Chang Yunfeng, Wang Pin and others determined that “Medicine God” and “Captain of China Southern Airlines” were scored.

In fact, they themselves brushed the screening score and stuffed a large number of film critics and media reporters with red envelopes, otherwise, the point screening score of “King’s Creed” could not be as high as 9.1 points.

In fact, this kind of thing is relatively normal in the film and television industry, movie release brush score, TV series release brush praise, is nothing more than to attract more audience attention.

This is the same as some online shopping platforms brushing orders and brushing praise…

It’s just that everyone has a degree when brushing, and it won’t be said that the brush is too outrageous, as long as it’s in the excellent category.

However, the score of “Medicine God” turned out to be as high as 9.8, if this score remains unchanged after the official release of the movie, wouldn’t it be to create the highest rating record for domestic films.

Therefore, Chang Yunfeng, Wang Pin and other talents will be very sure that Shengshi Entertainment must have spent a lot of money to brush the screening score.

As a result, these people from Starlight Entertainment mocked on Weibo.

Starlight Entertainment Chang Yunfeng: A company got a high screening score for the movie, it really spared no blood!

Director Wang Pin: 9.8 points is more than low, isn’t it perfect to brush 10 points directly, is it almost that little money… Or are the backbone film critics just unwilling to collect money without conscience?

Lin Hui: Congratulations to a certain film for the highest rating in domestic film history… Kudos to you guys~!

Starlight Entertainment spoke out collectively, and the super high screening score of “Medicine God” has also become the focus of the latest round of attention of netizens…

“9.8 points, it’s really terrifying!”

“It’s really too tall, is it really that good-looking?”

“If this score is true, history will be made.”

“The smell of acetic acid on your face, isn’t it 9.8 points, this gives you acid!”

“To be honest, this score is indeed too high, if it is about 9.5, it may be more realistic.”

“As an audience who has watched the screenings, I can responsibly tell everyone that “Medicine God” deserves this score! Believe me, go watch “Medicine God”, you will not regret it!! By the way, warm reminder, prepare tissues…”


Wanli Pictures.

Review room.

If the films of major film and television companies want to be released in Wanli Theaters, they must pass Wanli Pictures’ own review, and then, according to the quality of the film, decide whether to go online and how many films are scheduled.

The review room is used to watch and review these submitted films, the size is equivalent to the VIP hall of ordinary theaters, and the projection equipment is the world’s top.

At this moment, “Medicine God” is playing in the review room, and Chen Yu, accompanied by Yuan Lihua, Qin Ruoxue, and Luo Xiaoman, is watching this divine film with a screening score of 9.8.

Chen Yu also wanted to see this movie after seeing this incredible screening score, although he was very confident in the works in “The Complete Collection of High-quality Works of the Parallel Time and Space Entertainment Industry”, but at the beginning he just threw a script to a new director who stayed in Shengshi Entertainment.

Unexpectedly, the movie made by the other party actually received a rating of 9.8, so Chen Yu was also very curious about the content of this movie.

At this point, the movie on the big screen has come to an end…

Sobbs sounded in the review room…

“It’s so touching…”

“This movie is too good to cry…”

“Woo hoo, how can there be such a good movie…”

“When I saw Lao Lu and Huang Mao again, I really couldn’t hold back my tears…”

The three women on Chen Yu’s left and right were wiping their tears while muttering softly, and even Yuan Lihua, who had always been strong, was sobbing constantly.

To be honest, Chen Yu couldn’t hold back, but in front of his subordinates, especially the three women, if he cried out, it seemed a little too humiliating.

Therefore, Chen Yu has been enduring…

However, when the film ended and paid tribute to the male protagonist, Chen Yu was really strained, especially Lao Lu and Huang Mao reappeared on the screen, Chen Yu felt that his tear ducts instantly collapsed uncontrollably, and tears fell down crackling…

“Your sister, who wrote the story is too good to cry!!”

Chen Yu sighed silently while wiping his tears.

“Good movie!”

“What a rare good movie!!”

“No wonder there will be 9.8 points, I can’t see 10 points too much!”

“It’s really good, a good movie that makes people cry and laugh!”

After the movie was over, the three women sighed one after another.

Chen Yu also quickly controlled his emotions and wiped away his tears.

At this time, the lights in the review room turned on, Chen Yu glanced at the three people on the left and right, his eyes and the tip of his nose were red, and the garbage basket in the ground was full of tissues…

“Chen Dong, the box office of this movie will definitely explode!”

“I think there will be at least 2 billion!!”

Yuan Lihua said to Chen Yu with a determined expression.


Chen Yu nodded: “This film is indeed good.” ”

“Chen Dong, I want to ask, who is the mysterious man? He wrote so many classic songs, but he didn’t expect that the movie he wrote was so good… It’s also amazing!! ”

Yuan Lihua asked curiously.

The screenwriter of “Medicine God” is also signed as a “mysterious person”, so Yuan Lihua is very curious about this mysterious person.

“It’s said that it’s a mysterious person, of course it’s very mysterious…”

Chen Yu smiled lightly and continued to sell Guanzi.


Seeing that Chen Yu didn’t say, Yuan Lihua couldn’t continue to ask, so he had to change the topic and said: “Chen Dong, I think we can appropriately improve the arrangement of “Medicine God”, and then increase the publicity with the 9.8 point screening score!” ”


“These things, you go and operate!”

Chen Yu waved his hand gently.

“Okay, then I’ll arrange it right away!” Yuan Lihua answered and took the lead out of the review room.

“Chen Dong, the gang of Starlight Entertainment said that “Medicine God” is a brush screening…”

Qin Ruoxue said to Chen Yu while swiping Weibo.

“I’ll see what these people say again…”

Chen Yu took the mobile phone and glanced at it, and then shook his head with a smile: “Normal, who let our rating be so high.” ”

“But well, you can’t let these people lead the rhythm.”

Chen Yu thought for a moment, and updated his Weibo…

Honest Mr. Chen: I saw that some people questioned the screening score of “Medicine God”… In this way, after the release of “Medicine God”, all the audiences who bought tickets to watch “Medicine God”, if they feel that the rating of this movie does not match the content after watching the movie, they can send me a private message on Weibo to refund the ticket…

As long as you think the movie is not good, I will refund the ticket in full and never talk nonsense!!!

Well, that’s it…

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