"You asked me to ask her? How could she help me?" Attorney Jiang shook his head and said, "This is just whimsical."

"As long as you can rest assured in your mind, how can the Captain's wife not tolerate you? I heard that the manager Fang who had been miserable at Tongda Company, was fired, and her life was very unsatisfactory. The Captain's wife sympathized with her and took her back to Tongda Company to work. You must know that Ling always spoke, and his company's counterparty manager will never be hired in the future. "Xiaolong saw that lawyer Jiang was very improper to propose to him, so Tell her about Manager Fang's case as an example.

Attorney Jiang listened, his face couldn't help showing surprise, "Really?"

"Of course it is true. Now that she is already working at Tongda, do you think this Captain's wife will not tolerate you?" Xiaolong said happily. He wanted to like it for himself and thought of this in his anxiety. The method may really work.

"Well, let me try." Attorney Jiang finally nodded and agreed.

In this way, Xiaolong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, like a mind, "I wish your dream come true."

"Thank you, Xiaolong." Attorney Jiang said sincerely to him.

"No thanks, I am happy to do something for you. You are a good girl. By the way, you have to make your body get better. You are not beautiful these days. I hope to see the former vibrant one soon. Pure, beautiful, smart and capable little girl. "Xiaolong said with a smile.

"I'll make myself alive." Attorney Jiang nodded and answered seriously.

When Xiaolong returned to the army, he couldn't hide his happiness on his face. At last, Lawyer Jiang made him feel relaxed.

As for whether she will get the help of the military commander's wife and agree to help her persuade the military commander to recover the dismissal, it depends on Mr. Jiang's own ability, I believe she will do it.

In his heart, he only felt that Lawyer Jiang might have leaked his feelings towards the military commander, so that he would feel uncomfortable. He wanted to fire her to prevent a possible family crisis. He did not know what Lawyer Jiang did. Those things, otherwise he would not help her find a way.

He walked into the army commander's office, and the army commander knew that things were going well when he saw his expression.

He did not ask, and Xiaolong took the initiative to report to him: "Sir, Captain Jiang, Lawyer Jiang will not come to the military area compound to ask you to see you in the future, I believe she will soon return to the previous state."

"Huh? How did you convince her?" Mu Liyang asked.

"I just told her that this kind of entanglement is not an act of a lawyer, it will only make you hate her more, and her behavior is too selfish." Xiaolong asked softly, in many words, he was not convenient to follow one by one Mu Li reports.

Mu Li listened to him and nodded: "Whatever you say, as long as you don't come again."

"If she really let go of her paranoia, will you re-employ her, Captain?" Xiaolong asked seriously.

Mu Li listened to him and stared into his eyes. It seemed that he already knew what lawyer Jiang was obsessed with.

Instead of answering his words, he asked, "Do you still like her?"

"Like, I believe Lawyer Jiang will want to understand, it just takes time." Xiaolong nodded solemnly.

"You are also an infatuated person. Besides, if she can, I will consider it." The senior commander of the army gave him a promise, but then he said, "Not for the time being, since she has been dismissed, let her be good. Think about yourself, think about your own life, how to go in the future. "

Xiao Long nodded and didn't speak anymore. Even if Mr. Jiang could not convince the captain's wife, it was enough to have the promise of the commander of the army. He believed that there would be a day when he and the lawyer guarded the commander of the army. , Guarding the Mu family, and they will have their own small happiness.

However, Xiaolong didn't know that lawyer Jiang would give up so easily, otherwise she would not persist for so many years.

Just when Mu Li was worried about lawyer Jiang, Lin Qing also had an accident.

The assistant of the finance department came to Lin Qing's office and asked her to decide for her that her diamond ring bought by her fiance had disappeared. It must have been stolen by Manager Fang. She had to get Lin Qing's permission to search for Manager Fang's room. .

As soon as Lin Qing heard it, she lost a ring and ran into Manager Fang's head. From the understanding of her counterpart's manager, she thought it was impossible for her to steal it. But since the assistant of the finance department came to her to sue, she only I was able to ask about the process according to the procedure.

It turned out that in the morning, the assistant of the finance department took the ring down and put it on his desk to take a picture and upload it to the circle of friends to show off, but he forgot to put it on his finger again. As a result, he went out and found that the ring was missing.

Lin Qing heard the plot of the lost ring like a bridge, and couldn't help laughing: "Will you take a ring and don't put it on your hand? Why should you take it down?"

"Mr. Lin didn't know. I took it down to get the perfect shape of the ring." The assistant of the finance department justified it. "This is not the key. The key is that my ring must be taken away by manager Fang. When I went out, there was no one in the office. Only Manager Fang came in and cleaned the room. She must have taken it. "

"Is there any evidence?" Lin Qing asked softly.

