
Chen Yu’s words choked Chang Yunfeng for a long time without saying a word.

The expression on his face also changed and changed, and it was cloudy.

After a while, Chang Yunfeng calmed down his emotions and said with a smile: “Chen Dong, I did something wrong before, I apologize to you here… You see that our two have always been a good cooperative relationship, and this friendly relationship has lasted for many years, this point, Brother Lei can testify, in the past cooperation, our two companies have always been a win-win state…”

“If we really take all our movies offline, it will be a big loss for Wanli Pictures!”

“Therefore, I still hope that Chen Dong can seriously consider it, after all, this is a win-win cooperation, we are all businessmen, there is no need to live with money…”

Chang Yunfeng said with a smile on his face, but there was also the meaning of knocking Chen Yu in these words.

“Chen Dong, I’ll bow to you again, even if the previous incident is my fault… In the future, we Starlight Entertainment will definitely support Chen Dong, as well as Chen Dong’s Wanli Pictures and Shengshi Entertainment…”

“I hope Dong Chen can ignore the previous suspicions!”

Saying that, Chang Yunfeng bowed again.

Seeing this, Chen Yu quickly waved his hand: “Chang always doesn’t have to be like this… I’m not used to it. ”

“I’m still quite comfortable with the way I was before!”

Chen Yu looked at Chang Yunfeng with a sneer and said, “If Wanli Pictures were not my enterprise, I think Chang Zong would not have come to the door today…”

“Everyone is an adult, not a child, you can do whatever you want, in addition, my business will not change overnight!”

“So, I don’t plan to have any more cooperation with Starlight Entertainment!”

After speaking, Chen Yu felt out a cigarette and smoked it silently.

And the fake smile on Chang Yunfeng’s face was frozen at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes looked at Chen Yu coldly, and he said for a long time: “So, Chen Dong has to fight a fish to break the net?” ”

“Chang is not a fish, and I am not a net!”

Chen Yu spat out smoke: “There is a good saying, the road you choose, you have to finish it on your knees!” ”

“So, I will continue on the path I have chosen…”

Chen Yu flicked the cigarette ash very dashingly, and then turned to Sun Lei and said: “President Sun, send your old friend out!” ”

“Chen Dong… I…”

Sun Lei also wanted to explain the relationship between the two, but Fang Cai Chang Yunfeng mentioned him several times, and at this time, if the two did not know each other, a fool would not believe it.

“Chang Zong, I’ll send you!”

Sun Lei was also helpless, and put on a businesslike attitude.

And in the face of Chen Yu’s eviction order, the corner of Chang Yunfeng’s mouth twitched violently a few times, and said coldly: “Chen Dong, don’t think that we Starlight Entertainment can’t play without your Wanli Pictures, and there are more than one of you in domestic theaters!” ”

“Next week’s King’s Creed is a big sale, I hope you don’t regret it!”

“Good selling…”

Chen Yu spat out the smoke again and said lightly.


“It was originally a win-win deal, since you have to fight for both defeats, I will accompany you to the end!!”

Chang Yunfeng gritted his teeth and said.

Chen Yu didn’t pay attention to him, but looked at Sun Lei: “President Sun, it’s better to send your old friend out quickly!” ”

“President Chang…” Sun Lei made a gesture of invitation with a tense face.


“The surname Chen, you will definitely regret it!!”

Chang Yunfeng glared at Chen Yu viciously, and after saying a cruel word, strode away!

Looking at his departing back, Chen Yu just shrugged his shoulders with disdain, as he said, if he hadn’t become the boss of Wanli Pictures, Changyun Summit would have appeared here?

Yesterday, he also used thunder means to put Shengshi Entertainment to death, and then, he found himself kicked on the steel plate, and now he wants to turn the fight into a jade, and make money with anger, where is there such a cheap thing under the sky?

It’s like if you want to kill someone, but you don’t hit the knife after swinging it, but you are taken away by the other party, and you find that you are not the opponent’s opponent at all.

And at this time, you tell the other party that we are friends, and the knife just made is a misunderstanding, what do you think the other party’s reaction will be?

Just really treat you as a friend, sit down and drink and chat??

What an international joke!

Once you seize the opportunity, or become strong, you will definitely kill again!!

Chang Yunfeng’s wave of operations is like this, yesterday he wanted to put Shengshi Entertainment to death, but today he asked for peace…

Chen Yu is not a fool, how can he do something to raise tigers, not to mention, he really hates people like Chang Yunfeng, so Chen Yu naturally will not give him any good face.

At the door of the Wanli Building.

Sun Lei stopped.

“President Chang, you have also seen Chen Dong’s attitude, this time I am powerless!” Sun Lei said expressionlessly.

“Hehe, I can see that President Sun is indeed powerless!” Chang Yunfeng’s face was full of sneers, the relationship between him and Sun Lei was originally a mutually beneficial relationship, and now, the interest connection between the two has been broken, so there is no need to call it brother and brother.

“Chang Zong, let’s do it yourself!”

Sun Lei said with a cold face, turned his head and walked.

“Mr. Sun, if you have time, you should plan for your future!” Chang Yunfeng said in a strange way, from Chen Yu’s attitude towards himself, he could probably guess Chen Yu’s attitude towards Sun Lei.

Because, in Chen Yu’s eyes, the two should be grasshoppers tied to a rope.

At this time, Chang Yunfeng also understood why when he first entered Chen Yu’s office, Sun Lei was in a hurry to clear himself from him.

He just wants to draw a line with himself to stabilize his position in Wanli Pictures.

“It’s not always bothering!”

Sun Lei replied coldly, and then he no longer took care of Chang Yunfeng, but took a deep breath, he naturally knew his situation at the moment.

However, he also clearly knew that even if he left Wanli Pictures, it was impossible to get mixed up with Chang Yunfeng.

After all, now that Chang Yunfeng has stood on the opposite side of Chen Yu, and Sun Lei knows Chen Yu’s power and background, of course, he will not choose to stand on the opposite side of Chen Yu as well, unless he is crazy.

Therefore, even if Wanli Pictures does not have a place for him, he will find a company that has no grudges with Chen Yu to develop.

It’s just that at this time, Sun Lei’s heart is full of regret, he really regrets why he has to rush to adjust the arrangement of those two movies of Shengshi Entertainment, otherwise, he will not be so passive! ! !

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