The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 996: Want to go for a drive

"You do n’t have to do more. I believe that your military elder husband ’s ability will make everything right. If you did n’t realize these things yourself and helped me at the crucial moment, I wo n’t tell you about these military issues. Confidential. "Mu Li laughed.

"Well, I didn't say anything." Lin Qing smiled happily. She knew that this was actually an appreciation of her.

He concealed her, and she was caught by clues, guessed, and at the most critical time, reminded him in time to not rush to the mall to rescue the missing Ren Jiao and Guoguo.

For this, Lin Qing herself is very satisfied. She even feels she has the potential of a police officer.

Looking at the happiness on her face, it seemed that she had forgotten the dissatisfaction just now, and Mu Li could not help but slightly raise the corners of his mouth, and he would be happier.

Mu Li, who was at work the next day, received another call from the guards, telling him that lawyer Jiang was sitting at the gate of the military area compound again and had to see her.

Mu Li couldn't help frowning, and said unhappyly: "I won't think of a way to call 110."

Then he felt that it was inappropriate again, and said again, "You just leave her alone, just let her out."

"Yes, Master Captain, she can't get in, but lawyer Jiang seems to be in bad health. I'm afraid she fainted." The guard said very worried.

"It's okay, she won't let herself faint before she comes in." Mu Li answered confidently.

Putting down the phone, he went to Xiaolong's office next door and asked Shen Sheng: "Why is lawyer Jiang here again?"

"Ah? She's at the gate again?" Xiaolong asked, surprised.

"Hurry up and see what's going on. Don't come back if this matter isn't resolved. She is always so entangled. Wouldn't it become explosive news if it was photographed by tabloid reporters? When it gets digged deeper, it will probably cause trouble. If something goes wrong, my military commander doesn't have to do it, he just switched to another job. "Mu Li's voice was very displeased and accused:" I can't do anything for you. "

Xiaolong couldn't help realizing the seriousness of the matter, and immediately sent a military salute to Mu Li. He replied sorry: "Master, I will go and see to make sure that such things will not happen again."

"That's good. You must do it when you make a military order." Mu Li's facial expression was slightly soothing, and she nodded.

"Yes, Xiaolong understands." Said Xiaolong gave Mu Li another military salute and turned and walked out of the door.

When Xiaolong arrived at the gate, she saw Lawyer Jiang sitting on the steps on the side of the gate. She looked pale and bloodless, she looked very weak, and Xiaolong could not help but feel distressed.

He walked quickly to Lawyer Jiang, reached out to help her, but did not want Lawyer Jiang to twist his body, and said weakly, "If it wasn't for me, just don't move me."

The little guard next to him looked embarrassed at Xiaolong. "What to do?"

Xiaolong glanced at him coldly, without speaking, the little guard dared not say anything, but just stood silently watching.

"Attorney Jiang, even if you wait here to die, the commander of the army will not see you. What's so good for you? If it was captured by those tabloid reporters, do you think it would be fun?" Xiaolong's voice took a hint Pity, comfortingly.

Attorney Jiang didn't seem to think of such a consequence. After listening to Xiaolong's words, he couldn't help but stop.

Seeing her move, Xiaolong went on to say, "For yourself, for the military commander, or go back first, and then think of other ways, come to the Japanese commander, why care about this time?"

"But I want to grow up, General. He has a deep misunderstanding with me, and I must explain to him clearly." Attorney Jiang was struggling.

"Do you have to explain it in such a way?" Do you think it can still be explained? If you don't want the military commander to continue to misunderstand, you go back first. "Xiaolong said that regardless of whether lawyer Jiang was willing or not, he bent over She picked up and walked to the parking lot on the side.

Attorney Jiang struggled and shouted weakly, "Where are you taking me? Put me down."

"Sent you home, if you don't want to do stupid things anymore, so that the army commander will continue to misunderstand you, then go home obediently." He walked up and said, soon came to his car, opened the door, first Lawyer Jiang put it on her seat and helped her fasten her seat belt.

Then he got into the car and started the car, but lawyer Jiang suddenly said, "I don't want to go home, you take me for a drive."

Xiaolong was very surprised at her invitation, but nodded without hesitation and agreed: "Where do you want to go? I'll take you there."

"I want to take a look at the suburbs. I want to breathe fresh air." Attorney Jiang leaned back on the seat weakly.

"Okay, I'll take you to the suburbs." Xiaolong still readily agreed.

"Why aren't you the Captain?" Lawyer Jiang muttered to himself.

"There is only one military commander. I am mine. I have the wonderful things that belong to me. You have to learn to appreciate the unexpected man in the military commander." Xiaolong couldn't help but speak out.

"But I have been fascinated by his eyes and can no longer see other men." Lawyer Jiang replied in pain.

