An Lingnan shook his head, wanted to laugh on his face, and tried to hold back.

"She said, let you do it yourself." An Lingnan closed his words, his face solemn.

"Huh! Where and where is this?" Mu Li disdain.

An Lingnan solemnly said, "Let's go together." After speaking, he was about to get out of the car.

"No! You let her out, let's go to the coffee shop over there." Mu Li pointed to the other side of the road.

An Lingnan understood.

The two sat in the car with a wide field of vision, and they had a good view of the coffee shop door.

The two of them did not get out of the car.

When Juan Xiu was short, she appeared at the hospital door.

Her appearance was seen by passersby and she did not think she was a patient in this hospital.

No patient is dressed like this.

He has a heavy makeup and is wearing tights and a white loose coat.

When the wind rose, the loose coat was blown open, exposing the low-cut black tights inside, with the chest rising high.

She only stayed by the side of the road for a few moments, that is, attracted some men, and looked prudently.

I saw her trotting, crossing the road, heading for the coffee shop, and pushed in the door.

As soon as they were about to get out of the car, Mu Li stopped and pulled Anlingnan.

The two looked at the front of the coffee shop at the same time, and a man flashed in.

They looked at each other.

The two entered the coffee shop one after the other.

Mu Li went to the appointed private room, and An Lingnan went to the other side.

Mu Li walked to the door of the private room and strode in when he pushed the door.

Juan Xiu was suddenly shocked when Mu Li pushed in the door, she was sorting out the clothes inside her door.

"Ouch! Lord Captain, you are a busy man, please stay still, please." Juan Xiu said, standing up from the sofa, ready to step forward.

However, it doesn't look like she is leaving because she opens her arms at the same time.

Maybe this is one of her habits.

Mu Li's eyes quickly, flashed to the side quickly.

When Juanxiu turned around embarrassingly, Mu Li had sat firmly on the other side of the sofa.

She was embarrassed, smiled, and sat opposite Mu Li.

"What are you doing to me?" Mu Li said lightly.

There was no smile on his face, but more indifference and contempt.

"I was injured that day and wanted you to come see me." Juan Xiu said, pulling down the already low neckline again.

She gave Mu Li a glance, others didn't look at her, her eyes were looking out the window.

Immediately, she hurried to Mu Li's sofa and sat over.

Hold Mu Li's body tightly, his hands go to Mu Li's neck.

At this moment, the door banged and was knocked open.

Just listen to "Ouch" and roll into the person from the door.

Due to the excessive external force, the man crawled up and down and almost got under the table.

An Lingnan then stood in the door.

I saw him staring at Juan Xiu, and looked at the people crawling on the ground.

When Juan Xiu saw the people on the ground, she understood.

At this time, Mu Li was still stable, sitting on the sofa, his face did not change color, his heart did not beat.

He gave a scornful glance at Juan Xiu and pushed her away.

What strength Mu Mu had, Juan Xiu was pushed out suddenly, and sat on the ground with her buttocks.

An Lingnan turned around and closed the door, and clasped it.

Mu Li stood up and came up, crawling in front of the man on the ground, using both hands to lift the man from the ground.

He looked at it, and the man didn't know him.

However, the man was holding a camera in the palm of his hand.

Mu Li sneered, loosening his hands and throwing the man out.

The man was thrown in the corner of the room, his mouth grinned, his hands touched his waist, and he must have fallen heavily.

"Master, please forgive us." Juan Xiu half-knelt on the ground, her hands folded, her face begging.

"Let's go! What the **** is going on? Who told you to do this?" An Lingnan stopped drinking.

Mu Li then walked to the corner of the room and bent over to grab the camera in the man's hand.

When the man looked at the camera in his hand, he stood up like a mad cow and rushed towards Mu Li. Before he got close, Mu Li flew a kick and was hitting the man's heart.

He fell down, covering his chest, hitting two rolls on the ground, his painful face had long been deformed.

Mu Li pulled out the memory card from the camera and put it in his pocket.

An Lingnan looked at the people who fell to the ground and turned to Juan Xiu: "You say, is that the big boss of that club, sent you to do this?"

Juan Xiu looked at Mu Li in horror, heard An Lingnan's question, and turned around.

Mu Li waved his hand: "Don't ask, I guess everything is on this memory card."

An Lingnan nodded knowingly.

The two walked out of the coffee room and looked up at the sky. It was already evening.

The streets were crowded with people and cars, all busy rushing home.

Luo Zheng was hospitalized for several days.

It is no big deal, but because of the serious injuries, movement is still inconvenient.

When he woke up, he saw the white ceiling and doctors and nurses, and realized that he was taken to the hospital.

He didn't want to be grateful to those who rescued him, it would be better to wake up than to pass, all sorts of troubles were left behind.

He also understood that waking up was not easy.

The door of the ward, with a bang, was pushed unfriendlyly.

Five or six people came in in the wind.

