Chen Yu put the phone back temporarily, in fact, after this kind of thing was exposed, it was not a small damage to the image of China Southern Airlines.

Therefore, if it can be handled internally, it is naturally better to deal with it internally.

“Say, how much money have you collected over the years? How many of your connections are in this interview? ”

Chen Yu interrogated with a cold face.

“Chen Dong, I’ve never done this kind of thing before, that is, this time I was confused, Li Siya’s father has been my friend for many years, and he begged my head, and I also agreed to help out of feelings…”

Zhao Pengfei replied with a grievance.

“Zhao Pengfei, it seems that I shouldn’t give you a chance!”

Saying that, Chen Yu picked up the phone again: “Hey, demon spirit…”

“Chen Dong…”

“Don’t, I said, I said it wasn’t okay…”

Seeing that Chen Yu really called the police, Zhao Pengfei was completely panicked, and he plopped down on the ground, frantically shaking.

Seeing this, Chen Yu smiled slightly, and said lightly to the earpiece full of busy tones: “I made a mistake…”

“Zhao Pengfei, you know the seriousness of this matter in your heart, I will give you two ways now, one is to return all the stolen money and get out of the company!” The other way is to let the police comrades talk to you… As for how to deal with it later, I have no right to interfere! ”

Chen Yu said coldly.

And at this time, Zhao Pengfei’s psychological defense line has completely collapsed, and the matter has come to this, and he can only sacrifice his wealth to save his life.

“Chen Dong… I choose the first path, I tell you everything I know…..”

Chen Yu nodded and turned on the mobile phone recording function, and for the next hour, Zhao Pengfei told all about the bribes he had received in recent years, and it was not only his own problem, but also the remaining executives of China Southern Airlines.

This really involved the whole body, pulled out the radish to bring out the mud, with Zhao Pengfei as a breakthrough, and the corrupt elements among the internal executives of China Southern Airlines also surfaced.

And such a result naturally greatly surprised Chen Yu, he never expected that he would come to participate in an interview, and there would be such a big gain.

“Finally, give you a chance to atone for your sins, which of the company’s executives do you think can take on the big responsibility?”

“Think about it!”

Chen Yu is naturally not familiar with China Southern Airlines as Zhao Pengfei, an old fried fritters who has been mixed for more than ten years, and now, he needs to find someone with outstanding ability to preside over the overall situation and put the senior management of China Southern Airlines in order.

And this kind of work Chen Yu himself is not willing to do, it is too energy-consuming.

After all, he just wants to live the ordinary life of a billionaire …

“Ren Jing!”

Zhao Pengfei blurted out a name, and then continued: Jing is definitely a rare talent, but it’s a pity… She has a strong personality, she is not smooth enough in the world, and she has been squeezed out of the high-level son…”

“So what is her position now?”

Chen Yu believed that Zhao Peng at this time was going to lie again, there was a good saying, and people will die and their words are good.

Zhao Pengfei, a person who is about to get out of Southern Airlines, naturally there is no need to fool Chen Yu, especially since he still has such a big handle in Chen Yu’s hands, of course, he does not dare to play tricks!

“She is now the secretary of the Youth League Committee.”

China Southern Airlines was originally a state-owned enterprise, but later with the economic development, state-owned enterprises have been restructured, and China Southern Airlines has also been acquired and turned into a private enterprise, but its official background as an airline is still there, and it still retains some departmental settings of the state-owned enterprise era.

The Youth League Committee is one of them, but these departments are all Qingshui Yamen, and there is no substantive and important work, and there are two kinds of people who are sent to work here, one is the senior management who is excluded, and the other is the person who is entrusted with the work of China Southern Airlines.

“Well, I hope you’re telling the truth.”

Chen Yu waved his hand: “Go back and prepare to refund the dirty money, don’t play tricks!” ”

Saying that, Chen Yu picked up the phone on his desk again and called Shen Mengqiu: “Inform Hu Zhen, send a few people to accompany Zhao Pengfei and protect his safety!” ”

“Thank you Chen Dong for your concern…”

Zhao Pengfei thanked with a bitter face, which is protection, obviously it is to monitor him, but Zhao Pengfei has no reason to refuse.

“Chen Dong…”

“Then I… Is it considered meritorious service? ”

After Zhao Pengfei left, Liu Ying asked weakly.

“Of course…”

Chen Yu nodded, if it weren’t for this Liu Ying’s temporary “anti-water” this time, how could he dig up Zhao Pengfei’s large string of moths in the high-level of Southern Airlines.

Therefore, this Liu Ying really made a great achievement.

In addition, she is also an important witness to the Zhao Pengfei incident, and when Zhao Pengfei dictated those things, although Chen Yu recorded the sound, it was naturally more secure to have Liu Ying’s witness.

“I can inform you right now that you’ve been admitted!”

“Work hard in the future, stop thinking about taking shortcuts!”

Chen Yu said lightly, in fact, Li Siya or Liu Ying are all aviation graduates, and their personal image and temperament are good, even if they do not go through the back door, they will be hired with a ninety percent probability.

But the problem is that people in today’s society are accustomed to going through the back door to find relationships, as if they can’t do it without stuffing some money.


Liu Ying was overjoyed, her face was full of excitement, for her, this was really a blessing in disguise.

“At the end of the day, you will receive an admission call, in addition, the matter about Zhao Pengfei may require you and your family to testify or something, you should be mentally prepared.”

“Okay, thank you Chen Dong…”

“Thank you Chen Dong…” Liu Ying bowed to Chen Yu happily, and walked out of the office with brisk steps.

Chen Yu sat in the boss’s chair and smoked a cigarette, went through the matter, and then, also left the office, he did not return to the interview site, but went to the Youth League Committee…

“I heard that our chairman came to the company today.”

“Yes, it seems that I came to check the interview review.”

“I heard from friends in the finance department that our chairman is super handsome.”

“yes? How handsome is it?? ”

“In short, it is very handsome, it is said to be more handsome than those male stars!”

“Listening to you say this, I’m quite curious, but unfortunately, the chairman can’t come to us for eight hundred years…”

In the office of the Youth League Committee, two young female employees chatted idly.

And at this moment, a gentle voice suddenly sounded at the door of the office: “Excuse me, is Secretary Ren here?” “_

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