"There is no evidence for the time being, but apart from her, our finance department will definitely not have someone steal my ring. I am confident of this. Only Manager Fang is living in a slump, and even if a dime rolls out of her pocket, he will pick it up No one is willing to bend over for a dime. "The assistant in the finance department determined that Manager Fang had stolen her ring because she was poor.

auzw.com "I don't think Manager Fang has three hands. Being poor doesn't mean that he will do bad things." Lin Qing couldn't help but excuse Manager Fang.

"Mr. Lin, you have to decide for me. You can't protect her. Just let us search her work room and body. Will it end? If the ring is not found, then I will not rely on her again." Finance The department assistant stated his purpose.

"Where is Manager Fang now?" Lin Qing asked, frowning.

"Just in the finance department, she wouldn't let us search her body or let us search her workplace, saying that unless you agree," the finance manager replied.

"Come to me." Lin Qing said, stood up, followed the finance manager to the finance department.

Sure enough, when I saw Manager Fang surrounded by a group of people, he seemed to be explaining something. When he saw Lin Qing coming, his eyes said with tears: "Well, now that Manager Lin is here, I am willing to accept a body search. You guys have to apologize to me. "

Everyone was eager to try and asked the other manager to search for him, but Lin Qing stopped coldly: "Slow, since the ring was lost in the finance room, have you searched carefully? Including the corners and corners, under the devil's table?"

The people said in a rush, that they had all been found, Lin Qing asked the situation carefully again, and said, "You all go out, leaving only the assistant and sister Fang."

The crowd did not dare to run against her intentions, and the finance office became empty.

Lin Qing squatted and searched carefully in the corner near the assistant's desk in the finance department. Manager Fang immediately understood that Lin Qing believed that she would not steal the ring. Since the assistant's ring was lost, it must have been accidentally touched. It fell, where did it fall, so I squatted and looked for it.

The assistant of the finance department was anxious at first glance, and said quickly: "Mr. Lin, the ring will definitely not be on the ground, it must be on Mr. Fang's body, so let me search."

At first, she heard that Lin Qing was letting everyone go out, and thought she was preparing to search for the manager of the other party. Who knew that she would make room for a ring, so she was in a hurry.

Lin Qing didn't look up and said coldly, "Don't you believe me? I'll let you find the ring."

As she stood up from the ground, she said loudly to the people outside, "You all come in, Manager Fang is innocent."

The crowds came in with a huff, and looked at her in wonder, asking, "Why does Manager Lin say this?"

Lin Qing pointed at the filing cabinet and said to the assistant of the finance department, "Look, is your ring in the innermost corner of the cabinet?"

The assistant of the finance department listened to her, hesitated, and refused to squat down, but another finance officer lay on the floor of the cabinet and shouted excitedly: "It really is inside, and Fang's experience is innocent, so no need to search."

Then he stretched his arms out inward and took out the ring hiding in the corner.

Sure enough, she was the assistant of the Finance Department, and she nodded and said, "It's my ring."

"In this case, you apologize to the manager of the party." Lin Qing ordered her coldly, watching her.

"I haven't searched her, why should I apologize?" The assistant of the finance department asked displeasedly.

"Do you know why, do you have to tell me?" Lin Qing asked her eyes tightly.

The financial assistant couldn't help but guilty, bowed to Manager Fang's helplessly, and said resentfully: "Manager Fang is sorry, I blame you wrongly."

"It's okay, just make the misunderstanding clear, just call me Lao Fang, I'm no longer a manager, but your cleaners." Manager Fang laughed with a broad and generous smile.

"I dare not call you old man," the assistant of the finance department sneered.

"Then call Sister Fang." Lin Qing's displeased interface said, "Come with me to the office."

Then he said to everyone: "Now although Sister Fang is our cleaner, I hope everyone respects her and respects her work. In all fairness, in this company, the oldest is Sister Fang, but she would rather If you give up a good job, you also have to go to the cleaners to create a good working environment for all of us. Their hearts are commendable and everyone should have a grateful heart. May I ask if you are Sister Fang? A good job for Sister Fang, however, she chose to do this herself. If I later find out whoever deliberately embarrassed her, don't blame me for not warning in advance, and bear all the consequences. "

After that, she turned and left, and the assistant of the finance department followed her uneasily.

Back in the office, Lin Qing sat on the boss's chair, picked up the ball-point pen and turned it gently, and asked slowly, "Do you know why I asked you to come?"

The assistant of the finance department shook his head and said he didn't know.

Lin Qing stared at her tightly and asked coldly, "Did you mean it?"

"Mr. Lin, how can you do this wrong to me?" The assistant in the finance department was very wronged.

"When you came in to find me, there was no anxiety of losing things, but anxious to let me order the manager's body. This is one of them. After I let everyone out, you saw that I still did not let you search, very Disappointed, and then nervous, my eyes subconsciously floated under the cabinet, this is the second. Manager Fang and I are helping you find a ring in the space you have freed up, but you seem to be afraid of what we will find. This is the third thing written on the face. These are not the gestures to lose valuables. "Lin Qing said as she looked at her, her assistant in the finance department sweating coldly.

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