The head of the club is the big boss of the club. He has a big belly and a flat face, and shakes into the door. He holds a big cigar in his hand and spit out smoke rings.

The people behind him, all expressionless, followed him and nodded.

Luo Zheng was lying on the bed, watching a few people, without speaking.

"How's it going? The injury is much better?" The big boss smirked.

Luo Zheng nodded his head: "Huh!"

Someone added a chair behind the big boss. He held his stomach and sat down.

"Do you know? Because your teacher is not good, it is difficult to support the club now." The big boss closed his smirk, his face fluttered.

No wonder people approached Xingshi to plead guilty.

Everything started because of Luo Zheng, because he thought he was smart and made a lot of suggestions.

It's a good idea to suggest something, but it's actually some bad idea.

"Because I believe you so much, I have the full power to let you do those things, but I didn't expect to be like this."

The boss talked and stood up. He came to Luo Zheng's bed, raised his hand holding the cigar, slowly put it down again, and pressed the big cigar on Luo Zheng On the leg.

Luo Zheng closed his eyes tightly, his mouth twisted into a line, he didn't say anything in pain.

"It's too late to end the game now, and it's impossible to go down again. I lost a lot of money this time in the club. You must be so clever." The big boss seems to have already prepared the speech and read it all at once Came down.

Luo Zheng's face turned grey, his hands clenched into fists silently.

"I heard that there seems to be a problem between you and Captain Mu Li?" The big boss slowly took it off, and he always wore big sunglasses on his face, exposing a pair of bloodshot eyes.

The eyes of those eyes were a little extruded, with a hint of slyness.

Luo Zheng did not speak.

What can he say? I wanted to kill someone with a knife.

"You took the benefit of the clubhouse and made such a big joke. Can you afford these losses?" The big boss looks like an angry mad cow.

"When the injury is healed, I will make a comeback." Luo Zheng seemed determined, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

"Haha! I'll wait and see. If you want to move anything, don't blame me." The big boss stared at a pair of violent eyes, severely dropped the big cigar, and turned to walk out the door.

Several people pleased and ran out.

After a few people disappeared completely, Luo Zheng suddenly got up and made a bang, throwing everything on the bedside table to the ground.

Because of excessive movement and unbalanced body, the broken leg stretched out a little.

Immediately he was sweating a lot and fell to the bed.

The nurse rushed in. "What are you crazy about? This hospital is not yours."

Then came in alone and stopped the nurse: "He is in a bad mood, and I'll clean up immediately."

It was Xu Yuan who came to speak.

The nurse was unhappy and shook his head and left.

Xu Yuan hurried to find a broom, picked up the good things, and swept out the debris.

Luo Zheng eased his pain and lay down again.

Xu Yuan sat down and saw a hot scar on his leg at first glance, which looked like a new scar.

When she approached the ward, she saw a group of people rushing out of Luo Zheng's ward, knowing that the situation was bad.

Unexpectedly, they treated such a vicious person in a hospital bed.

Although he did a lot of wrong things.

Xu Yuan didn't speak for a while, and Luo Zheng was lying quietly. The house was as dead as death. They thought about their own affairs.

In this way, until it was dark, the room gradually darkened, and the two did not know.

After Mu Li got the memory card, he probably had the bottom.

Because he was sloppy, took a look at the above information, and took a lot of pictures in it, which is very beneficial to him.

So he put the memory card in the safe at home.

Lin Qing is going to the hospital for a pregnancy test this day.

Shen Yuhe came up and said, "Otherwise, let's ask an obstetrician and gynaecologist to come to your house to check it?"

"No need, mom! I can walk around just fine while I'm checking." Lin Qing was dressed when Lin Qing was talking.

"Now, it's so messy outside, if there's something wrong, then it's OK," Shen Yuhe said restlessly, looking at Lin Qing anxiously.

"Nothing will happen. The hospital is very close. I will be back soon." Lin Qing took the babysitter out of the house door.

As usual, the two were chatting while walking.

Every time the babysitter came out with Lin Qing, she was worried about courage. When she encountered so many things, she knew that she was weak and could not protect the commander's wife.

However, the commander's wife still didn't care.

Every time something happened, she was able to turn her head around and be harmless, which is really amazing.

She admires the family.

Everyone was daring and knowledgeable, and even the old lady said a word and made a roar, which shook the house.

As I was walking, I suddenly heard the roar of a motorcycle.

And the sound was loud, it seemed to come from behind, and then the sound became louder and louder.

Lin Qing raised God, squinted backwards, and leaned towards the inside of the sidewalk with the babysitter.

"It's really a broken motorcycle. It's so loud, it's pure nuisance." The babysitter covered her ears and looked behind him.

At this look she was scared and opened her eyes.

The motorcycle rushed towards it in this direction.

The little nanny quickly stood in front of Lin Qing, spread her hands, and made a protection.

So, the motorcycle flew past the two with a loud noise.

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