lowered the window and made a farewell gesture across the distance.

Lin Qing called the family before picking up Orange Orange. Mother Lin said that Dai Ze had come to see the second oldest person this morning. After sitting for a while, she picked up Orange Orange before leaving.

Lin Qing didn't feel anything wrong. For Orange Orange, Dai Ze's status is second only to her and Mu Li.

She dialed Daze and just wanted to confirm it.

After a few beeps, Dai Ze was connected. The man holding the mobile phone was Orange: "Mum, I'm hanging out with Uncle Dai, don't miss me."

Hearing his voice, Lin Qing's heart was soft and soft, and his voice followed softly: "Where to play?"

Orange Orange said a strange name, Lin Qing heard Daze correct on the phone.

Orange Orange sounded loudly, but what was reported to Lin Qing was still not right.

Lin Qing laughed loudly, listening to his son arguing with Dai Ze on the phone, and finally Dai Ze conceded.

Mu Li turned his head, "Who are you talking to?"

Lin Qing said with a smile on his face: "Dai Ze picked up the orange, and it may take two days to play back."

Mu Li's eyes sank suddenly, and the hands controlling the steering wheel increased a bit.

Lin Qing drew a few more words with Orange Orange East Laxi. There was really no useful information. Dai Ze estimated that he couldn't listen. Before Lin Qing said that he would let Uncle Dai answer the phone, there would be a substitution automatically.

"Hey." Dezeer's voice.

Lin Qing still smiled: "How many days are you going?"

"Two or three days, if you feel relieved, I will take away a few more days."

"Let him have more fun." Lin Qing thought for a while and said, "But if you are too busy, just forget it."

Daze doesn't matter: "I always have a little personal time."

"Okay, then you guys have fun."

When I was ready to hang up, Deze suddenly remembered something, and was not sure, so I asked one more question: "A friend you took with me once, did you live with President Ling?"

"Yes." Lin Qing had a bad feeling and frowned slightly. "What happened?"

"It's okay, I'll ask." Deze didn't say too much, like he was driving. "There may be a project to work with Ling's later."

Lin Qing heard this, then rest assured, "Well, you pay attention to your body."

On the way back, Mu left the car and said nothing.


Packing things in Orange's cabin, Lin Qing suddenly remembered the words behind Dai Ze. She knew that the Ling family had always disagreed with Lu Xiao. Ling Annan had sent a mess with the family for this matter, and has not recently returned to live there. Too.

After thinking about it, Lin Qing went to the living room to talk to Mu Li. "Isn't Ling Annan's family going to face Lu Xiao again?"

Mu Li's attention focused on another point: "Have you seen Lu Xiao with the last name Dai?"

He couldn't even take him to see him that time. The man left as soon as he arrived at the door. Lin Qing nodded and nodded.

Mu Li frowned, and moved the newspaper a little more impatiently.

Lin Qing sat down beside him, and also took a newspaper and flipped through it, all of which were military newspapers, and she let it go. With her eyes brightened, she picked up the only financial magazine, after all, it involved the field of work, and she naturally focused.

Mu Li stared at her, and the sudden annoyance surprised him.

But looking at this magazine, she doesn't understand the military and she definitely prefers finance and finance, but how could he get this idea on Daze?

After all, living together for four or five years, Dai Ze has a deep love for Lin Qing. When he and Lin Qing just reunited, Dai Ze and Lin Qing had reached the point where they could talk about marriage. Nothing really happened between them?

Mu Li interrupted his thoughts, and what kind of wind was blowing, it was really nonsense. He put down the newspaper and walked to the window. The cold wind blowing might make him conscious.

Someone passed downstairs, and that figure turned into their floor, and it looked like a surname Dai.

He put his hands in his pockets, and Lin Qing's eye-catching figure appeared through the glass window, and he suddenly said, "Want to move back to live?"

Lin Qing looked up from the magazine: "Moving? Where?"

"One Coast."

Lin Qing felt that it was a habit to live here, the transportation is convenient, and the environment is good. A few days ago, they also discussed renting or selling the house on the coast.

Mu Li may just ask casually, she smiled and shook her head: "Don't bother, I have been living here since I returned to city a."

She only lived next door, and she remembered it after she finished speaking, but the story was turned over a long time ago, and Lin Qing looked at the magazine again.

The man's shadow fell on his feet, the magazine in Lin Qing's hand was drawn away, and his complex look seemed to be forbearing, his thin lips moved, and his eyes stared at her unclearly.

Lin Qing then realized his strangeness.

There seemed to be fine sweat on his forehead. Lin Qing stood up to help him wipe, and was pressed back by the man holding his shoulders.

"Why is there so much sweat?" Lin Qing was about to raise her hand and was pinching her arms.

Bewildered, she bumped into his eyes, and faintly caught the signs of the anger, thinking that she had seen it wrong. She stared more closely, but it was no longer recognizable.

"You want to stay here, to remember your past?"

"What?" She froze and didn't understand.

Mu Li grabbed her shoulders and squeezed her hands: "How important is the surname worn in your heart?"

"Mu Li?" She opened her eyes wide and looked stunned.

Mu Li was irritable and had a splitting headache. He had never doubted this, and somehow he would blame him.

He let go, patted the magazine on the coffee table, took his clothes with his legs up, and left, Lin Qing got up from the sofa: "Where are you going?"

Mu Li frowned, opened her mouth, but was afraid she would hurt her if she said the word. He wanted to stay to make her feel at ease, but she could not take it back seriously.

Mu Li pushed the door and left the house.

Lin Qing sat back on the sofa, shuddering at the thought of his talent. That fierce energy was not a pretense, but she also saw endurance similar to struggle.

How long haven't you seen him like this?

Lin Qing worked hard to calm himself down. He had amnesia before, maybe it was related to this matter.

The man has n’t dragged a car for a long time. The speed of the car is extremely explosive like lightning. The slender phalanx of the steering wheel is whitening. His arms are blue and violent, and his sweat continues to slide down the contour.

How could she think that he could not forgive just the blame she just had?

The street scenes on both sides flashed back at an unprecedented speed, and as night fell, he squeezed forward, as if to rush to an end point of unknown extreme.

He had seen many people who had been injected with drugs in the past, but the final outcome could not escape one. Once infected, it was not easy to quit.

Without strong endurance and determination, it would simply not be possible.

The body seemed to be hollowed out, finely ground, densely eaten, and each cell was restless. He vaguely knew that this feeling was a strong demand for injections. The man clenched his fists and smashed into the steering wheel. Stop after the road.

He did not get out of the car, and the steering wheel was almost crushed in his hands. This confrontation with his body must have a strong bearing capacity, and he might lose a little bit of slack.

That year, a comrade-in-arm was in a state of anger and was injected with an unknown drug during an operation. He failed to control after the attack. It wasn't long before he heard that he had lost his family's property, and finally was overwhelmed by suicide.

Is he going to follow suit?

At this time, one minute is also intolerable. He has thoughts of giving up countless times. If he gives up, he will not suffer. The man was soaked all over, and his shirt became more uncomfortable against his body. He clenched his teeth and his stiff spine remained motionless.

No, it cannot be moved.

Waves of life-threatening devours slammed into the limbs, tingling nerves, and even lost the ability to think. The vehicle in front turned on the high beam, dazzling, and burning.

Within the body, there seems to be some emotions about to break out of the body.

Agitation, anger, biting the cage like a sleepy beast, and finally all emotions converge into one desire: injection.

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