Mu Li already knows the tricks used by Luo Zheng.

Holding that photo, playing with right and wrong everywhere, lest the world be chaotic.

However, his back road is also very difficult.

The family members of the deceased already knew that Luo Zheng stumped from it and tricked them into the army captain's family to cause trouble.

There was an injury to the arm in the photo, it did, but it was not Mu Mu's action, but someone else.

The family of the deceased asked the club to surrender the person. However, no one else in the club came out to resolve the matter.

They could only find this lawyer who often appeared, but Luo Zheng refused to see him.

This time, the family members of the deceased were even more irritated. They felt that they really made people sit as puppets for a few days and had no effect. The tiger is anxious, and will learn the cat to climb the tree.

Finally they couldn't bear it, with a thick voice, they shouted, "Break their rice bowl!"

As a result, the crowd held wooden sticks in their hands, swarmed up and started to smash the glass of the door with a bang.

In the clubhouse, the few waiters left were scared and helpless, running and shouting everywhere.

"Let's not hurt people, just smash things," shouted the family of the deceased. In a hurry, they still have sense.

At this time, several bodyguards rushed out and put on a kicking frame.

When they saw the angered crowd, their blood-red eyes lost their momentum.

Several bodyguards look at each other. You push me, I push you, no one dares to rush up first.

"We said it, it won't hurt people, as long as it is said and compensated." The deceased's family members came forward and said.

Several bodyguards remained like wood, poking there, wondering whether to advance or retreat.

A daring, roared and rushed forward.

One person stepped out of the crowd, his eyes widened, his hands on his hips, not slack, and the bodyguards who rushed forward stepped forward two steps.

I saw him suddenly, using his right hand towards the bodyguard who rushed over, there was an uppercut in front of him, right in the face.

The bodyguard was stunned by the sudden attack. The others did not fall, and his eyes stared straight ahead.

Later, the man used his left hand to send another flat palm to the bodyguard, pushing it against the bodyguard's chest.

Heard the bodyguard falling down at the sound of a "thump", this man must be a martial artist, and the crowd was even more angry.

"Oh!" Someone roared.

The crowd raised their sticks in unison, ready to smash.

"Slow!" Suddenly, people heard a shout.

Luo Zheng stepped out of a small door in the lobby of the clubhouse.

The crowd stunned first, then shouted together, "Here's here! Listen to him?"

Fortunately, it is enough to give Luo Zheng the face.

Everyone was silent, watching Luo Zheng eagerly, only he could bring good news.

"Let me say a few words." Luo Zheng stepped forward, coughed slightly, and helped pretend to be calm.

"Everyone will take the money back and live a stable life, and we will negotiate later."

As soon as his words hit the ground, he shouted immediately.

"It's all nonsense. We don't need any money now. We need you to surrender the killer and let him pay for his life." The family member of the deceased shouted.

Luo Zheng froze slightly, how did they know that there was someone else?

I brought them to Mu Li's house, and they believed at the time. Who was listening?

In any case, let's pass today's uncle.

"We don't have this person in the clubhouse, it's not the guy in the clubhouse. Why don't you believe it?"

Luo Zheng seems to have started to stir up.

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, they are a group." One shouted angrily.

"Let's smash this club and talk about it," the people shouted together.

"Everyone is calm, if there are problems to solve together, it is illegal to smash things." Luo Zheng raised his voice. He felt that people's emotions were a little bit soaring.

In fact, he was a little timid and felt it was difficult to control the situation.

"What problem can you solve, call your big boss, or let's let the stick in your hand talk." The family of the deceased was very dissatisfied with Luo Zheng's perfunctory.

"You are too presumptuous, do you know where this is? Is there no king law?" Luo Zheng raised his voice, and he wanted to press people with his voice.

"You bully people and force them to death. Is there no king?" The family of the deceased took two steps forward, and approached Luo Zheng.

When Luo Zheng saw the deceased's family and stared at the blood-red eyes, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Even bold people have fears of dying.

"Huh! It's unreasonable. The boss has already offered such superior conditions. Are you still dissatisfied?" There is no good way for Luo Zheng to solve this problem satisfactorily.

Because he can't be the boss of the big boss, and his solution, the big boss doesn't buy his account.

"Don't talk anymore, break it!"

So a group of people shouted loudly, raised their sticks, and rushed into the various rooms of the club.

I only heard shouts and scolds, and the sound of various equipment hitting.

Suddenly, the luxurious clubhouse was a mess, all kinds of glass fragments were flying all over, and the destroyed electrical appliances were smoking there.

Luo Zheng was helpless in the middle of the hall.

After a group of people smashed things, they still had no energy left, and retreated to the hall to see Luo Zheng.

"He's a bastard, there are five people standing here, don't let him run away."

This shout was incredible, and the eyes of the red-eyed people gathered on Luo Zheng.

With a roar, all rushed to Luo Zheng.

There seemed to be an overwhelming power.

People's fists and sticks were thrown at Luo Zheng together.

How can his small body resist, so many people have been knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye.

