At this moment, Zhao Pengfei only felt that the sky was spinning, and his eyes turned black.

Liu Fengchun’s words can be regarded as the fact that he accepted bribes, this kind of thing, in fact, is not a new thing in his position, but this kind of thing is a black box operation, mutual acquaintance, once exposed, his days in China Southern Airlines will be over.

Chen Yu took back the phone and hung up the video.

“Vice Minister Zhao, let’s talk about it in another place!”

Chen Yu got up, patted Zhao Pengfei’s shoulder, and then turned to Zhou Yingnan and said, “Minister Zhou, the next interview will be handed over to you.” ”

“Chen Dong rest assured, I will strictly check the identity background of every interviewer, and will not let the behavior of favoritism and fraud happen again!”

Zhou Yingnan immediately expressed his position.

“Well, go ahead.”

Chen Yu nodded and said to Liu Ying again: “You also come with me.” ”

The group of three walked out of the conference room, Chen Yu walked in front, and Zhao Pengfei walked trembling behind, thinking about how to deal with the next situation.

And Liu Ying, who said all this, was frank.

One went in, but three came out at once, and the girls waiting for the interview at the door were a little confused, casting doubtful eyes at the three.

Li Siya didn’t leave, she just called her dad and said the situation here, her dad meant to let her not panic, and comforted her that as long as Zhao Pengfei was in that position, she would not have no chance, even if this batch did not work, there was the next batch.

But at this moment, seeing that Liu Ying actually came out with Zhao Pengfei, and the chairman of China Southern Airlines who was offended by her, Li Siya’s heart immediately beat a drum, which is not good news for her.

“Chen Dong…”

“I was confused before, you adults don’t remember villains, don’t see me in general… I apologize to you…..”

When Chen Yu walked to his side, Li Siya immediately bowed crying.

But Chen Yu didn’t even look at her, let alone make any response, but went straight to the elevator room.

“Li Siya, you are a real dog!!”

Liu Ying, who was following Chen Yu, walked past Li Siya, and couldn’t help but curse, if Li Siya could tell her the real situation before she went to the interview, Liu Ying might not fight to break the net, because in that case, she would always have a chance.

However, because Li Siya did not explain the situation to her in time, she was caught off guard and was completely unable to deal with that situation.

And all this is obviously intentional by Li Siya!

The plastic sisterhood between the two will naturally come to an end, and Liu Ying will no longer be polite!

“Tell your dad to hurry up and beat that Liu Fengchun and decide everything!!”

Zhao Pengfei, who passed by Li Siya’s side, lost no time in giving advice.

Hearing this, Li Siya quickly nodded and took out her mobile phone to make a call…

Five minutes later.

Office of the Chairman.

Chen Yu leaned back on the boss chair, and Zhao Pengfei and Liu Ying were both standing at his desk.

“Vice Minister Zhao, you are also an old employee of China Southern Airlines, you know the consequences of making such a mistake, now, I will give you a chance to confess and be lenient, let’s talk about it, how much money have you collected?” Who in this batch of interviewees sent you money? ”

Chen Yu squinted and observed Zhao Pengfei’s reaction, this time he came to participate in this interview is actually to make a splash, satisfy his curiosity, and by the way see who the girls who are interviewing flight attendants.

However, Chen Yu never expected to find out Zhao Pengfei’s file, which was really an unexpected gain.

“Chen Dong, it’s really wronged!”

“I really never took anyone for money!!”

Zhao Pengfei naturally denied it.

“So, what happened to that video just now? Liu Ying’s father personally said that he sent you money! ”

“He recognized the wrong person, definitely recognized the wrong person, I don’t know him at all, why send money!”

Zhao Pengfei shook his head again and again, and said with a grievance: “Chen Dong, I have offended many people by sitting in the position of vice minister of personnel, because many leaders want to arrange their children or relatives and friends into the company, so people have asked me to eat and drink all day, but I don’t dare to take a single point, this point, I have a clear conscience!” ”

“It is precisely because I don’t do things for them, there are always people who want to me, I suspect that this time it is definitely a conspiracy of those people, they just deliberately make me stink, so that I can leave the company, so that they can arrange their relatives and friends to the company smoothly…”

“Chen Dong, I’m really wronged!!”

Zhao Pengfei found a fairly good statement for himself.

“So, what you do is all for the sake of the company?” Chen Yu asked with a sneer.

“Of course!”

“I’m loyal to the company!”

“Chen Dong, I have been working for China Southern Airlines for 16 years, and this is my home!”

Zhao Pengfei said with a sincere face, looking very emotional, and there were even tears flashing in his eyes.


However, Chen Yu did not eat this set, and slapped it on the table, making Zhao Pengfei tremble with fright.

“Faithful, huh?”

“Very well…”

Chen Yu’s gaze glanced at Zhao Pengfei coldly: “Accepting bribes is a felony against the law, since you don’t admit it, then you can only let the police find out the truth!” ”

After speaking, Chen Yu directly picked up the phone on his desk.

Seeing this, Zhao Pengfei immediately panicked, this kind of thing can be big or small, if the company solves it internally, he will be expelled at best.

But once the police are reported to the authorities, what he has done will definitely be discovered, and at that time, he will not only go to jail, but also face sky-high compensation.

Which is lighter and which is important, fools can clearly distinguish.

“Chen Dong…”

“I have something to say!!”

“I was wrong, it was all my fault, it was my confusion and greed for a while, which made a big mistake, I hope Chen Dongnian let me go in the part of my conscientious work for so many years!”

“Chen Dong… I have old and low in my family, don’t let me go to jail!” ”

Chen Yu only threatened slightly, and Zhao Pengfei actually directly admitted it, it can be seen that there should be many dirty things that passed through his hands. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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