“Wow, it’s worthy of President Chen, it’s really atmospheric!”

“It’s okay to refund the ticket in full, Niu Break~!”

“As long as the movie is not good, the ticket will be refunded, is it really fake?”

“President Chen is not afraid of someone maliciously commenting badly??”

“Hahaha, brothers, the opportunity to watch movies for free has come!”

“Is it so confident, if this is a refund for the whole people, how can it be done…”

“Dare to say such things, presumably “Medicine God” must be very good!”

“Nonsense aside, I will definitely go to the theater the day after tomorrow to support “Medicine God”!!”

“I still believe in Mr. Chen’s character, and I must support the Medicine God!!”

“The boss who dares to say such a thing, President Chen is still the first, whether it is really good-looking or not, he must go to the venue…”

As soon as Chen Yu’s Weibo came out, the comment area instantly poured into countless netizens, and Chen Yu, who had just opened Weibo for a few days, had as many as 5 million fans, and his influence can be imagined.

Starlight Entertainment.

Chang Yunfeng and others scoffed after seeing Chen Yu’s Weibo.

“Refund if it’s not good-looking? Hmph, thanks to him for figuring it out! ”

“It’s just an eye-catching marketing tool, but it’s a way to attract the attention of the audience.”

“When “Medicine God” is released, organize people to refund tickets, I want to see if he really refunds!”

“The brush score is still so high-profile, it’s really a guy who doesn’t know how to advance or retreat, see how he ends…”

The flag that is not good-looking and refunded, but not everyone dares to shout, at least, no one has said so before Chen Yu, so Chen Yu’s promise naturally caused a huge sensation, people are very curious, what kind of movie can make Chen Yu so confident…

The appetite of the audience was also hung at once…


“King’s Creed”, “Captain of China Southern Airlines” and “Medicine God” were released nationwide together.

To the surprise of the public, the total number of films of “King’s Creed”, which lost thousands of miles of theaters, was still higher than that of “Medicine God” and “Captain of China Southern Airlines”, and the total number of films in the country on that day was as high as 25%.

“Medicine God” ranked second, with 23% of the pieces, and “Captain of China Southern Airlines” ranked third with 22%.

The combined volume of these three films accounts for 70% of the total number of films in the country, which can be described as very terrifying.

The reason why “King’s Creed” has obtained 25% of the film volume in the case of losing the Wanli theater line is mainly due to the support of other theaters, in the second largest theater line in China, the number of films in “King’s Creed” is as high as 58%, while the number of films of “Captain China Southern Airlines” and “Medicine God” is only 10% and 8% respectively, and they are not very good times.

The situation of several other small theaters is similar, everyone is the main promotion of “King’s Creed”, “Captain of China Southern Airlines” and “Medicine God” are very small.

After the operation of this trade-off, the total number of films in the country of “King’s Creed” exceeded that of “Medicine God” and “Captain of China Southern Airlines”, which have thousands of miles of theaters.

In fact, if the Wanli Cinema Line does not balance the two movies “Medicine God” and “Captain China Southern Airlines”, the number of films in a single film can complete the crushing of “King’s Creed”…

When they saw such a number of films, the people of Starlight Entertainment naturally smiled.

“What can you do without a Wanli cinema line, you haven’t won the first place in the total number of films!”

“Haha, the total number of films ranked first, and the blessing of a famous director and a luxurious lineup, the box office is stable!”

“Mr. Chang, I think you can inform Chen Yu to prepare the 3 billion donations!”

“Alas, if you already knew it, you should have raised the bet to ten billion, see what he does!!”

“3 billion is enough for him to drink a pot, such a large amount of cash flow, which company is difficult to get…”

“Hehe, when the box office on the first day is released, we can dispatch a marketing number to mock a wave of Shengshi Entertainment, and then our Starlite’s stock price will definitely rise sharply…”

The people of Starlight Entertainment, led by Chang Yunfeng and Wang Pin, are very optimistic, just waiting for the box office explosion of “King’s Creed” on the first day and crushing the opponent…

Theaters across the country are open at half past nine, and this time is the trough of watching movies, and because Friday is a working day, there are naturally fewer people watching movies…

So, Friday morning’s box office is usually not too high…

There are statistics on the real-time box office data of the day on the bean paste network, but in view of the relatively small box office in the morning, the data will be refreshed for the first time at twelve o’clock at noon, and after that, it will be refreshed every two hours…


The box office refreshed for the first time that day…

1, “King’s Creed” 16 million

2, “Medicine God” 14 million

3, “Captain of China Southern Airlines” 11 million


“King’s Creed”, which ranked first in the number of films and had a famous director and a luxurious lineup, unsurprisingly won the first place.