"It's just that you got into the horns of the horns, there is nothing wrong with admiring the commander of the army, don't go away with the sword, so you have no chance to get along. You don't like him, but you are selfish." Xiaolong could not help listening to her He laughed.

"Selfish? If it was selfish, would I lose myself like this and go to meet him?" Attorney Jiang excused Xiaolong's words with emotion.

"Your sacrifice meets you, everything you do is because of your selfish paranoia, the ultimate purpose is to get him, right? But have you ever thought about it? It's just your own will, and the feeling is two Personal things, the military commander is very happy now, with his wife and children, do you think you want to smash his happiness, forcibly get him, do you love him? Does he agree? Isn't this your own wish? "Xiaolonghao Relentlessly tore up the so-called love attachment of lawyer Jiang.

Attorney Jiang heard his words, closed his eyes in pain, and murmured, "I know I'm delusional, but how do you know that I will not be happier with the military commander than I am now? I am more suitable for the military commander. . "

"But it's too late. The senior commander already has his happiness. If this happiness is destroyed, it will be a kind of destruction for him." Xiaolong continued to help lawyer Jiang to see the facts.

"" Attorney Jiang was speechless, but tears fell down. She never thought about it. She just wanted to stick to her attachment. After so many years of hard work and hard work, she didn't want to give up so easily, never, no matter if she was Not to be a self-like person, she believes that only she is the ideal companion for the military commander.

It's just that she doesn't have to argue with him in front of Xiaolong. She knows that Xiaolong likes her, but she doesn't like him!

Xiaolong saw that she no longer spoke, thought she was persuaded, and continued: "In fact, you could get along well with the army commander and be a private lawyer for the Mu family. This is also a fate of your life, but you are ruined by yourself. Well, now that things are over, accept this reality. "

"How do I accept this reality? I am a lawyer, I entered this law firm, and my hard work over the years has come to lawyer Mu family. How do you let me accept this result now?" Attorney Jiang said with emotion Excited to cry, "Would you help me, please? Master Captain don't fire me, so I will work hard in the future, and never give him trouble again."

"Can you really do that? Don't worry about those obsessions in your heart?" Xiaolong asked very distrustfully.

"It can really be done, otherwise I will still be fired, right? I am most familiar with Mu family's career. What I have learned with Master these years is how to better serve Mu family." Attorney Jiang said regardless of Xiaolong Drive and grabbed his arm and begged: "Please, help me, only you can help me."

"I can't help you, really." Xiaolong shook his head helplessly: "How does the army chief listen to me? For your sake, the army chief is very dissatisfied with me."

"What to do? I can give up my paranoia towards the commander of the army, but I can't give up the profession of Mu family private lawyer." Lawyer Jiang cried again.

Seeing her helpless crying, Xiaolong was very distressed and wanted to help her. He also hoped that Lawyer Jiang would stay. It was his selfishness. As long as she stayed, he would have more time and opportunities to take her. My heart is hot.

"But I really have no choice but to rely on you. Don't rid yourself of the irrational entanglement of the army captain and recover his body quickly. Perhaps the army captain will withdraw his decision. After all, Mu family private lawyers The position is not so easy to find someone to replace. "Xiaolong reluctantly returned.

"I won't be entangled in the army captain, I will also make myself better quickly, but can you help me find a way for the army captain to retract the dismissal letter now? If you have been with him for such a long time, there must be The solution. "Attorney Jiang looked at his voice full of begging, and also carried a trusty coquettish, which made Xiaolong unable to refuse.

He had to rack his brains to help find a way, but he couldn't think of it, and finally gave up: "You forgive me, I really can't think of it. Even now, I tell the commander of the army that you already know Wrong, willing to be my girlfriend to associate with me, I'm afraid that the commander of the army will not let you come back. He is now distrustful to me because I help you too much. "

After hearing what he said, lawyer Jiang was completely desperate and couldn't help crying again.

"If I don't work as a Mu family lawyer, what's the point of my career? But I won't do other work, alas, I really have no reason to live."

Watching her cry and runny, Xiaolong's heart broke. Although she was sad for another man, he really fell in love with her and didn't care about it. Just looking at her pain made her feel bad.

"I'm not as good as Lin Qing in terms of working ability and appearance, why she can be the military commander's wife, and I can't even do Mu family lawyers. It's too unfair. God is too unfair to me." Lawyer Jiang continued to cry.

When Xiaolong heard the words of the commander's wife, he suddenly had an idea. He parked the car on a green hillside and said to Lawyer Jiang, "I think of a solution, would you like to hear it?"

Attorney Jiang listened to his words and immediately stopped crying. He looked up with tears in his eyes and asked, "What is it?"

"Go ask the Captain's wife. Only what she says will be heard by the military commander. Maybe the Captain's wife will misunderstand you, but I believe she will forgive you as long as you can let go of it You convinced the Captain to let you stay. "Xiaolong looked at her with confidence and said," The Captain's wife is a kind person. "

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