Starlight Entertainment.

Chang Yunfeng had already returned to the Yangcheng headquarters, and after seeing Chen Yu’s Weibo, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch twice.


Tai Tee is arrogant!

Do you really think that with the advantages of those two broken movies and the theater line, you can beat “King’s Creed”?!


Simply presumptuous!!

Chang Yunfeng scolded with disdain, and immediately, he posted Weibo again.

Starlight Entertainment Chang Yunfeng: @老实人陈先生30亿就30亿! It’s decided! A week after the movie’s release, make good on your promises!

Whoever does not fulfill his promise is a grandson !! Please be a witness from netizens!!!

“Wow, 3 billion bets, 666!”

“The big melons in the past two days are really enough to eat!”

“The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger!”

“Such a bet is very good, very positive!”

“@沙巴慈善基金, people sit at home, money comes from heaven!”

“Hahaha, no matter who wins or loses, the Sabah Charity Fund can raise 3 billion! That’s the big winner! ”

“Sabah Charity Fund: Two bigwigs, you play a ten-billion…”

“3 billion bets, just listening to it is exciting, sit and wait for the results to be revealed~!”

“I’m at the airport, guess what I saw, movie posters printed on the wings, have you seen it??”

“A friend just posted a circle of friends, and China Southern Airlines has movie posters printed on the fuselage, this operation is simply too commotion!!”

“Mr. Chen is really imaginative… Local tycoons… The city will play…”


The battle between Starlight Entertainment and Shengshi Entertainment has escalated, even to the extent that the bosses of the two companies personally gambled against each other, and the bet is still a staggering 3 billion, such a big event naturally firmly dominates the Weibo hot search.

And with the popularity of the event remaining high, the three upcoming movies have almost reached the point of being known to the whole country, which has saved both sides a lot of publicity costs…


The three films “King’s Creed”, “Captain of China Southern Airlines” and “Medicine God” were screened nationwide almost simultaneously.

The screening is actually a publicity for the film itself, and the audience who participate in the screening is almost all film critics, media reporters and other professionals, so the film’s point screening score is more convincing.

Many times the audience also watched the film’s point screening score to buy tickets.

Not long after the screening activity ended, the domestic authoritative film review website Bean Sauce also announced the screening scores of three movies…

King’s Creed 9.1!

“Captain of China Southern Airlines” 9.3!

“Medicine God” 9.8!!

After seeing the screening scores of the three movies, the Internet exploded again.

“That’s right, King’s Creed is at the bottom!!”

“Hahaha, Shengshi Entertainment is mighty, President Chen is mighty!”

“”Medicine God” 9.8 points, what kind of fairy movie is this, I remember that bean sauce has not had such a high rating for a long time!”

“What a face-beating point rating! I don’t know if Wang Pin will cry and faint in the toilet after watching it! ”

“@星光娱乐常云峰常总, is 3 billion ready??”

“@刘集美哈哈哈, Metro Line 1 is waiting for you~!!”

“@导演王品请问王导选好直播平台了吗? Trouble announcing it and waiting for your show! ”


The screening score will be higher than after the official release of the movie, because some film critics and media reporters will charge money for praise, but the manipulated comments are still a minority after all, and overall, the gold content is still relatively high, after all, watching movies are professionals.

Therefore, this point screening score will also have a certain impact on the box office of newly released movies, the domestic film industry has developed for so many years, the audience has become rational, the luxurious lineup is indeed a plus, but the impact on the box office is not as obvious as when the film market was just starting, the lineup is luxurious, and the box office movies abound.

Therefore, when this point screening score comes out, the situation will naturally be more favorable for Shengshi Entertainment.

Starlight Entertainment.

Chang Yunfeng is discussing the next marketing plan of the film with Wang Pin, Lin Hui, Liu Jimei and other creators of “King’s Creed”, originally this kind of thing did not need Chang Yunfeng to personally deal with, but the box office of “King’s Creed” this time is too important for Chang Yunfeng and Starlight Entertainment.

