Chang Yunfeng was naturally very depressed when he failed to seek peace, but in fact, he was not very sincere, just under the pressure of his father Chang Baohua.

But Chen Yu’s tough attitude still made him very annoyed, he thought that if he took the initiative to bow his head and show goodwill, Chen Yu would take advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, and the two sides continued to win-win cooperation…

However, he never expected that Chen Yu would be so faceless, and he really thought that if he mastered Wanli Pictures, he could completely kill Starlight Entertainment…

In this regard, Chang Yunfeng was naturally very unconvinced!

After leaving Wanli Pictures, he went directly to the second stop of his trip, Bright Pictures.

Guangming Film controls the second largest theater line in China, Guangming Cinema, but although it is the second largest cinema line in China, because Wanli Cinema Line itself occupies half of the domestic cinema line, the gap between Guangming Cinema Line and Wanli Cinema Line is still very large, whether it is box office or the number of screens, accounting for only about 20% of the total.

Therefore, Bright Film is naturally Chang Yunfeng’s second choice, which is not enough, because Wanli Pictures has collapsed, and now Bright Film has become his lifesaver.

In the president’s office of Bright Pictures, Peng Zhiguo received him.

After all, Starlight Entertainment is one of the three major entertainment companies in China, and it also has a very good cooperative relationship with Bright Pictures.

“Mr. Chang, don’t worry, our Guangming Cinema Line will strongly support your company’s “King’s Creed”, and I guarantee that the number of films in our Guangming Cinema Line on the first day of the release of “King’s Creed” will not be less than 50%!”

Peng Zhiguo was very face-saving to Chang Yunfeng, and immediately expressed his attitude.

“Thank you, Mr. Peng for his full support! I believe that “King’s Creed” will also bring you considerable box office revenue! With Peng Zhiguo’s assurance, Chang Yunfeng’s depressed mood was much better.

“I also believe very much in the quality of “King’s Creed”, the appeal of director Wang Pin, plus so many big coffee, even if there is no Wanli theater line, the box office of “King’s Creed” is likely to exceed the 1 billion mark!” At that time, some people’s faces will hurt! ”

Peng Zhiguo laughed.

“That’s for sure!”

“The surname Chen still thought that the whole country was a theater line for them! Mr. Peng, I think this time is not an opportunity for your Guangming Cinema Line, such a domineering move of Wanli Cinema Line will definitely lose the hearts of the people, when the time comes, Mr. Peng, you cheer up, the reputation and influence of Guangming Cinema Line will definitely increase! ! ! ”

Chang Yunfeng incited Peng Zhiguo’s emotions.

“What Chang always said is very true.”

Peng Zhiguo nodded with a smile, Guangming Cinema Line, as the second largest cinema line in the country, has been suppressed by Wanli Cinema Line for a long time, and the two sides are also competitive, so this time Peng Zhiguo will not hesitate to support Chang Yunfeng’s Starlight Entertainment.

And his decision is not how much he gave Chang Yunfeng face, but just from his own interests, whether it is Starlight Entertainment or other entertainment companies today, as long as they stand against Wanli Pictures, they can become his allies.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend!

After all, the two sides have a common enemy, so this time the alliance is also a natural thing, but Peng Zhiguo has also become a refined old fox, although he will tilt “King’s Creed” in terms of film volume, but he will not give up the release of Shengshi Entertainment’s “China Southern Airlines Airport” and “Medicine God”.

Because this is contrary to the interests of their company, in addition, he does not dare to openly go to war with Wanli Pictures, so he just makes some small moves behind his back to support Chang Yunfeng.

But Peng Zhiguo did take this Wanli Pictures’ comprehensive offline Starlight Entertainment’s movie as a good opportunity, once the box office of “King’s Creed” exploded, and the audience could not see this movie in Wanli Cinema, the public’s favorability for Wanli Cinema Line will definitely decline, at that time, they can stand up in Guangming Cinema Line to circle a wave of goodwill, and can also take the opportunity to pull some audiences over…

“Mr. Peng, please increase your cooperation in the recent pre-screening publicity!”

Chang Yunfeng put forward another idea.

“Although Mr. Chang can rest assured, the publicity work, we will definitely come up with the highest specifications!!” Peng Zhiguo immediately punched the ticket.


“Then let’s wait for the box office hit of “King’s Creed”!”

Chang Yunfeng said with a look of expectation.

“That’s for sure, I will definitely be there when I always give the “King’s Creed” a celebration banquet!” Peng Zhiguo said with a smile.

“Then it’s settled!!”

Chang Yunfeng also had a smile on his face.

Left, Bright Pictures, Chang Yunfeng contacted the other small theaters one after another, hoping that the other party could increase the number of films in “King’s Creed”, and several small theaters naturally agreed gladly, in fact, even if Chang Yunfeng did not say, they must give priority to ensuring the number of films in “King’s Creed”.

After all, “King’s Creed” is a rare big production in China, famous directors plus an all-star lineup, box office appeal is beyond doubt, and small theaters naturally give priority to which movie is sold for money, which is not a problem of standing in line at all, but simply from the perspective of interests…

All theaters have said hello, Chang Yunfeng is in a good mood, and immediately called the company’s publicity department, informing them to promote as usual, and the release date of “King’s Creed” remains unchanged.

In the afternoon, Starlight Entertainment also specially issued an announcement for the release of “King’s Creed” as scheduled, emphasizing that “King’s Creed” does not change gears and is released simultaneously in Guangming Cinema and other studios.

Shortly after Starlight Entertainment announced the release of “King’s Creed” as scheduled, Shengshi Entertainment also issued an announcement, announcing that the two movies “Captain of China Southern Airlines” and “Medicine God” were all changed, from the original Tuesday release to Friday.

This slight change detonated the Internet fishing ship, because “King’s Creed” was released on Friday, and now Shengshi Entertainment deliberately changed the two films to be released on Friday, obviously to match the positive hard steel rhythm of “King’s Creed”!

“Haha, the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger!”

“This wave of operations is fierce enough!”

“Specially changed the schedule to one day with “King’s Creed”, 666~!!”

“Mr. Chen is awesome! To tell the truth, the lineup of “Captain China Southern Airlines” and “Medicine God” is not as good as “King’s Creed”, however, he dares to fight the knife head-on! ”

“Support Shengshi Entertainment! Support Mr. Chen! Anyway, I will definitely support “Captain of China Southern Airlines” and “Medicine God!!” 》”

“Although this operation is very burning, but I am really worried about Mr. Chen, “King’s Creed” is Wang Pin’s new film, an all-star cast, this battle, in fact, is not optimistic!”

“Mr. Chen: Lao Tzu doesn’t care what big production, famous director, or all-star you are, in short, it’s over! It’s not that there are no conditions!! ”


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