He only covered his head and fell to the ground, but did not fight back.

He was beaten unconscious.

There was new news for the agents sent by Mu Li.

He looked at the documents and answered the phone.

"Master Captain, bald men in black appeared in the club."

"Huh!" Mu Li quickly looked up, put down the documents in his hand, and crossed a cold lonely eye. "The clubhouse was smashed and Luo Zheng was also hit."

When Luo Zheng heard this, there was no expression on his calm face, as if everything was as expected.

He sneered: "To what extent?"

"Head edema and congestion, fracture of the left arm, sprain of the right hand bowl, two broken ribs, and the right leg was broken three times.

This report was done in great detail by the agents, which can be said to be from beginning to end.

Mu Li hung up the phone, a smile flashed in his eyes, but his face was still calm like a pool of autumn water.

The important thing is to find the man in black.

Personnel from the investigation team came to "visit".

"Captain Mu Li, the witnesses were framed to death, do you know this?" The investigative team members spoke harshly.

This is their usual opening remarks, and it seems to be in the lead.

"What witnesses?" Mu Li raised his head and looked at them, his eyes narrowed, a question mark on his face.

"Ahem! That's the club waitress. She has committed suicide." They repeated it helplessly.

"What does this have to do with me?" Mu Li was bold and risky.

"It's you who can't occupy it and threaten it to death." The investigative team members seemed to be out of breath and their voices dropped.

"That's because you can't condone it and killed him indirectly." Mu Li pressed hard.

"How can you say that?" The investigative team had no reason to look for, and had to play up his official voice.

"Hmm! What you have done, only you know." Mu Li sat in the big chair steadily, too lazy to look at them.

"We do business."

"Only the truth will speak justice!" Mu Li stood up and pointed his hand out the door.

"Please come back!"

The investigation team personnel looked at each other and found nothing.

Mu Li received a call from An Lingnan.

"The lady Juanxiu was hospitalized." An Lingnan said lightly on the phone.

"Why be hospitalized?" Mu Li somehow held the phone.

What does this woman have to do with me? What is necessary to notify me when she is hospitalized? However, he didn't say these words. An Lingnan called to say something about it. There must be some reason.

"I don't think it has anything to do with you, but people say that it has something to do with you." An Lingnan was very helpless.

"What kind of world is this? What is she trying to do?" Mu Li couldn't help crying.

"She should have any ideas for you, right?" An Lingnan said this, and said "Hey!" On the phone twice.

"Tell her, I don't know her." Mu Li's tone was somber, but tepid.

"Oh! I have an idea."


"You might as well meet her and tell her something unpleasant. She is also a person of status, and not too shameless." An Lingnan's idea is not good or bad.

It means to let that Juan Xiu know what to do.

"I'm going to see her? I've given her a face too much, what if she touches me?" Mu Li didn't even have a perfunctory idea about such a woman.

He has become extremely disgusted.

There was no other way, he had decided to go there, but he urged Anlingnan to be present.

Both of them went to the hospital with their heads scratched.

As An Lingnan said, this juanxiu is a good person.

There were a few people outside the ward waiting for a visit to the patient.

The bouquet has been out of the ward and outside the door.

People whispered and kept pointing to the ward.

"Yo! Really." Mu Li and An Lingnan looked at each other.

An Lingnan dismissed: "I am afraid that all people are coming with heads and brains."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the ward was wide open.

Mu Li and An Lingnan retreated to the corner of the corridor.

The two quietly walked out of the hiding place, leaned out, and looked at the door.

A group of people came out of the ward, about six or seven people.

At the forefront is a middle-aged man who is blessed with a tall, tall belly. The person has not appeared from the door, but the belly appears first.

Mu Li smirked at the corner of his mouth, with a look of contempt.

"This is the boss of that club." An Lingnan said softly.

Mu Li nodded.

Suddenly his face changed dramatically, his eyes slowly glared, and the man took a big step towards him, ready to rush out.

An Lingnan pulled him back: "What do you want to do?"

Mu Li pointed to the ward.

At this time, the last person walking out of the ward turned out to be the bald man in black.

An Lingnan couldn't help but hesitated: "You're looking for him now, it's not the time."

So Mu Li and An Lingnan retreated from the ward.

They both returned to the car.

"I didn't expect this woman to have a relationship with them." Mu Li closed her eyebrows, and the light from her eyes was enough to shoot through the steel plate.

"It seems that this woman is kinda ridiculous." An Lingnan realized suddenly.

"Huh! A group of cats and mice." Mu Li was sick and hated.

At this time, An Lingnan's cell phone rang.

"This is Juanjuan." An Lingnan glanced at Mu Li.

"Come!" Mu Liyang raised his hand and turned his face in disgust to the window.

"Huh!" An Lingnan rang several "Hu" characters on the phone and hung up.

"What do you mean? I didn't listen to you." Mu Li turned his head.

"She asked me, are you going to see her, and said," An Lingnan stopped and looked at Mu Li strangely.

"what does she say?"

Mu Li's eyes widened, and the corners of her mouth hooked upward, smiling.

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