It is no exaggeration to say that the success or failure of “King’s Creed” almost determines the future of Starlight Entertainment, and the fate of the entire company is almost pressed on this movie, so Chang Yunfeng naturally attaches great importance to it, for fear that a certain link will go wrong…

“Chang Zong, the point screening score of our movie is out…”

Chang Yunfeng’s secretary, Zhao Xinxin, walked into the office.

“Well, how’s it going?”

Chang Yunfeng raised his head and asked, and Wang Pin and the others also set their eyes on Zhao Xinxin.

“9.1 points!”

Zhao Xinxin responded truthfully.

“Haha, steady!”

“I’ll just say, this is my work of five years to sharpen a sword!”

“This time Shengshi Entertainment is going to cry~!!”

After hearing this score, Chang Yunfeng, Wang Pin and the others all showed smiles on their faces.

The score of 9.1 in bean sauce is already very high, which is definitely considered to be the category of excellent works.

Although the screening score is on the higher side, this score will definitely drop after the official release, but as long as it is more than 8 points in bean paste, it is a good movie, and the box office will not be bad.

Therefore, the 9.1 screening score is actually a very perfect start for a movie.

“What about the two movies over there? How is the rating? ”

Chang Yunfeng drank tea and asked Meizi.

However, at this time, Zhao Xinxin’s face was not very good-looking, and replied weakly: “The screening score of “Captain of China Southern Airlines” is 9.3…”

“How much??”

Hearing this rating, Chang Yunfeng’s hand shook and he quickly put down the teacup.

Wang Pin and the others also showed surprise on their faces.

“9.3 points.”

Zhao Xinxin repeated.

“It seems that Shengshi Entertainment has not spent less money on public relations!” Wang Pin snorted coldly.

Chang Yunfeng nodded: “Obviously, this is the result of buying most of the film critics, and if the quality of the film is not good, you can only play these little tricks!” ”

“Mr. Chang, don’t worry, as soon as the movie is released, they will be in full shape!!” Wang Pin said with a look of disdain.


Chang Yunfeng nodded slightly, although the 9.3 score of “Captain of Southern Airlines” was somewhat unexpected to him, it was not completely unacceptable, after all, it was only a little higher than “King’s Creed”, and the two were still on the same level.

And “King’s Creed” is blessed by a famous director and a luxurious lineup, and after its release, the box office will definitely explode, which is beyond doubt.

“What about the other one?”

“What is it called the Medicine God…”

Chang Yunfeng took another sip of tea from the teacup, suppressing Fang Cai’s grievances.

“9.8 points…” replied Zhao Xinxin weakly.


Hearing this score, Chang Yunfeng just drank the tea in his mouth and directly sprayed out, choking violently and coughing…

Wang Pin, Lin Hui and the others on the side were also dumbfounded, one by one, stunned, and their faces were full of disbelief.

“More, how many points…??”

Wiping the water stains on the side of his mouth with a tissue, Chang Yunfeng asked with a black face.

“9.8 points.”

Zhao Xinxin repeated.

“9.8 points??”

“How is this possible!”

“No, no, no, it’s absolutely impossible!!!”

Chang Yunfeng couldn’t help shaking his head.

“9.8 points?”

“What an international joke, the highest-rated domestic movie on bean sauce is only 9.6 points!” Wang Pin pouted with disdain.

“President Chang, Director Wang…”

“This is not impossible, as long as you are willing to throw money, don’t say 9.8 points, 10 points is not impossible!” Lin Hui shrugged: “So, this point screening score is definitely brushed!” ”

Hearing this, Chang Yunfeng nodded slightly, and scolded angrily: “Damn, Shengshi Entertainment really put down blood for this point screening!” ”

Wang Pin sneered: “They think they can win by brushing the screening score?” ”

“What a whimsical thing!!”

“The day after tomorrow, King’s Creed will teach them to be human!!”

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