“Medicine God” and “Captain of China Southern Airlines” are ranked second and third respectively.

As soon as such data came out, Starlight Entertainment was naturally jubilant…

Chang Yunfeng, who was paying attention to the box office situation in the office, jumped up excitedly directly, he has been under too much pressure these days, but this moment has been released…

“Haha, King’s Creed really lives up to expectations!!”

“The surname Chen, hurry up and prepare 3 billion!!”

“Hmph, fight with me, you’re still tender…”

Chang Yunfeng paced in the office dancing, but this seemed to be unable to release the excitement in his heart, and immediately picked up the phone on his desk: “Xinxin, bring me a bottle of champagne…”

“Well, you also come over and have a few drinks with me!!”

on the web.

After the real-time box office data came out, it also sparked heated discussions.

“It seems that the influence of the famous director plus the luxury lineup is still very large!”

“This result is actually not surprising, the fundamentals of King’s Creed are indeed stronger!”

“Isn’t it, is President Chen going to lose??”

“I said before, President Chen is too optimistic, Wang Pin’s appeal is still very strong, many people grew up watching his movies!”

“Wow! “King’s Creed”, which is rushed to watch with a luxurious lineup, is simply a garbage horse, and I advise everyone not to watch it! ”

“Just finished watching “King’s Creed”, this movie is too fascinating, I really can’t understand it, I don’t know what the director wants to express!”

“Highly recommend “Medicine God”, an absolute god film, the first of the year! A rare domestic conscience film! ”

“Just finished watching “Medicine God”, the first half of the smile, the second half of the cry miserable, is simply the pinnacle of domestic movies, believe me, go to see “Medicine God” will definitely not regret it!!”


With the large-scale release of the three films, the most authentic evaluation of ordinary audiences has also begun to spread on the Internet, although the box office of “King’s Creed” is temporarily ahead, but word of mouth has encountered Waterloo, and the evaluation of ordinary audiences is generally not high, either directly saying that this is a big bad film, or saying that they can’t understand.

On the other hand, the reputation of “Medicine God” is still as strong as when it was screened, as long as the evaluation of “Medicine God” on the Internet is not negative, all praise! ! !

And with the large-scale release of the point screening, the ratings of the three movies on the bean sauce have also changed.

The rating of “King’s Creed” has fallen from 9.1 at the time of screening to 8.9, and the rating of “Captain China Southern Airlines” has also dropped slightly, from 9.3 to 9.2.

However, the score of “Medicine God” is still strong, still 9.8 at the time of screening!

Wanli Pictures.

Chen Yu naturally saw the real-time box office, but he was very calm, without a trace of panic, and even tasted tea leisurely…

“Chen Dong, King’s Creed ranks first at the box office, why aren’t you worried at all?”

Qin Ruoxue, who was standing next to Chen Yu, was a little anxious for him, and asked with a frown.

“What is there to worry about…the reputation of “Medicine God” is good, you look at the reputation of “King’s Creed”, it has begun to collapse…”

“So, rest assured, it’s only a matter of time before the Medicine God completes its overtake…”

While holding the teacup, Chen Yu blew lightly, extremely calm.

“Chen Dong, are you so confident?”

Qin Ruoxue gently nuzzled her mouth.

“Of course.”

“You’ve also seen “Medicine God”, isn’t it good?” Chen Yu asked with a smile.

“Good looks are good looks, but I’m still a little worried… Chen Dong, you gambled 3 billion…”

Qin Ruoxue said with a worried look.

Seeing this, Chen Yu smiled: “Sit down and drink tea with me for a while…”


Qin Ruoxue really admires her boss, although the 3 billion is not her, she is very nervous, and Chen Yu’s party does not look nervous at all, if the box office leader is “Medicine God” is okay.

But the problem is, now the leader is “King’s Creed”!!

Two hours are fleeting.

Bean sauce network refreshed the real-time box office situation for the second time…

Since the battle between Starlight Entertainment and Shengshi Entertainment has long been hot, coupled with 3 billion bets, people have never cared as much about the real-time box office situation as today, so as soon as two o’clock passed, countless people refreshed the webpage…

And the latest box office results are also presented in front of people’s eyes…

1, “Medicine God” 25 million!

2, “King’s Creed” 24 million!

3, “Captain of China Southern Airlines” 20 million!


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